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Monday, 30 November 2015 09:25

Management Information System


Management Information System



Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.


What are the most important advantages of databases over conventional file processing systems?  Explain with the help of examples.


Q.2  What is ‘what-if’ analysis in spreadsheet application?  What are the main features/tools coming under what what-if analysis?  Explain with appropriate examples.


Q.3.   Prepare a flow diagram of an inventory system in organisation.  Examine in the context of input/out0put specification and file design system.


Q.4.   Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end:

The managing Director of company is facing lot of problem in current practice of transaction of operations in his marketing division.  He is dissatisfied with the conventional file operation which not only causes delays in transactions but also causes loss in business.  You, being the system manager of the company are required to advise your MD.  In course of discussion, your MD was more interested in the failure aspects of IT application rather than its success.  So he kept on enquiring about IT application, their failure and feasibility considerations.


Keeping in view the above facts answer the questions given below.


Question :


  1. What are the possible reasons of failure in IT implementation an organisation?  During which stage of decision making is failure more likely to occur?
  2. Are only profit making organisations moving towards computerisation? Please clarify.
  3. Will computerisation lead to retrenchment of existing employees of the organisation?  It may cause unrest or tension among the computer illiterate employees.   How do you control this type of situation?


Q.5.      (a) “Marketing involves much more than selling and advertising.”  Explain.

(b)   How would you apply your knowledge of marketing concept to promote

  1. Safe environment
  2. Blood donations


Q.6.    (a)  How does marketing research aid marketing managers?

(b)  How would you reply to the small business person who says, “Marketing          Research is too expensive, so the firm will just have to get by without it”


Q.7.    (a)   Consider the following statement and discuss:  “The only thing that   channel intermediaries really do is to increase price for the consumer.”

(b)  Discuss the factors likely to lead to increased use of telephone, mail order and electronic shopping.  How will these developments after retailers’ present operations?


Q.8.  (a)  Why do many firms use a family brand?  What are the risks associated with this strategy if a news product is sub-standard?

(b)  What is the type of packaging you would adopt in the following cases and why:

  1. Premium Quality Tea
  2. Spices for export


Q.9.   Write short notes on any three of the following:

  1. Pricing methods
  2. Sales promotion
  3. Retailing
  4. Indian consumer market


Q.10.  Read the case given below and attempt the questions given at the end of the case.

‘The Motor Cycle Market’

Japanese manufacturers dominate the world motor cycle market.  They have models in every part of  The market and are continually bringing out new versions: indeed, some critics think that the rate of new model introduction has become counter-productive, since the market will not be able to absorb them all.

Harley-Davidson, the American manufacturer, has survived and is successfully selling its nostalgically, styled models at high prices in manor western markets.  The British industry, whish once led the world, disappeared completely.  All leading Indian motor cycles are being manufactured in joint ventures with Japanese companies.  There are some manufacturers in Europe who tend to specialize e.g.  in high powered sports models or small  mopeds.



  1. How would you go about segmenting the market for motor cycles?
  2. What segments would you recommend an Indian manufacturer to tackle in
    1. India,  (ii)  Europe?

Q.11.  How are financial systems, facilitated by computer software, important for economy of data processing and administrative efficiency?  What type of reports are generally generated in computerisation of financial system?


Q.12.  How can a firm use information systems to create new products and services? Give an example.


Q.13.  Write a simple programme in COBOL for preparing payroll of employees of a hypothetical organisation.


Q.14.  Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

To many, Tractebel SA may look like Belgium’s biggest utility company, but to its chief executive officer, Philippe Bodson it must be much more if its success is to continue.  Tractebel’s 1993 gross sales were 263.2 billion Belgian francs ($8.45 billion), nearly  85 percent of which came from gas and electricity.  Bodson believes that the tightly regulated European energy market offers little opportunity for Tractebel growth.  In addition, he points out that deregulation has hanged the European energy market allowing  non-European rivals to join the competition within Europe.  Bodson is targeting, instead, the emerging markets elsewhere in the world, and with over half a billion in U.S. dollars to invest, he believes he is finding opportunities for growth.

This new look at Tractebel is seen through the power lines and gas pipelines it is building in Argentina and Oman.  Moreover, Bodson has already clinched other power contracts in Canada and Northern Ireland.  His goal is within ten years t sell as much gas and electricity overseas as it currently sells within Belgium.  He believes his company is still far from being truly global.  It must compete against such giants as Duke Power (united States), PowerGen PLC (Great Britain), and Ruhrgas AG (Germany) for contracts in the rapidly expanding economies of Southeast Asia where the demand for power continues to grow.  “This is a gigantic market.  In Southeast Asia alone, we’re talking about tense of billions of dollars.”  says Bodson.  He is also seeking opportunities to participate in the privatization that is occurring in Eastern Europe.

Tractebel has also established a long-range strategy in communications as part of its program to identify other types of markets in which in can successfully compete.  The company now owns the world’s densest cable-TV network in Belgium, making Tractebel the largest private-sector cable-TV company in Europe.  The company is also now active in cable TV in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the United States,. Bodson sees the liberalization of Europe’s telecommunications market in 1998 as a major opportunity, although so far the company is finding it difficult to plan because of the lack of clarity on regulation that will be put in place at that time.  Management  has taken one step by filling an application to be allowed to offer mobile-phone services, thereby bringing Tractebel into competition with Belgacom, Belgium’s state-owned telephone monopoly.  To continue to grow and diversity,  Bodson and his management have much to do to identify and execute new opportunities, and to expand their span of control throughout the globe.

Bodson faces a second challenge closer to home.  He must tend to his existing businesses while continuing to diversify and globalize.  For example, Tractebel is facing a potential challenge to its cable – TV position within Belgium, a multinational country that has recently transformed itself into a loose federation of three national states.  Tractebel is viewed by the government and people of Flanders (the Dutch-speaking Flemish)  to be a stronghold of the French elite within Belgium.  As a result of this nationalist competitive feeling, the Flanders government has announced plans to build its own cable network to compete with Tractebel.



  1. Describe the levels, types and stages of decision making.  Your answer should, how manger find solutions using information system.
  2. Kindly read the following issues in connection with the case and answer the question at the end.

– Mangers ask questions like:

  • How can we enlarge market share ?
  • Where is our industry headed ?
  • Where are we strong and where are we weak?
  • What should be our strategy?

Explain how information systems can assist mangers in answering these issues.


Q.15.  (a)  Describe four functions of word processing software that would increase the productivity of a typists.

(b)  What is integrated software?  Give two examples.  How is it useful to a manager?  Give example.

Q.16.   Describe the features of COBOL as a programming language for business applications.  Compare its suitability in present day context with other programming languages.


Q.17.  A company, dealing in garments has its branches in all metro cities.  It ha been collecting information from all branches and analyses at headquarters.  With increasing com[petition in the market and recent Information Technology developments, the Chief Executive is feeling outdated and feels to change soon the team of managers.  He is planning to develop or buy application soft wares.  He has retained your services for the job.  You are requested to give the solutions in about three months time.

  1. How will you begin your work ?
    1. What are the advantages of computerized Management Information System?
    2. How do you decide whether to purchase or develop application soft wares ?
    3. What is Prototyping ?
    4. What are various activities involved in purchasing application software ?  Give advantages and disadvantages of purchasing an application software.


Q.18.  (a)  Explain the role of computers in modern day management giving    suitable examples.

(b)  Take an example from the store of an organisation and show how you would apply computerisation there .

Q.19.  (a)  Explain Systems view.  What do you mean by M.I.S ?  Elaborate.

(b)  Discuss Data Life Cycle and value of perfect information.


Q.20.  (a)  Discuss the features of COBOL and write a small programme for calculation of wages of an employee.

(b)  What do you mean by System Analysis and Design? Explain.


Q.21. Define PERT and CPM.  Explain their application giving suitable examples.


Q.22. (a)   Discuss different levels  of information handling with examples.

(b)   Explain different hardware components of computer giving their uses.

Q.23.  Discuss in detail the application of computers in the following areas giving suitable examples:

- Inventory Management

- Human Resources Management.

Q.24. What do you mean by Operations Research?  How doe it help in decision making?


Q.25. (a) Discuss management Information System.  Explain cost of information      giving examples.

(b)  What is a spreadsheet ?  Explain ‘what – if’ analysis giving examples.

Q.26.  Discuss how will you initiate computerisation of the financial activities of lyur organisation.  What major reports would you like to generate ?  How would  you link the daily entries for preparation of Balance Sheet ? What softwares would you like to buy ?

Present all this in a well prepared report from.

Q.27.  Discuss three application softwares that are commonly used in a personal computer.  Give suitable examples of their uses.


Q.28.  (a)  What is integrated software ?  How does it help a manager ?  Give   examples.

(b)  Explain the application of computers in Human Resource Management.


Q.29.   Explain role of Management Information System in modern organisations.


Q.30.  What is a data flow diagram? Explain its use in system design.


Q.31.  You are incharge of stores of a large manufacturing company.  The     management of the company wants to computrerise the inventory system.

Prepare a detailed project report giving the need for such a system, identification of suitable software and other related aspects.  Prepare an implementation schedule also.


Q.32.  (a) Explain the role of computers in the decision making process giving suitable examples.

(b)  Explain different parts of computer hardware.  Draw a flow diagram about the functioning of these parts.


Q.33.  Discuss the application of computers in

(a)  Financial systems.

(b)  Inventory systems.

Give suitable examples.


Q.34.  (a)  Explain the structure of COBOL Programs.

(b)  Prepare a data flow diagram for payroll accounting.

(c ) Explain the concept of data like cycle.

Q.35.  You work for a company which has its Headquarters at Mumbai and four Regional officers at Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad.  These regional officers control dealers and retailers in their region.  Of late there have been many complaints regarding non- availability of products in the market which lead to losses.

The board of the company wants a detailed report from you about this and the development of a suitable information system so that updated information can be available.

Prepare a detailed project report about the identification of the problem, approach to solve it, software design and other related issues.

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