MARKETING MANAGEMENT Unit-IMarketing Concepta) Marketing Management: Nature and Scope; Evolution of Marketing; Selling vs. Marketing; CRM; Emerging role of Marketing; Marketing Mix.b) Marketing Environment: Concept; Need for Study; Major Elements and their Impact on Marketing Decisions. Unit-IIa) Consumer Behaviour: Consumer vs. Organizational/Industrial Buyer; Their Characteristics; Importance of understanding Consumer Behaviour; Determinants of Consumer Behaviour; Theories of Consumer Behaviour; Various Buying Roles in Family; Types of Buying Behaviour; Consumer Decision-Making Process in Buying.b) Market Segmentation: Nature and Importance of Segmentation; Pre-requisites for Effective Segmentation; Bases of Segmenting Consumer Markets; Market Selection Strategies; Positioning, Consumer and Industrial Market. Unit-IIIProduct DecisionsConcept of Product; Classification of Products; Product Line and Product Mix; Branding, Product SupportPackaging and Labeling; Customer Services; Development of New Product; Product Life Cycle; The NewProduct (Consumer); Adoption Process. Unit-IVa) Price Decisions: Pricing as a Marketing Variable-its Role and Importance; Price vs. Non-Price Competition; Factors Influencing Price Determination; Price Setting in Practice; Price Policies and Strategies.b) Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions: Why are Marketing Intermediaries Used? Marketing Channel Functions; Selecting Channels Distribution; Determining The Intensity of Distribution; Channel Management Decisions- Selection, Motivation and Evaluation of Individual Middlemen; Manufacturer-Distribution Relationship; Retailing and Wholesaling; Logistics of Distribution. Unit-Va) Promotion Decisions: Nature; Objectives and Importance of Promotion; Communication Process; Promotion Mix and Methods; Advertising; Personal Selling; Public Relations and Sales Promotion.b) Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects of Marketing: Consumerism; Consumer Protection Measure in India; Recent Developments in Consumer Protection in India..