Module-I: Business Environment Nature, Concept and Significance, Types of Environment: Economic and Non-Economic Environment and their Interaction, Environment Scanning and its Process, Interaction between Internal and External Environments, Emergence of Market Driven Economies, Essential of Competitive Economies. Module-II: Assessment of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) Assessment of LPG inIndiawith Respect to Financial, Automobile and FMCG. Module-III: Emergence of Micro, Small and Medium (MSME) Enterprises and Role of Institutions(8 Hours)Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises inIndia, Critical Evaluation of Latest Economic Policies ofIndia: Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Industrial Policy, Export-Import Policy, and their Impact on Business Environment, Role of SIDBI and Other Institutions. Module-IV: Assessment of Fiscal, Monetary Policy and Price Stability for last Five Years Introduction to FEMA, Consumer Protection Act, The Changing Dimensions of these Laws and their Impact on Business. Stock Exchange, Commodity Exchanges inIndia, The Role of SEBI. Module-V: Competition Commission Assessment of Regulatory Business Environment, Change from Control to Regulation-Changing Role of RBI, IRDA, Pension, Board of Financial Supervision. Module-VI: Agriculture and Business Role of Agriculture in Economic Development, Trends in Agricultural Production, Agro Based Industries, Dependence of Business on Agriculture, CorporateIndiaInitiatives. Module-VII: Case Study of Indian Industries Recent Mergers and Acquisitions by Indian Industries Module-VIII: Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade