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Monday, 30 November 2015 06:40


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Illustrate instructional objectives for Science teaching under cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, with examples.

2. What is meant by `Project' ? Explain the use, advantages and disadvantages of `Project method' for teaching of Science.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :

(i) Man and his relationship with Environment
(ii) Periodic Classification
4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Science Education in India
(ii) Diagnostic Tests in Science
(iii) Scientific Method
(iv) Laboratory Method
(v) Problem Solving Approach
(vi) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation
(vii) Teaching of Deficiency Diseases
(viii) Teaching of `Allotropy' in Carbon compounds

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Techniques of assessment in Science Practicals are different from those in Science Theory. Briefly discuss techniques of assessment of Science Practicals which you have utilised in your school and also construct a test-paper of Science Practicals at Secondary level in the _light of assessment technique of Science Practicals mentioned by you.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is science ? What should be done in your opinion to improve the teaching - learning process of science in secondary schools of our country ?

2. Write down the names of five effective methods of teaching science at secondary stage. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using any one of them for teaching in a class. Give appropriate examples to explain your answer.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching - learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level
(i) Chemical Equilibrium
(ii) Conservation of Momentum

4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Importance of teaching science in secondary schools
(ii) Demonstration method in teaching of science
(iii) Need for planning a lesson
(iv) Merits and demerits of objective type tests
(v) Improvised teaching aids
(vi) Important points in teaching "refraction of light"
(vii) Different teaching methods used in teaching `chemical bonding'
(viii) Teacher = pupil activities used while teaching "Food Preservation"

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the importance of laboratory work in science teaching. How will you plan and organise your laboratory so that students can learn `scientific method' and develop `scientific attitude' ?

1. Answer the following queslion in about 600 words.
Justify the place of science in secondary school curriculum. Give suggestions for the modification of methods of teaching as well as evaluation being used currently for teaching science at secondary level.

2. Distinguish between assessment and evaluation. What are the irnportant stepsiof test construction ? Describe the main points to be considered when setting a science theory paper.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level :
(i) Hydrocarbon
(ii) Origin of the Universe

4. Write notes on the following in about 720 words each :
(i) Project method of teaching science
(ii) A good lesson plan
(iii) Essay type tests
(iv) Maintenance of laboratory equipment
(v) Diagnostic tests and remedial measures
(vi) Teaching of laws of motion
(vii) Teaching of modern periodic table
(viii) Teaching of nutrition and health
5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Why is a science laboratory essential for teaching science in secondary schools ? How will you plan, organise and maintain an ellective science laboratory in your school ? What safety measures are needed in the laboratory ?

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Justify the place of Science in Secondary school curriculum in view of aims and objectives of- teaching Science at Secondary level.

2. What is inquiry approach ? Discuss ifs advantages, disadvantages and use of this approach for teaching of Science at Secondary level.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in ' behavioural terms and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at Secondary level :
(i) Magnetic effect of current
(ii) Chemical bonding

4. Write notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Nature of Science as a process
(ii) Laboratory method
(iii) Monitoring of learner's progress in Science
(iv) Science education in India
(v) Teaching of Allotropy
(vi) Teaching of Meiosis
(vii) Teaching of Second Law of Motion
(viii) Planning of Science Laboratory

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
While teaching Science at Secondary. level, you must have taught some topics through project method. Mention that topic and explain the various steps involved in carrying out the project. Write the project report.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Justify the nature of Science as a process and product, with suitable illustrations.

2. Discuss nature, steps involved, advantages and disadvantages of problem solving approach of teaching Science at Secondary level.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :
(i) Cell Structure
(ii) Chemical Formulae

4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Goals for Science Teaching
(ii) Principles of Science Curriculum Construction
(iii) Demonstration Method of teaching Science
(iv) Planning of Science Laboratory
(v) Diagnosis and Remedial measures in Science
(vi) Teaching of Conservation of Momentum
(vii) Teaching of Refraction of Light
(viii) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a topic from Science at Secondary level. Prepare a blueprint for the test to be prepared to assess the learner's progress. Construct the test, taking into consideration all the criteria of a good test. The test must have at least 2 to 3 test items of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.

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