Operations Management
Unit- 1 Introduction to production operations function
System concepts - Introduction to the Production operations function- operations management Decisions, Production strategy, product selection, Product design, process selection - Production / operations management, Productivity measures, workforce productivity (Effective supervision, Job evaluation, Incentive schemes, Human factors in work system design, occupational health and safety) work study.
Unit -2 Facilities and Technology management
Facilities management (Location of facilities capacity planning, ayout of facilities, equipment replacement, planning maintenance of facilities) plant layout and materials handling - manufacturing technology management,- emerging technology options- and choice - Automation and flexible manufacturing, system, Lean manufacturing system.
Unit -3 Production planning materials management and inventory control
Production system, functions of PPC, aggregate planning, planning for batch production, job production, conformant production system, project scheduling and CPM/PERT, materials management objectives scope and functions, procedures for inventory management, Role of scientific methods, supply chain management.
Unit -4 Quality management
Quality concept, Quality Inspection, Quality control, Quality Assurance - Quality circle, TQM Continuous Improvement, ISO certifications.