Human Resource Planning and Development Unit-IHuman Resource PlanningApproaches to Human Resource Planning, Concept, Importance, Need for Human Resource Planning, Objectives Types of HR Plan, Dimensions of Human Resource Planning, Approaches – Social Demand Approach, Rate of Return Approach and Manpower Requirement Approach. Human Resource Information System, Human Resource Planning Process, Approaches to Human Resource Planning, Benefits of Human Resource Planning, Problems/Barriers to Human Resource Planning. Unit-IICareer planningConcept, Objective, Career Stages, Significance of Career Planning, Need and Components of Career Planning, Career Planning versus Human Resource Planning, Career Planning versus Succession Planning, Process of Career Planning and Career Development, Human Resources Evaluation – Human Resources Audit and Human Resource Accounting, Succession Planning, HR Metrics. Unit-IIIEvolution and Concept of HRDSystem Concept, Role of HRD, Professionals, HRD Climate and its Element, HRD Matrix, HRD Function, HRD Process, Role of Line Managers and Supervisors in HRD. Unit-IVAssessing and Implementing HRD ProgrammesTask Analysis, Persons Analysis, Organisational Analyses, Assessing HRD Needs, HRD Process Models Training versus HRD, HRD Intervention, Quality of Worklife. Empowerment, Creating HRD Environment, Evaluation Framework; Collecting, Data for Evaluation, Research Design, Issues Concerning Evaluation, Assessing Impact of HRD. Unit-VOrganisational Culture and HRDWorkforce Diversity and HRD, Labour Market Changes, Equal EmploymentOpportunity, Adapting Demographic Changes and Gender Issues, HRD Practices in Manufacturing and Services Sector