Mba Global Network

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:36



1) Define marketing and explain its implications. Explain how marketing is different ,
from selling.

2) What are the marketing concepts? Explain the process of evolution of these concepts.

3) What is the consumer's place in modern marketing?

4) What is marketing mix? Explain the components of marketing mix.

5) What do you understand by the strategic concept of marketing ? How it is different
from marketing concept? Explain the basic principles of strategic marketing.

6) Why do firms go international? Explain with the help of examples from Indian

7) Imagine that you are serving is a marketing manager in a domestic firm which is not
very keen to go international despite good business opportunites overseas. Write a note to the president of the firm explaining the importance of international marketing and the involvement and commitment the company would be received to maks for entering international markets.

8) What is the relationship between market segmenthtion, market targeting and product positioning?

9) Discuss the importance of market,segmentation in marketing decisions and explain the bases of market segmentation.

10) What are the elements that influence in deciding the principles of segmentation and what will be the suitable base for marketing of Television in various countries? Also suggest the marketing strategies to be followed.

11) what are the different market targeting strategies? Explain them with appropriate examples.

12) "Global positioning is most effective for product categories that approach either end of "high-touch/ high-tech continuum ". Elaborate.

13) State the various modes of entry to foreign markets. Briefly explain each of them.

14) Differentiate between joint venture and strategic alliance. Explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as strategies for foreign market entry.

15) Differentiate between licensing and franchising and explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as international market entry strategies.

16) International business firm wants to produce the product in the foreign country and market it there. But the firm is not interested in investing in establishing manufacturing facilities in the foreign country. Identify the entry modes suitable in regard and explain them.

17) Which is the mode of entry where the international business firm can start international marketing without any investments abroad? Explain it alongwith its merits and limitations.

18) A company wants to enter into idternational markets. The company decided to involve another company in the foreign country. State the modes of entery where the scope for the involvement of a foreign company is possible. Explain those modes and critically evaluate and state in which situations each of them is suitable.

19) Examine the different strategies adopted by the Indian jute sector to survive and prosper in the domestic sector as well as in overseas markets, when the traditional use of jute as a packaging material has been threatened by synthetics such as polypropylene

20) Evaluate the factors of standardisation and adaptation of the product.

21) Describe the phase.s of the international product life cycle. How does it help to the planning of the product.

22) What are the risks involved in the new product development? Explain the process of the new product development.

23) What are the main characteristics of product development? Discuss the importance of product development in the present highly competitive environment.

24) What do you mean by branding? Explain the importance of branding.

25) Do you think that branding is an important marketing tool. Discuss and explain the basic decisions in branding.

26) How would you formulate the branding strategies for textile products? Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various branding strategies.

27) Describe the,functions and importance of packaging. what are the special considerations in packaging and labelling in international marketing?

28) Differentiate between warranty and guarantee. What are their role in marketing,

29) Distinguish between direct and indirect selling channel. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both the channels.

30) Distinguish between domestic agents and domestic merchants. Explain various types
of domestic agents.

31) Describe various types of domestic merchants with suitable examples.

32) What are the factors affecting the channel choice ? Discuss the criteria for selection
of channels.

33) Do you think that the overseas agents are advantageous. Discuss and explain how can you identify a foreign agent,

34) Draft a hypothetical export agency agreement.

35) Write short notes on the following:
(a) Overseas agent
(b) Piggybackings
(c) Export agency agreements.

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