Business Environment
Unit-1 Theoretical Framework of Business Environment-Concept, significance and nature of
business environment- Elements of Business Environment- Internal and External environment-Micro and Macro Environment-Non economic Environment of Business : Cultural, political, legal demographic and natural Environment. Economic Growth and Development concepts of national income i.e. Gross
Domestic product (GDP) Gross National product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP). Human Development concept, Gender Related Development Index (GDI). Poverty Line and Micro-Finance Agencies. Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation on Indian economy.
Unit-2 Agricultural and Financial Environment of Business-Role of Agriculture in Indian Economic - Agro-Based Industries- Sugar, Jute, Food Processing. Food Security Indian Agricultural policy, concept of E-choupal for rural market. Indian Money Market:- Unorganised and organised money market, characteristics of money market, measures to strengthen money market. Role of capital Market in India's Industrial Growth-Government Securities Act-2006. Stock Exchange Market and its Regulation-SEBI NSE. Banking structure and Banking Reforms 1991 onwards.
Unit-3 Business And Government-Economic Planning : Rationale for planning-structure of planning commission- Eleventh Five year plan at a Glance. Objectives of 12th plan. An Appraisal of Industrial Policy of 1991- Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 SEZs : Concept, Advantages and Disadvantages, The Decision of Empowered Group of Union Ministers (ECOM). A overview of Balance of Payments. Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Corporate Social Responsibility of Business.
Unit-4 International Environment for Business- Role forms and sources of Foreign Direct Investment in India-New consolidated FDI Policy of 2010. Multinational corporations- NRIs and Corporate sector.
IMF, World Bank and WTO: organisation, structure, Evaluation and its advantages to India. Patent Laws-Business process Reengineering-Business process outsourcers.