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Monday, 30 November 2015 09:02

Capital Investment

Capital Investment and Financing Decisions PART 1 Very important Guess

(1) What is corporate restructuring? What motivates an enterprise to engage in restructuring exercise?

(2) Discuss various forms of mergers. What are the driving forces for mergers & acquisitions?

(3) Discuss various steps involved in a merger.

(4) What are the regulatory provisions in India regarding mergers and acquisitions?

(5) How would you assess merger as a source of value addition?

(6) What is the cost of a merger from the point of the acquiring company?

(7) How would you determine the present value of a merger from the point of view of the acquiring company?

(8) What is financial engineering? Do you feel financial engineers play an economic role in the society?

(9) Briefly discuss the financial engineering process that you will follow while developing new products or solutions.

(10) List down with examples any five variables that contribute new products development.

(11) Explain how fixed income securities are used to manage product price risk?

(12) Discuss innovation that took place in equity products and explain what they achieved?

(13) What is non-voting share? How is it useful to the company and investors?

(14) What is the use of derivatives? Is it an instrument designed for speculators or useful to others too?

(15) Explain any two derivative products and show the value addition in them.

(16) What are the factors which influence management’s dividend of a certain amount?

(17) Discuss the implications of making dividends tax free.

(18) “If it is all very well saying that I can sell shares that may mean selling at the bottom of the market. regular dividend, investors can avoid that risk” discuss?

(19) “Risky companies tend to have lower target pay out gradual adjustment rates” do you agree? Give reasons?

(20) What are the different pay out methods? How do these methods?

(21) Distinguish between bonus shares and share split.earnings per share, dividends, and market price?

(22)Do you agree with Walter’s dividend model ? Discuss its relevance and limitations.

(23)Examine the M.M’s irrelevance hypothesis. Critically evaluate its

(24) What is the informational content of dividends? Discuss its its influence on share value. 

(25) How is lease finance different from that of equity or debt finance?

(26) In evaluating funding options, when do you chose lease finance?

(27) Is lease finance cheaper than other sources of finance? If so, under what conditions will it be cheaper than other sources of finance?

(28) Explain how Securitization is considered as a source of finance? Who are the typical investors for such papers?:

(29) Suppose you are working for a venture capital company. What are the things you will look into a proposal that comes to you for venture capital funding?

(30) Is it possible to get funds from venture capitalist for all kinds of projects? Explain.

(31) How is factoring different from that of traditional bill discounting scheme?

(32) Bring out the significance of term lending organisations in the financing of industries.

(33) What are the recent trends in the financing of industrial units? Are they going in healthy direction?

(34) Briefly highlight the procedures and norms followed by the FIs in extending credit. Can you suggest any modifications to the existing procedure?

(35) What is post sanction monitoring? How is monitoring exercised by FIs in India?

(36) Bring out the role of nominee-directors in the industrial units. Should we continue this practice?

(37)“Convertibility clause is a drag on the Financing facility provided by Indian Financial Institutions”. Comment.?

(38) Highlight the important recommendations of Narasimham Committee relating to DFI sector. Are you satisfied with the way government is implementing them?

(39) In the present day scenario, should there be restrictions on the form and type of assistance sanctioned by FIs in the country?

(40) Briefly discuss the soft loan scheme of IDBI.

(41) What do you mean by globalisation? Comment on the level of globalisation of Indian capital market?

(42) What are euro issues? Discuss some important instruments of euro currency.

(43) Discuss some of the major types of institutions that constitute the international financial system?

(44) What are the major global sources of financing? How far have Indian Corporates tapped these global sources?

(45) What are the characteristics of capital market? How is it different from money market?

(46) Explain the relationship between primary market and secondary market?

(47) Assess utility of equity shares as source of corporate financing.

(48) “Preference shares are known as ‘hybrid’ securities”. Comment.

(49) What is creditorship security? How is it different from ownership security?

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:56

Marketing research Question Bank

Marketing research question bank
(1) A well established consumer oriented company is engaged in the manufacture of detergent cakes and powder. The Company wants to do in depth study on the consumer profile of detergent cake to readjust its brand positioning. How would you go about doing this?

(2) Suppose you are the marketing manager of a newly established electronic industry interested in manufacturing Televisions (TVs). How would you go about assessing the present demand for TVs in the country and the forecast for the next five years? 

(3) Suggest your own methods for overcoming the resistance to using market research if you are employed as marketing head of a large manufacturing organisation?

(4) What is cluster analysis? What are its possible applications? 

(5) State how the following techniques differ from each other (a) Cluster Analysis 
(b)Discriminant Analysis.

(6) An airlines marketing manager wants to segment his customer. How can cluster analysis be used for this purpose?

(7) Give few examples of marketing situations where cluster analysis can be used?

(8) Discuss with the help of examples the areas where Multi-dimentional Scaling can be applied for?

(9) Define conjoint analysis and state its potientail applications? 

(10) Describe some marketing research problems that you feel may be amenable to conjoint analysis and explain how you would use conjoint analysis in these situation?

(11) What are the steps involved in conjoint analysis? Explain with the help of examples.

(12) What are the ways in which percentages may be computed in a cross-tabulation table? which way is the best? 

(13) In a contingency table, what type of hypothesis is tested using chi-square test? What precautions may be taken while applying the test? 

(14) What are the various measures used to 'measure the strength of association between two nominal variables? Describe them and clearly mention their limitations, if any.

(15) Discuss the problem of using the contingency coefficient in intepreting the results of correlation analysis? 

(16) Explain the difference between correlation & regression?

(17) What is the basic use of a chi-square goodness of fit test'? How is the value
of the test statistic calculated? How are the expected frequenciesdetermined? 
(18) What is the appropriate test statistic for making inferences about a population mean when the variance is known? When the population variance is unknown? Suppose the population variance is unknown, but the sample size is large, what is the appropriate procedure then?

(19)Describe, in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study?

(20) Discuss the different aspects of classification of data.What are the likely problems encountered in the classification and how they can be handled?

(21) Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Give the characteristics of a good table?

(22) Write briefly about the different forms of data presentation devices?

(23) Discuss the fundamental rules of code construction?

(24) Discuss with the help of suitable examples various steps involved in data processing? 

(25) Highlight the main, differences between qualitative and quantitative research?

(26) With the help of examples, discuss the areas where qualitative research can be used in marketing?

(27) What are the various methods of conducting qualitative research? Discuss advantages and limitations of each of these methods?

(28) What are the four different levels of measurement? Discuss the mathematical operations which may or may not be used under each level of measurement? 

(29) Explain the three criterion of measuring the usefulness of an attitude scale?

(30) Distinguish between graphic and itemised rating scale What are the advantages of itemised scale over graphic rating scales? Name the level of measurement which corresponds to the data collected by graphic rating scale?

(31) Distinguish between the following:
(a) Forced & Non-forced response formats
(b) Comparitive & Non-comparitve formats
(c) Balanced & Un-balanced formats

(31) Show with the help of an example how you can convert ordinal scale measurement to nominal scale measurement?

(33) The method of analysis of data depends upon the level of its measurement". Discuss?

(34) Indicate giving reasons the scale of measurements for the following variables:
(i) Geographical area
(ii) Costs
(iii) Index numbers
(iv) Preferences
(v) Cast in a society

(35) Distinguish between the validity and reliability of a measure. How may the reliability of a measure be evaluated?

(36) What is meant by a questionnaire? 

(37) What sort of marketing information can he collected with the help of a questionnaire?

(38) What are the merits and demerits of a structured questionnaire? 

(39) In what sort of marketing studies will you use an unstructured questionnaire? 

(40) Explain the' meaning of open-ended and closed-ended question?

(41) Compare and contrast quota sampling with stratified sampling? 

(42) Point out the basic difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling?

(43) Explain in detail the various sampling designs under non-probability sampling method. Also bring out their relevance in marketing research studies?

(44) One of the important reasons for the use of surveys is that they can obtain sound information on what people actions in the future will be. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?

(45) Discuss the main sources of primary and secondary data?

(46) What is the type of data available from official publications?

(47) What are the limitations associated with the use of secondary data?

(48) What are the tools of collecting data from respondents?

(49) Discuss the important sources of error in both secondary and primary data?

(50) Explain the various extraneous variables which if not controlled in an experiment contaminate the effect of the independent variable? 
(51) What are the marketing research situations suitable for
(a) Focus group study
(b) Panel research design
(c) Cross-sectional design 
(d) Quasi-experimental design

(52) Distinguish between exploratory and descriptive research design?

(53)What are the major reasons for growing importance of Marketing Research in India'? 
(54) What are the different ways of conducting marketing research'? Describe the scope for outsourcing of marketing research services in India?

(55) Suggest some possible areas where marketing research would find increasing application in India'?

(56) Briefly comment on the problems faced by researchers in conducting marketing research in India?

(57) What is marketing research? 

(58) Briefly comment on the definition of marketing research?

(59) Indicate whether marketing research is relevant to each of the following organization and if so, how each might benefit from it.
(a) Your company 
(b) Central Minis in the Government of India 
(c) A retail shop
(d) A bank 
(e) A service business

(60) What are the major weaknesses of marketing rese-1rch? 

(61) Suggest some of the precautions to be adopted in the problem definition stage?

(62) Suggest some possible areas of application of marketing research?

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:08

Export Import Procedures

Export Import Procedures and Documentation 
61. Explain the kinds of losses. How these losses can be covered by the cargo insurance
62. Explain the features of Open Cover Policy.

63. Distinguish between Open Cover and Open Policy.

64. What are the responsibilities of the insured in a cargo insurance policy?

65. Equmerate the documents needed for filing the cargo insurance claims.

66.uescribe various stages involved in the shipment of export cargo.

67. Describe the procedures of obtaining excise rebate under excise rebate policy.

68. Can YOU export the goods without permission from the customs authorities What
are the objectives of customs control?

69. Describe various stages involved in customs clearance .

70. Explain in brief main Acts involved in Customs Clearance of lrrlport Cargo.

71. What do you mean by IGM and BIE? Explain in detail types of BIE and Differences

72. Illustrate how the date becomes important for deciding the rate of duty and exchange
Rate. Explain various types of duties.

73. Describe various types of bills of entry. What documents are to be enclosed wit11
Bill of Entry?

74. Write short notes on the following:
a) Stages of customs clearance of import cargo
b) Duties
c) ED1 (Electronic Data Interchange)

75.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort at
product/ industry level.

76.Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector
in India.

77.Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation for
export promotion in India.

78. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations
established for the same.

79. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in India.

80.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort at
product/industry level.

81. Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector in lndia.
82. Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation for
export promotion in India.

83. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations established for the same.

84. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in lndia.

Published in M.COM
Monday, 30 November 2015 06:52



1. Answer the following in about 600 words.
Clarify the concepts of growth and development. Discuss the role of a teacher in facilitating the growth and development of the higher secondary school students.

2. What do you mean by Cognitive Development ? Explain Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

3. Answer the following in about 600 words.
Explain different factors that affect the development of personality. Describe the impact of mass media on the personality development of adolescents.

4. Explain the concept of learning and briefly describe its different theories.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each
(i) Explain with examples emotional development of an individual.
(ii) What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics.
(iii) What do you mean by domains of learning ? Give suitable examples for different domains.
(iv) Explain the concepts of intelligence, aptitude and creativity, with suitable examples.
(v) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with suitable examples.
(vi) Define the concepts of heredity and environment. How do heredity and environment influence the growth and development of an individual ?
(vii) Explain the nature and process of verbal learning.

6. Answer the following in about 600 words.
How will you identify maladjusted students in your class ? How will you as a teacher solve the psychological and social problems of such students ? Explain,

1. Explain the concept of development. Discuss the role of the teacher in facilitating human development.

2.Explain the concept of cognitive development with special reference to Piaget's framework for conceptualising child development. Discuss factors facilitating cognitive development,

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss Bio-social and Psychoanalytical approaches to personality giving propositions of prominent propounders of these approaches.

4. List major tenets of the Humanistic approach to learning. Discuss the contributions of Maslow towards Humanistic Psychology.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Discuss personal factors influencing the process of learning.
(ii) Explain any three levels of cognitive domain or area.
(iii) Discuss in brief the nature and development of values in school system.
(iv) Define the concept of `Locus of Control' and explain its dimensions giving examples.
(v) Explain the nature and types of psychological conflicts.
(vi) What is meant by Defence Mechanism' ? Discuss any three defence mechanisms giving suitable examples.
(vii) What do you understand by `Social Maturity' ? Explain briefly its relationship with social adjustment.

6. - Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you have identified one backward and one gifted student in your class. Describe the method you used to identify each of them. Discuss the principles you would follow in guiding ; A - the backward student and B --the gifted student. Summarise the contrasting characteristics of A and B.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Differentiate between the concepts of growth and development. Discuss adolescence as the crucial stage of human development.

2. Explain the concept and nature of personality. Discuss the psychoanalytical and psychosocial approaches in understanding personality.

3. Answer the following question, in about 600 words.
Explain the psychometric approach to understand the concept of intelligence. Discuss appropriate instructional strategies for handling individual differences of the learners at various levels of intelligence.

4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss various characteristics of learning with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Explain the principles of learning deduced from the learning theory of Thorndike.
(ii) Explain nature of social adjustment and social maturity with examples.
(iii) Discuss briefly the relationship between heredity and environment on growth and development of the individual.
(iv) Define the concept of motivation and explain its role in learning.
(v) Discuss teachers' role in improving group relationship in a school.
(vi) Briefly discuss broad classification of students with special needs with reference to physical and mental aspects.
(vii) Discuss impact of various mass media on personality development of school children.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
One of your students has secured 95% in the Board's examination. How will you find out whether he is gifted or creative ? In case you have identified him as a gifted student, what steps would you follow while guiding him in the school ?

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the behaviourist approach to learning. Discuss its educational implications.

2 Explain the concept of transfer of learning. Discuss different types of transfer of learning and explain their educational implications.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the genetic basis of individual differences. Discuss the role of heredity in influencing the mental development of the learners.

4. Discuss special needs of learners/children from the deprived section of society. What role will you play in fulfilling those needs ?

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) What do you understand by affective domain ? Discuss the main organising principles in affective domain.
(ii) Discuss the importance of social maturity.
(iii) Discuss any three characteristics of gifted children.
(iv) Discuss the relationship between maturity and learning. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.
(v) Explain any three basic assumptions that are necessary for providing guidance to the learners.
(vi) What are the various causes of conflicts ? How would you resolve the conflicts among your students ?
(vii) Describe the characteristics of a creative child.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
How will you identify socially maladjusted students in your class ? How will you help them in making their social adjustment better ? Justify your answer with suitable examples.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Describe various stages of human development. Discuss the role of teacher in facilitating the development of the learners.

2. What is meant by 'individual differences' ? Discuss the factors producing individual differences.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the students with special educational needs. Describe the teacher's role in meeting the educational, social and psychological needs of such students.

4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss personal factors that influence learning, with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Explain Piaget's views on moral development.
(ii) Discuss the role of teacher in the development of
adolescent personality.
(iii) Explain the meaning of interest and its development in studies at school.
(iv) Discuss the implications of verbal learning for class-room practice.
(v) Briefly discuss the environmental factors influencing learning.
(vi) Mention the different types of conflicts and explain the measures for resolving them.
(vii) Differentiate between Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss some effective methods of learning which you would like your students to practice in the class and home. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the characteristics of socio-emotional development of secondary and senior secondary school students. Discuss teacher's role in facilitating their development.

2. Explain the concept of personality. Dscuss the main hereditary and environmental factors which influence the personality development.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. .
Explain the concept of learning. Discuss main characteristics of Piaget's cognitive approach to learning.
4. Explain the concept ol adjustment. Discuss chamcteristics of a well-adjusted and a maladjusted person giving suitable examples.

5- Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :
(i) "Adolescence. is a period of stress and strain. " Explain.
(ii) Explain the characteristics oI language development in children.
(iii) Explain the nafure and types of motivation.
(iv) Briefly discuss the misconcepts regarding heredity and environment.
(v) Explain . the main factors that influence classroom learning.
(vi) Explain the characteristics of the gifted and talented students.
(vii)Differentiate between guidance and counselling with suitable examples.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the concept of group dynamics. Describe five activities which you would like to undertake in the class for improving the group relationship among your students.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Differentiate between growth and development with the help of suitable examples. Why should a teacher study the principles governing growth and development ?

2. Explain the concept of individual differences. Discuss the individual differences in intelligence and creativity with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the concept and types of motivation. How does motivation contribute to enhance children's academic achievement ?

4. Discuss the influence of personal and environmental factors on classroom learning. Give examples.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) "Adolescence is a period of storm and stress." Elaborate.
(ii) What should a school do to ensure healthy social development of children ?
(iii) How do children attain new concepts ?
(iv) How does cognitive domain of learning differ from affective domain ?
(v) How will you facilitate students' adjustment in schools ? Discuss.
(vi) Explain the meaning and nature of guidance. How is it related to counselling ?
(vii) Explain the situations in which you can use the method of spaced and unspaced learning.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Prepare a plan for the identification of emotionally maladjusted children in your class. Discuss the strategies you shall devise to help such children.

Published in B.ED
Monday, 30 November 2015 06:04


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the need of evaluating guidance programme ? Discuss different methods of evaluation of a guidance programme.

2. Explain the various stages and tentative periods according to Ginzberg's theory in career development.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Why do we need to integrate Guidance and Curriculum ? Discuss.

4. Define Counselling. Discuss its principles and process.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(i) Explain how work influences attitudes and values of an individual.
(ii) Explain the meaning of stigmatization and withdrawal. Suggest ways to deal with individuals suffering from these.
(iii) What do you understand by concept of inclusive schooling ? What are the various approaches of inclusive schooling ?
(iv) Mention the factors that lead to socio-emotional problems of the individuals with handicap. Give suitable examples.
(v) Discuss advantages and limitations of interest inventories.
(vi) Explain the concepts : Conflicting rules, Displacement and Firmness.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the various steps involved in Directive Counselling.

2. What practical measures are to be taken for increasing enrolment and retention of girls in schools ? Describe with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe techniques for behavioural management. OR

4. What is meant by standardized tests in guidance ? Describe at least four of them.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the determinants of career patterns ?
(ii) Differentiate between class talk and career talk.
(iii) Mention the various sources and objectives to obtain occupational information. Describe briefly.
(iv) What are various types of guidance ? Illustrate with examples.
(v) Discuss teacher's role in career planning.
(vi) What are the various uses of rating scales in guidance and counselling ? Describe one of them in brief.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a handicapped student of 12 to 16 years of age. Observe his/her activities and behaviour. Discuss with them on various issues in order to know his/her attitude towards the inadequacy she/he is facing. How will you help him/her to cope with that ? Prepare a report.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain briefly the nature and concept of guidance and counselling. Discuss the principles of guidance and counselling.

2. Explain the concept of group counselling. Discuss the process of group counselling along with its advantages and limitations.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the different techniques which are generally employed by guidance workers. Discuss interest inventory as a technique of guidance giving its advantages and limitations.

4. Explain the concept of career development. Discuss how gender affects career development with special reference to women in India.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Explain the skills Of an effective counsellor in a school.
(ii) Discuss principles of group guidance.
(iii) Discuss role of a teacher in promoting career development of girls.
(iv) Explain briefly various types of behaviour problems in school students.
(v) Discuss the specific problems of Scheduled Tribe students.
(vi) Discuss the concept and approach of indusive schooling.
(vii) Explain the meaning and importance of cumulative record of a school child.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
As a teacher in a school, you would have identified a student suffering from `disrespect-defiance' as a behaviour problem. To conduct the case study of this student, mention the information needed for its planning and also explain the necessary guidance you would like to provide on the basis of the case study.

1. Explain the nature and concept of guidance. Discuss the purpose of guidance at the school level and its contribution to teachers and students.

2. Explain the meaning of counselling. Discuss major approaches to counselling.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the purpose of school guidance programme. Describe various types of guidance services and its activities for secondary school students, with suitable illustrations.

4. Explain the concept and importance of career development. Discuss various stages of career development, illustrating each stage with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Briefly explain the concept and significance of group guidance.
(ii) Explain the different guidance techniques for handling discipline problems in a school.
(iii) Discuss rating scale as a technique of guidance. Mention its limitations.
(iv) Discuss briefly the salient features of career development of girls in India.
(v) Discuss nature of behaviour problems of students in secondary schools.
(vi) Explain the concept and approach of inclusive schooling.
(vii) Explain the meaning of career conference and the guidelines to be followed while planning a conference.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
You are to provide occupational orientation to science students of Class X in your school. What type of information about occupational fields should you give ? Also list the methods you would use to disseminate the information.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is counselling ? Enumerate and highlight its principles and goals and mention the major approaches to counselling.

2. How would genetic inheritance, early childhood experiences and subsequent experiences lead to vocational behaviour ? Discuss this question in the context of Roe's theory of career choice.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Should the orientation programme be same for elementary, secondary and senior secondary students ? Develop an outline for orientation of students at secondary and senior secondary level for your school.

4. Enumerate the special problems of tribal education. Discuss any two schemes available to overcome the problems of tribal education. Suggest steps to be undertaken to increase enrolment, retention and achievement among tribal children.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe types of guidance, with examples.
(ii) Why do we need to integrate guidance and counselling ?
(iii) Describe the four techniques of testing personality.
(iv) Explain the term `group guidance'. Discuss any two group guidance activities which are carried out in schools.
(v) Mention the various stages of career development given by Super.
(vi) Discuss which mode of child rearing is most effective and why.
(vii) Mention three factors that lead to the socio-emotional problems of the individuals with handicaps.
(viii) What is I.E.D.C. ? How is it different from P.I.E.D. ? 

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
In your school, as a teacher, you have a student requiring help through counselling. Select and discuss an appropriate counselling approach that you will use to help the student.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the role for guidance personnel in the guidance programme ? Highlight separately the specific roles of counsellors and teachers in the process of guidance programme.

2. What is 'group guidance' ? Describe any two group guidance activities.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the term behaviour problem. Why should the teacher have knowledge of types of behavioural problems ? Discuss any five behavioural modification techniques a teacher can use for students.

4. What is the general perception of normal person towards person with handicap ? Mention three factors that lead to the socio-emotional problems of the individual with handicap. Discuss two main goals of intervention for individuals with physical handicap.

5. Write short notes or/Answer of the following. in about 150 words each :
(i)Purpose and scope of guidance.
(ii) Resistance and counter will in the context of counselling.
(iii) List various types of rating-scales. Describe one of them in brief.
(iv) Explain any two methods of classification of occupational information with relevant examples taken from a school.
(v) What is the role of teachers in the career planning of their students ?
{vi) Which three things can a teacher do to promote career development of girls ?
(vii) How can parents help their children cope with their behaviour problems ?
(viii) Mention any two curriculum modifications that may lead to greater girl enrolment and retention in schools.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you are a counsellor and plan to make an evaluation of the guidance services in your school. Discuss the same specifying the objectives and procedures.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the nature of guidance. Discuss the purpose and scope of guidance giving suitable examples.

2. Differentiate between guidance and counselling. Discuss the stages of counselling process.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the meaning and importance of career development. Describe the stages of the process of career development as given by Super (1957).

4. Explain the nature of behaviour problems of children. Discuss the causes of behavioural problems giving suitable examples.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Discuss advantages and limitations of group counselling.
(ii) Explain the integration of guidance with school curriculum.
(iii) Describe the role of teachers as guidance personnel.
(iv) Discuss the methods of dissemination of occupational information in schools.
(v) Describe the types of career patterns of women with suitable examples.
(vi) Explain the concept and approaches of Inclusive Education.
(vii) Explain the concept of aptitude and meaning of aptitude test.
(viii) Discuss any three psychological factors which facilitate classroom learning.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
The Principal of your school wants you to introduce guidance programme in the school. Which services will you organise for the students of IX and X grades ? Discuss various activities under any one guidance service considered for the guidance programme.

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