Operation Research Techniques
Unit 1 Introduction to OR – Concepts, Phases of OR, Application potential to diverse Problems in business & industry, scope &limitations. Linear programming (LP) – Concepts, Formulation of models, diverse problems graphical solutions –simple algorithm –use of slack / surplus / artificial variables max. / Min. problems. Simplex and big M method. Duality and relationship between primal and dual.
Unit 2 Assignment problems (AP) – Concepts, formulation of model-Hungarian –method of solution. /maximisation, /minimisation.- balanced/ unbalanced –problems. Transportation problems (TP)-Concepts, formulation of model- solution procedure for initial feasible solution & optimality check- balanced/ unbalanced- max./ min. Travelling Salesman Problem.
Unit 3 Queuing (WATING LINE)- Models- Concepts, types of queuing system characteristics of queuing model Problem based on the results of (M/M/1) model. Inventory modelstypes of inventories, cost involved, deterministic model, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) & Economic Batch Quantity (EBQ) with finite production rate, EOQ under price break,- determination of safety stock & reorder levels- lead time.
Unit 4 Network analysis- Algorithm as applied to problem of CPM & PERT. Project planning & control by use of CPM/PERT Concepts. Decision Theroy- Maximini and Minimax, EMV, Regrete(Opportunity loss) and EVPI criteria. Simulation – Concept- areas of application- Monto Carlo simulation & its application to problems - in queuing Inventory situations.