Principles And Practices Of Management
Unit-1 Introduction and Evolution of Management: Definition-Scope of management-Functions of management-Managerial skills-Levels of management-Roles of a manager Classical Approach-Scientific Management Approach-Contribution of F W Taylor, Henry Fayol, Peter Drucker, Max weber- Behavioral Approach-Human Relations Approach-Contingency, Operational Approach.
Unit-2 Planning and Organising- Planning-nature, types, process and limitation of planning Organising-meaning, Process organization structure, Departmentalization Span of management, Concept of Authority, Responsibility and Accountability, Delegation.
Unit-3 Staffing, Directing and Controlling: Staffing- concept, need, human resource planning, recruitment and selection. Directing-concept, need and principles of directing. Controlling-Steps in Control Process-Need-Types of control Method- Techniques of Controlling-Benefits.
Unit-4 Management Practices and Recent Trends:
Benchmarking-Concept, Importance and Limitations Six sigma-Concept, Importance, Limitations and Process Total Quality Management- Concept, Importance and Elements Dabbewala's Management-Concept, Importance and Process Management in 21st Century-Challenges and Opportunites