SECTION-A Module-I: Introduction Concept of Research and Its Application in Various Functions of Management, Types of Research, Types of Business Problems Encountered by the Researcher, Problems and Precautions to the Researchers. Module-II: Process of Research Steps Involved in Research Process. Research Design: Various Methods of Research Design. Module-III: Collection of Data Concept of Sample, Sample Size and Sampling Procedure, Various Types of Sampling Techniques, Determination and Selection of Sample Member, Types of Data: Secondary and Primary, Various Methods of Collection and Data, Preparation of Questionnaire and Schedule, Types of Questions, Sequencing of Questions, Check Questions, Length of Questionnaire, Precautions in Preparation of Questionnaire and Collection of Data. Module-IV: Analysis of Data Coding, Editing and Tabulation of Data, Various Kinds of Charts and Diagrams Used in Data Analysis: Bar and Pie Diagrams and their Significance, Use of SPSS in Data Analysis, Non parametric & Parametric tests. Module-V: Estimation Theory and Hypothesis Testing Sampling theory; Formulation of Hypotheses; Application of Z-test, t-test, F-test and Chi-Square test. Module-VI: Techniques of association of Attributes & Testing Application and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Non parametric tests. Module-VII: Research Report Preparation Types and Layout of Research Report, Precautions in Preparing the Research Report. Module-VIII: Bibliography and Annexure in the Report Their Significance, Drawing Conclusions, Suggestions and Recommendations to the Concerned Persons.