Module 1:
Introduction: Meaning, scope and importance of marketing research; own vs. agency marketing research; marketing information system; meaning, need and components, marketing information system and marketing research; marketing research process-I an overview; problem definition, formulation and preparation of research proposal.
Module 2:
Primary Data Collection: Primary data collection methods; mail survey, telephone survey and interviews and their evaluation; observations; experimental methods, questionnaire preparation and administering, organizing fieldwork for collecting data.
Module 3:
Research Design and Information Sources: Meaning and scope of research design; types of research designs, exploratory, descriptive and conclusive; sources and uses of secondary data, collection of secondary data.
Module 4:
Sample Design and Sampling: Determining universe, sampling frame and sampling unit; determining sampling method; non probability and probability methods; sample size
determination; sampling errors vs. non-sampling errors. Sampling: Steps &Types: Probability / non probability (simple, systematize; stratified proportionate, disproportionate), Sample size determination
Module 5:
Questionnaire design:-Steps in Q.D. with examples for each step. Rating Scales, Juster, Likert, Semantic Differential, Thurston, Attitude Scales, Scales for illiterate respondents
Module 6: Measurement Techniques: Nominal Scale, Ordinal Scale, Interval Scale, Ratio Scale; Scale Types: Comparative Scaling, Non-comparative Scaling; Attitude Measurement, Self-Reporting Methods, Methods for Rating Attributes, Data Analysis, Customer Research, Advertising Research, Product Research, Distribution Research, Sales Research, Marketing Environment Research, Internet Marketing Research, and International Marketing Research
Module 7:
47 Research trends, Behavioural Science Based Approach, Economic and Competitive Pressures, Consumer Insight Groups, Quantifying Emotions, Impact of the Social Media, Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Research; Research ethics, typical research errors, Research and culture;
Practical Components:
• Choose 5 successful products or services and identify the insight behind them through a field survey.
• Do a comprehensive essay on the difference between consumer vs. trade vs. ompetition insights & how best to exploit them.
• Take 5 recent digital innovations e.g. twitter or face book and identify the insights. Locate 5 non-users of search or mail and Interview their reasons.
• Choose 5 recent successful campaigns and identify their insights through consumer interviews. Present your findings to the class
• Choose 3 successful movies e.g. Dabang & Zindagi na milegi & My name is Khan---and interview consumers about the reasons for their success. Similarly repeat this with 3 recent expensive flop movies and Present your findings to the class