SECTION-A Module-I: Introduction Cost Management, Cost Management Tools- A Strategic View to Cost Management. Module-II: Cost Sheet and Composition Overheads, Classification and Collection, Difference between Cost Allocation and Cost Apportionment, Absorption of Overhead. Module-III: Marginal Costing Marginal Costing - Nature and Scope- Applications-Break Even Analysis, Advantages and Disadvantages of Marginal Costing. Module-IV: Budgetary Control Budgetary Control: Objectives of Budgetary Control, Functional Budgets, Master Budgets, Key Factor.Standard Costing: Comparison with Budgetary control, Analysis of Variances, Simple Problems on Material Overheads and Labour Variances Only. Module-V: New Techniques of Costing Demerits of Traditional Costing, Activity Based Costing, Cost Drivers, Cost Analysis Under ABC. Module-VI: Cost Audit Cost Audit, Objectives, Advantages, Areas and Scope of Cost Audit , Cost Audit inIndia- Practical - Read the Contents of the Report of Cost Audit and the Annexure to the Cost Audit Report. Management Audit- Aims and the Objectives, Scope of Management Audit. Module-VII: Cost Control Cost Reduction, and Cost Control, Target Costing - its Principles, Balanced Scorecard as a Performance Measure- Features- Purpose, Reasons for Use of Balanced Scorecard. Module-VIII: Cost Reporting Reporting to Management - Purpose of Reporting-Requisites of a Good Report, Classifications of Report, Segment Reporting, Applicability of Accounting Standard 17, Objectives, Users of Segment Reporting.