Management Concept and Organizational Behavior
Course code: MBA 101 L-T-P Structure: 4-0-0 Maximum Marks: 100 Course Type: Core Course
Module ‐ I : Management and Nature of Organization Introduction: Nature, purpose and functions, level and types of Managers, Managerial Roles, Essential Managerial Skills, Key personal characteristics for Managerial success. Evolution and various schools to management thoughts.
Module ‐ II : Planning and Decision Making Meaning and nature of planning, types of plans, steps in planning process; Objectives: meaning, setting and managing objectives – MBO method; Planning premises: concept, developing effective planning premises; Decision making, steps in decision making, approaches to decision making, types of decisions and various techniques used for decision making, Nature and process of controlling, Techniques of controlling.
Module ‐ III : Organizing: Organizing as Managerial Function – organization structure, formal and informal organization.Traditional Organization Structures – Functional, Divisional and Matrix Structure. Directions in organizational Structures – Team structure, network structure, boundary less structure. Organizing Trends and Practices – Chain of command, Moduley of command, span of control, delegation and empowerment, decentralization and use of staff, organizational design and organizational configuration. Leading as a function of management, Leadership and vision, Leadership traits, classic Leadership styles, Leaders behaviour – Likert’s four systems, Managerial Grid. Overlapping role of leader and managers.
Module IV Organisational Behaviour : History - evaluation, Challenges & opportModuleies. Personality - Determinents, structure, behaviour, assessment, psycho-analytical social learning, job-fit, trait theories. Emotions and Emotional Intelligence as a managerial tool. Attitudes, values, Perception. Learning - classicial, operant and social cognitive approaches. Implications of learning on managerial performance
Module V. Stress - Nature, sources, Effects, influence of personality, managing stress. Conflict - Management, Levels, Sources, bases, conflict resolution strategies, negotiation. Foundations of group behaviour : linking teams and groups, Stages of development Influences on team effectiveness, team decision making. Issues in Managing teams Organisational change - Managing planned change. Resistance to change - Approaches to managing organisational change - Organisational Development - values - interventions, change management. Organisational politics - Political behaviour in organisation, Impression management, Self monitoring. Organisational culture - Dynamics, role and types of culture and corporate culture, ethical issues in organisational culture, creating and sustaining culture.