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Monday, 30 November 2015 09:10

Total quality management question bank



Total quality management question bank


1. Write a note on “Contract Review”

2. What is the Purpose of Documentation? Mention the features and benefits of Documentation.

3. Suppose say you have started a new Manufacturing Company & you are following the legal rules and considering all the ethical issues. Now that you want to conduct Internal Quality Audit. How do go about it? What are the factors you consider?

4. Define quality.

5. What do you mean by inspection?

6. What do you mean by ‘control’?

7. Mention the control process.

8. Define ‘quality control’. Explain also with any case study example.

9. Mention different types of quality control.

10. What is statistical process control?

11. What is QC?

12. Mention two types of control charts.

13. Mention the characteristics of control charts.

14. What is P-chart?

15. What do you mean by ‘quality circles’?

16. What do you mean by TQM?

17. Mention the five international standards of ISO 9000 series.

18. What is ISO?

19. What is inspection? Explain the purpose of inspection.

20. Explain the different methods of inspection.

21. Explain the steps in quality control process.

22. Explain the objectives of quality control.

23. Explain the cause of variation in quality.

24. What are the benefits of using control charts.

25. Explain the objectives of control charts.

26. Explain the benefits of TQM.

27. What are the benefits of ISO 9000 series?

28. What are the steps in ISO 9000 registration?

29. Write a note on ISO 9000 series of Standards.

30. Describe Design and Development Planning as per ISO 9001.

31. Write a note on process control, inspection and testing covered under ISO 9001 – 2000.

32. Briefly discuss ISO 9000:2000 standards.

33. Write a brief note on COPC 2000.

34. What is the need for Environment Management System? What are the benefits of ISO 14001?

35. Explain AS9100 Family of Standards. What are the benefits of AS9100?

36. Discuss the importance and benefits of TS16949 Standard.

37. Discuss briefly the I.T Service Management. What are its benefits?

38. (a) What is Strategic Quality Management? What are its Objectives?

(b) Describe the stages of Strategic Quality Management process.

39. Assume that you are working in a private run Airlines Company. Perform a TQM analysis for your organisation and prepare a report.

40. Discuss the different types of inspection.

41. Discuss the seven tools for quality control.

42. Discuss the fundamental factors affecting quality.

43. Discuss the ‘9 M’ ’s of quality of product or service.

Visit a restaurant in your city Take any example

Get the information for the following questions:

1. Quality control technique adopted for raw material.

2. Maintenance of quality in the process of manufacture.

3. Method of quality control technique (i.e. inspection or sampling technique).

4. Quality control tools used (i.e. Pareto chart, Scatter diagram etc.)

5. Application of control charts (i.e. control charts for variable i.e. thickness and size of

pizza, and for attributes i.e. number of defects in process of manufacturing)

6. Types of errors in accepting or rejecting samples (i.e. accepting bad one and rejecting

good one or vice versa).

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