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Friday, 14 October 2016 11:43

MS-21 December,

December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. All
questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. What are the strategies available to a manager in an organisational set to enhance employee motivation ?

2. Briefly describe the components of Emotional intelligence and its importance in organisations. Can emotional intelligence be learnt ? Discuss in brief.

3. Briefly discuss different group decision makingtechniques and their strengths and weakness.

4. Describe Johari Window Model and Transactional analysis. Discuss how these models help in strengthening interpersonal relations ?

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Qualities of an effective Counselor.
(b) Preventing Inter-group conflict.
(c) Referrent Power.
(d) Characteristics of Learning organization
(e) Cultural Shock.

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Dharam Singh, general manager at 'Prithviraj Chemicals' was worried about his future, even though he had been told that after 'Prithviraj Chemicals' is merged with Orchid Pharmaceuticals he would be promoted and also be required to shoulder the additional responsibility of identifying those who should be retained as employees even after the merger. Dharam was concerned because he had heard that the organisational culture at 'Orchid' was computer driven, while at 'Prithviraj Chemicals', the focus was on "relationship"

A month later after the official merger of the two companies, the new management took the decision to shift the headquarters to Bangalore from Mysore. This decision was communicated to its employees, (many of 'Prithviraj Chemicals'). They approached Dharam Singh to ask 'Why was the new management shifting its Headquarters to a new place (Bangalore)', Was it because the two managements did not trust each other ?' This question was posed especially because most of Prithviraj's employees had become used to the'quiet, risk averse and friendly work environment' and were worried whether in Bangalore, with its 'cosmopolitan outlook, it would lead to cultural clashes.

As anticipated there were certain instances which had Dharam Singh wondering how to solve such cultural differences. The 'Prithviraj employees' consensus, relationship-result oriented approach always believed in an open communication system with all employees keeping each other informed about any decision and bringing about a consensus in all the decisions taken. On the other hand, the 'Orchid' employees were individually only concerned with their 'individual' work i.e., they were more focused on ambitious cost-cutting goals and each employee was individually responsible for quantifiable results.

• Whenever any work related problem arose,the 'Prithviraj' employees adopted an attitude 'Tell us about the problem from all angles and we will discuss and tell you how best to handle it.' In contrast, the 'Orchid' employees attitude was 'just tell me how this problem will/may affect my work, I am not interested in the whole problem.

. Many of 'Orchid' employees had worked in other cities of North India and few of them had also travelled abroad for official work and thus were more confident, more computer savvy, tough and didn't mince words. Because of this, the 'Prithviraj' employees felt threatened and preferred to describe 'Orchid' employees as 'loners','tough' and 'hard working.'

• At 'Prithviraj', employees were required to make weekly financial and staffing updates to their 'bosses'. However, at 'Orchid' this formality was considered to be a waste of time and they didn't adopt or accept this practice.
Dharam Singh had been with 'Prithviraj since the last 12 years and knew that 'Sudhir' (the M.D. at 'Prithviraj') had a lot of confidence in him when he had said "Dharam, I am very sure that we can count on you to see that there is no dissent among the employees after the merger. The new company is looking upon you to solve the societal-level cultural difference which is prevailing among the employees, so that we can have our own unique culture which would be a blend of both 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid's way of doing business."

Questions :
(a) Critically analyse the core issues of the case.

(b) Understanding the type of culture followed by 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid', what type of culture should the newly merged company follow ?

(c) Can you suggest ways to help Dharam Singh to cope with the existing cultural differences ?

Published in Ms-21 Question bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 07:59

MS-9 December, 2015

Term-End Examination

December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : (i) There are two Sections : Section-A and Section-B.
(ii) Attempt three questions from Section-A carrying 20 marks each.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Explain the equi-marginal principle. Elucidate with the help of examples.
2. Discuss any five variables, which can be included in the demand function and can have a major impact on the demand.
3. Explain the production function with two variable inputs i.e. production isoquants giving examples.
4. What is Oligopoly ? Explain the important characteristics of Oligopoly.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Bundling
(b) Cartels.

6. Assume a firm has the following total revenue and total cost functions :
TR =320Q — 2Q2
TC =1800 +50Q + 3Q2
Determine :
(a) The level of output at which the firm will be maximizing profits ;
 (b) The level of output at which total revenue will be maximum.
7. (a) Explain why a firm facing a downward sloping demand curve would never produce the inelastic (ep < 1) portion of the demand curve.
    (b) When would the firm operate at the point where demand curve is unitary elastic ?

Published in Ms-9 Question bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 07:51

MS-8 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
MS-8 December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) Section A has six questions, each carrying 15 marks. Attempt any four questions from this
(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. Attempt both questions.
(iii) Statistical tables may be supplied on request.
(iv) Use of calculator is permissible.

- A
1. A person pays a total of Z 975 through monthly installments each less than the former by Z 5. The
first installment is ! 100. In how many installments will the amount be paid ?

2. Calculate the harmonic mean from the following frequency distribution :






3. The incidence of a certain disease is such that on an average 20% of workers suffer from it. If 10 workers are selected at random, find the probability that :

(a) Exactly two workers suffer from the disease.
(b) Not more than 2 workers suffer from the disease.

4. Explain the meaning of sampling distribution of a sample statistic. Obtain the sampling distribution of mean in case of sampling from infinite populations.

5. A company wants to study the relation between R and D expenditure (X) and sales (Y) for the ten-year period. Determine the correlation coefficient between these variables.





6. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Identity matrix
(b) Quantiles
(c) Axioms of probability
(d) The power curve of a test
(e) Mixed Auto-regressive - moving average models



7. The mean life of a sample of 10 electric bulbs was found to be 1456 hours with a standard deviation of 423 hours. A second sample of 17 bulbs chosen from a different batch showed a mean life of 1280
hours with a standard deviation of 398 hours. Is there a significant difference between the meansof the two batches ? 

8. What is skewness ? Distinguish between Karl Pearson's and Bowley's coefficient of skewness. Which one of these would you prefer and why ?

Published in Ms-8 Question bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 07:06

MS-5 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) Answer any four questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the importantce of Management of materials in production system in modern
manufacturing industry.
(b) Distinguish between Strategic Decisions and Operational Decisions. Discuss.

2. (a) Describe the major quantitative models used for facility location.
    (b) Briefly explain the 'continuous flow process'. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a continuous flow process.

3. (a) Describe the work measurement procedure. Discuss the major techniques of work measurement.
    (b) "Environmental factor is necessary in modern industry." Do you agree ? Explain with examples.

4. (a) Describe 'Kilbridge - Wester' method and 'Helgeson - Birnie' method.
    (b) How maintenance system can be profitable in a large -scale industry ? Discuss the various types of maintenance systems.

5. (a) What is value engineering ? Discuss its importance.
    (b) Distinguish between 'quality control', 'quality assurance' and 'total quality management.'

6. (a) Describe the technique of 'economic order quantity'. Derive classical economic order quantity formula, state the major assumptions.

(b) State the objectives of codification. Discuss the essential features of a good codification system.

Published in Ms-5 Question bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 06:45

MS-4 December, 2015

Term-End Examination December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Use of calculators is allowed

1. (a) Explain the 'Accrual Concept' and the 'Consistency Concept' in accounting and signify their importance to an accountant.

(b) Distinguish between 'Operating Profit' and 'Net Profit'. Which is a measure of operational efficiency of a company ? Distinguish between Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure. Which is taken
into account for determining the Operating Profit ?

2. What do you understand by Fund Flow Statement ? How does it differ from a Cash Flow Statement ? Explain the main items which are shown in the fund flow statement and the purpose of preparing this statement.

3. What do you understand by Discounted Cash Flow Techniques of Capital Budgeting ? Briefly
explain the Net Present Value Method and Internal Rate of Return Method of appraisal of
projects. Which of the two would you rank better and why ?

4. Distinguish between :
(a) Profitability Index and Profitability Ratios.
(b) Earnings Yield and Dividend Yield.
(c) Fixed Budget and Flexible Budget.
(d) Direct Labour Rate Variance and Direct Labour Efficiency Variance.

5. Explain the following statements, giving reasons :
(a) Debt is a double-edged weapon.
(b) Depreciation acts as a Tax Shield.
(c) Fixed Costs are variable per unit and Variable Costs are fixed per unit.
(d) When the use of operating and financial leverages is considerable, small changes insales will produce wide fluctuations in Return on Equity and E.P.S.

6. "Zero-based Budgeting provides a solution for overcoming the limitations of a traditional
budget". Explain this statement and describe the process of preparing a Zero-based Budget.


7. Following is the abridged Balance Sheet of ABC Company Ltd. as on 31st March 2013.





With the help of additional information given below, you are required to prepare Profit and Loss
Account and a Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2014.

(a) The Company went in for re-organisation of capital structure with the share capital
remaining the same but other liabilities were as follows :


Share Capital           50%
Reserves                   15%
5% Debentures       10%
Trade Creditors       25%

Debentures were issued on 1st April, interest being paid annually on 31st March.

(b) Land and Buildings remain unchanged. Additional Plant and Machinery has been purchased and a further depreciation (f 5000) written off.

(The total fixed assets then constructed 60%of the total gross fixed and current assets.)


(c) Working Capital Ratio was 8 : 5.
(d) Quick Assets Ratio was 1 : 1
(e) Debtors (4/5th of quick assets) to sales ratio revealed a credit period of 2 months. There
were no cash sales.
(f) Return on Net Worth was 10%.
(g) Gross Profit was @ 15% of sales.
(h) Stock Turnover was eight times for the year ignore taxation.


8. While finalising the plans for the Coming Year the excutives of XYZ Co. Ltd. thought that it will be advisable to have a look at the product-wise performance during the current year. The
following information is furnished :




Published in MS-4 Question Bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 06:39

MS-3 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : There are two sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from section A, which carry 20 marks each. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
1. What do you understand by Economic Environment in which a business firm operates ?Discuss.
2. Briefly analyse the growth and structure of Private Sector in India. Explain how does it contribute to economic development ?
3. Critically analyse the impact of regulatory framework on industrial structure and performance.
4. Differentiate between Current Account and Capital Account convertibility with reference to its role in rupee convertibility.
5. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Economic Development
(b) Administered prices
(c) India's Foreign Trade
(d) Privatisation
(e) Development Banks.
6. (a) What are the factors of widespread sickness among the Small Scale Industry (SSI)units ?
    (b) How can sickness be identified ? Suggest measures to enhance economic viability of SSI.
7. How has the public sector in India been able to achieve the objectives of economic equity with growth ? Discuss with examples.

Published in MS-3 Question Bank
Friday, 14 October 2016 04:48

MS-2 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A. Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. Define and describe the concept of HRM in the context of today's business organisations. Briefly
discuss various objectives and supporting functions of HRM. Explain with the help of
relevant examples.

2. What are the objectives, purpose and limitations of Selection Tests ? Briefly discuss various types
of Selection Tests and their applicability in the organisations. Cite relevant examples.

3. What are the goals and objectives of Performance Appraisal ? Briefly describe salient features, and
conditions for effective Performance Counselling. Explain with examples.

4. Define and discuss the objectives and functions of Trade Unions. Briefly describe the Theories of
Trade Unions.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Fringe Benefits
(b) Industrial Democracy
(c) Reward Management
(d) Workers' Participation in Management
(e) Assessment Centres

6. Read the following case carefully and answer thequestions given at the end :

The eleven workers whose annual increments were stopped made a representation to the management of YES Limited that the actiontaken was not justified and that they wanted to know what was their fault. The management which acted upon the recommendation of the department head concerned, Mr. Rai, felt guilty because such an action was taken for the first time in the history of the company.

YES Limited was a large paper manufacturing company in South India. Themajor departments of the factory were :

(a) Chemical processing : The raw material was mixed with certain chemicals for making pulp.
(b) Pulp department : Pulp was mixed with other ingredients according to specifications for each order of paper.
(c) Paper machine department : This was the heart of the factory where processed pulp was fed into the paper machines. Act first, a wet weak paper was formed which was subsequently dried and rolled.
(d) Finishing department : The paper rolls were then moved to the processing department where the required coating was given.
(e) Grading, winding and packing departments.
(f) Quality control department.
Twenty eight workers worked in the paper machine department in four groups — each group
attending one machine. The nature of the work on each machine was such that all the seven
workers had to work in cooperation. Because no individual tasks could be specified, the group was
made responsible for the work turned out by them. All the workers working in the paper machine
department had been with the company for over ten years.

The company did not have any incentive wage system for any class of its employees. They were all given straight salaries with normalannual increments. The annual increments were sanctioned each year in a routine way. It was the policy of the company that the increments should not be stopped unless the department head concerned recommended such an action.

Mr. Rai was placed in charge of the paper machine department a year ago. Though Mr. Rai was a newcomer in the organisation, he proved himself to be a very competent man. The management noted that he was very aggressive and enthusiastic and that he knew his job well. At the end of the year when increments were due to be sanctioned, he recommended to the management that the increments due to eleven men in his department should be stopped, for, in his opinion they were lazy and inefficient. The eleven men concerned belonged to all the four groups operating in the department.

The management, though puzzled about the action recommended by Mr. Rai, acted upon it and stopped the increments due to the eleven men concerned. The management were aware that such an action was the first of its kind in the history of the company. Most of the employees were with the company for a fairy long period and there was never an instance of strained relations between the management and the employees.

Soon after the action was taken, the eleven employees concerned made a representation to the management requesting them to let them know what was wrong with their work as to warrant stopping of their increments. The management were in a fix because they did not have specific reasons to give except Mr. Rai's report in which he simply mentioned that the eleven men concerned were "lazy and inefficient".

The management were naturally concerned about the representation and therefore, they tried
to ascertain from Mr. Rai the detailed circumstances under which he recommended the stoppage of increments. When Mr. Rai could not pin-point the reasons, the management suspected that Mr. Rai's recommendation was based on his "impressions" rather than on facts. They, therefore, advised Mr. Rai to maintain a register from then on noting the details of day to day incidents of "lazy and inefficient" workers and obtain the signatures of the workers concerned. Mr. Rai was to make the final appraisal of each worker in his department on the basis of this register and recommend each case giving specific
reasons why increments should be stopped.

Mr. Rai started maintaining a register as suggested by the management; but he found it difficult to report satisfactorily any case of laziness or inefficiency for want of specific reasons. The management were convinced that their action of stopping increments of eleven men onthe strength of Mr. Rai's report was not a proper one. They realised that no similar action in future would be taken based on inadequate information. But, they were wondering whether the suggestion made to Mr. Rai was the proper course of actionto prevent occurrence of similar situations
Questions :

(a) Identify and discuss the core issue in the case.
(b) How do you see the action of the management of the company in implementing the recommendations of Mr. Rai, considering them as a sound appraisal and reporting system ?
(c) How would you view the action of Mr. Rai, if you were the M.D. of the company ?
(d) Do you think the reward system of the company needs to be reviewed ?

Published in MS-2 Question Bank
Thursday, 13 October 2016 07:42

MS-1 December, 2015

December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections : A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

- A
1. What skills a manager would require as he moves from middle to top management level ? Explain
with rationale and relevant examples.
2. Why do organisations feel the need for identifying and evaluating possible alternative courses
of action for accomplishing organizational objectives ? Describe various means for generating alternative courses of action. Explain with relevant examples.
3. What is Delegation ? What are the basic elements of delegation of authority and problems faced in
doing so in an organisation ? Explain with examples.
4. What is the relevance of inter-personal competencies in the management of an organisation ? Briefly discuss the determinants of inter-personal behaviour with the help of relevant examples.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Managerial Values and Ethos.
(b) Individual Vs Group Decision making.
(c) MIS.
(d) Successful Vs Effective leader.
(e) Resistance to change.

- B
6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

 Ms. Renu had graduated with a degree in foreign languages. As the child of a military family, she had visited many parts of the world and had travelled extensively in Europe. Despite these broadening experiences, she had never given much thought to a career until her recent divorce.

Needing to provide her own income, Ms. Renu began to look for work. After a fairly intense but unsuccessful search for a job related to her foreign language degree, she began to evaluate her other skills. She had become a proficient typist in college and decided to look into secretarial work. Although she still wanted a career utilizing her foreign language skills, she felt that the immediate financial pressures would be eased in a temporary secretarial position.

Within a short period of time, she was hired as a clerk/typist in a typing pool at Life Insurance
Company. Six months later, she became the top  typist in the pool and was assigned as secretary
to Mrs. Khan, Manager of marketing research. She was pleased to get out of the pool and to get
a job that had more variety in the tasks to perform. Besides, she also got a nice raise in pay.

Everything seemed to proceed well for the next nine months. Mrs. Khan was pleased with
Renu's work, and she seemed happy with her work. Renu applied for a few other more
professional jobs in other areas during this time. However, each time her application was rejected
for lack of related education and/or experiencein the area.

Over the next few months, Khan noticed changes in Renu. She did not always dress as neatly as she had in the past, she was occasionally late for work, some of her lunches extended to two hours, and most of her productive work was done in the morning hours. Khan did not wish to say anything because Renu had been doing an excellent job and her job tasks still were being accomplished on time. However, Renu's job behaviour continued to worsen. She began to be absent frequently on Mondays or Fridays. The two-hour lunch periods became standard, and her work performance began to deteriorate. In
addition, Khan began to suspect that Renu was drinking heavily, due to her appearance some
mornings and behaviour after her two-hourlunches.

Khan decided that she must confront Renu with the problem. However, she wanted to find
a way to help her without losing a valuable employee. Before she could set up a meeting,
Renu burst through her door after lunch one day and said :

"I want to talk to you Mrs. Khan".

"That's fine," Khan replied. "Shall we set a
convenient time ?"
"No! I want to talk now."
"OK, why don't you sit down and let's
talk ?"

Khan noticed that Renu was slurring her words slightly and she was not too steady.

"Mrs. Khan, I need some vacation time."

"I'm sure we can work that out. You've been with the company for over a year and have two
weeks vacation coming."

"No, you don't understand. I want to start it tomorrow."

"But, Renu, we need to plan to get a temporary replacement. We can't just let your job
go for two weeks."

"Why not ? Anyway anyone with an IQabove 50 can do my job. Besides, I need the time

"Renu, are you sure you are all right ?"

"Yes, I just need some time away from thejob."

Khan decided to let Renu have the vacation,

which would allow her some time to decide what to do about the situation.

Khan thought about the situation the next couple of days. It was possible that Renu was an
alcoholic. However, she also seemed to have a negative reaction to her job. May be Renu was
bored with her job. She did not have the experience or job skills to move to a different type
of job at present. Khan decided to meet with the Personnel Manager and get some help developing
her options to deal with Renu's problem.

Questions :
(a) What is the core issue in the case ?

(b) What, according to you, was responsible for so sudden change in Renu's behavior and work ?

(c) Did Mrs. Khan handle the situation timely and properly ?

(d) As Chief of HR function, what alternatives do you have ?

- do you see this as an isolated case ?,
- would you to check and revisit organisational systems and processes only after a case ? Substantiate    your answer with rationale.

Published in MS-1 Question Bank
Monday, 30 November 2015 10:26



1 Mention the role played by seasonality in tourism Answer with examples?

2 Discuss the various types of accommodation used by toruists ?

3 Write an essay on subsidiary services in tourism?

4 Mention the threats and obstacles to tourism in India. Give examples also?

5 What role can the local bodies and officials play in tourism development at a destination ?

6 How is history used and misused in tourism?

7 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :
(i) Relevance of maps in tourism
(ii) Role of media in tourism promotion
(iii) Social impacts of tourism

8 What do you understand by tourism system ? Mention the various forms of tourism?

9 How does a tour operator package a tour ? Prepare a two day itinerary of a package tour of your choice?

10 Mention with examples the skills required to be a tourist guide?

11 What do you mean by tourism ? Discuss the various types of tourism.

12 Write short notes on any two in about 200 words each
(a) Special Interest Tourism
(b) Alternative Tourism
(c) Silk route 
(d) Sustainable Tourism

13 What is tourism system ? Discuss its various components?

14 "In the recent past transport has become the back bone of Tourism". Discuss the statement with special reference to India?

15 What are the different subsidiary services involved in tourism ?
16 Define Guides and Escorts. For successful guiding what qualities are required ?

17 "India is a land of different Seasons". Discuss the potential of tourism with reference to Landscape, Environment and Ecology of India?

18 "Tourism Marketing is the base of tourism". Do you agree ? If yes, justify your answer.

19 Write a note on living culture and performing arts of India?

20 Discuss the Socio-Economic impacts of tourism?

21 Write an essayon historical evolution of tourism?

22 What are the various constituents of Tourism industry ? Describe their linkages.

23 Discuss the functions of a tour operator?

24 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :
(a) Escorts
(b) Political impacts of Tourism
(c) Role of Performing Arts in Tourism

25 Define the following in about 100 words each :
(a) Promotional events
(b) Market research
(c) Product life cycle
(d) Travel Agency

26 Write an essay on informal services in Tourism?

27 Discuss the sources of information needed for tourism business?

28 Write an essay on India's Biodiversity ?

29 \tVhat is the role of Monuments and Museums in tourism ?

30 Mention the infrastructure required for tourism development?

31 Explain the term "Tourism" and describe the various purposes which motivates people to indulge in Tourism activities ?

32 Why is it necessary for a tourism professional to obtain knowledge about regulations related to Tourism ? Describe any four important regulations related to the travel trade.

33 Discuss the need and importance for Tourism statistics. Explain briefly the various statistical means for assessing and comparing tourism sector data ?

34 Describe the major characteristics of a service product. What are the steps involved in developing a service product ?

35 Write short notes in about 150 words each (any four of the following) : 
(a) Types of tourist Accommodation units in India.
(b) Seasonality in Tourism
(c) Guides and Escorts
(d) Role of media in Tourism Promotion 
(e) Travel writing

36 Discuss the various operating functions of a Travel Agency. Also establish linkages between Travel Agencies and Tour Operation companies?

37 Elaborate the various steps in the Tourism Planning Process and discuss the role of Local Bodies in the development of Tourism at destinations.

38 Answer any two in about 300 words each : 
(a) Why do personnels in the Tourism Industry need to have a pleasing personality and
(b) good communication skills ? Identify and discuss the role of subsidiary services in Tourism.
(c) Mention the relationship and interdependence of infrastructure development and tourism.

Published in Tourism.
Monday, 30 November 2015 10:23



1 Mention the skills required to be an entrepreneur ?

2 Define management. Discuss the various management iszues in tourism?

3 Define the {ollowing in about 100 words each :
(i) Business Traveller
(ii) Balance Sheet
(iii) Projgct Appraisal
(iv) Controlling

4 Discuss the steps you would take to plan a convention?

5 Discuss the relevance of public relations in tourism business?

6 What do you understand by Human Resource Management ? Discuss its importance for tourism organisations?

7 Write an essay on food service management ?

8 How has information technology changed the management functions in tourism? Answer with examples.

9 Discuss the significance of management concept and the roles and responsibilities of a manager in present day competitive and multinational
business environment.?

10 What kind of qualities are required to become a successful Entrepreneurship in Tourism ?

11 Discuss the various views related to organisation structures?

12 What is Transactional Analysis ? Discuss its importance in relation of Tourism Business?

13 Write a note on Human Resource Management in Tourism ?

14 Discuss the role of I.T. on the various sectors tourism. Give relevant examples ?

15 Discuss the essential components of a tour package?

16 Discuss the role of Public Relation in tourism.?

17 Do you think Low Cost Carriers in India can survive for long ? Give your opinion with relevant examples.

18 "Convention is an integral part of modern tourism business." Comment ?

19 Discuss the role of small and Medium Enterprises in economic growth of a country?

20 Discuss the important management issues involved in tourism trade.

21 What are the various steps involved in planning ? Discuss with reference to a tourism

22 Discuss the importance of interpersonal behaviour in tourism business?

23 Write short notes (any two) :
(a) Ego States
(b) Life Position
(c) Recruitment
(d) Selection Process

24 What are the different components of Marketing Mix in tourism ? Which one would you recommend for Indian Tourism ?

25 . Write short notes (any two) :
(a) Profit and Loss statement
(b) Balance Sheet
(c) Profitability Analysis
(d) Break Even Point

26 Differentiate between tour operator and travel agent. What are the various linkages in 
travel trade ?

27 Discuss the importance of Public Relation in Tourism ?

28 How do you foresee the future of Convention Industry in India ?

29 Define Management. Mention the roles and responsibilities of a Manager in a tourism

30 Why is decision making important in tourism trade ? Discuss the steps involved in decision making.

31 Explain Conflict. Discuss how conflict influence inter-group relations and group performance ?

32 Discuss the importance of human resource management in tourism ?

33 Write an essay on sources of finance?

34 As a manager, what type of briefings would you give to your subordinates for the smooth conduct of a tour ?

35 Analyse various issues related to tourism transport management?

36 What are the managerial tasks involved in organising conventions ?

37 Explain the responsibilities of a tour manager in conducting a tour?

38 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :
(a) Management issues in hotels
(b)Public relations in Tourism
(c) Profitability analysis

Published in Tourism.
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