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Monday, 30 November 2015 06:14


1.Answer the following in about 600 words :
Discuss the advantages of use of computers in Educational Administration.

2. Discuss the benefits of computers in open learning system in the context of teaching with technology.

3. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is multimedia ? Discuss the hardware/software requirements of a multimedia.

4. Explain software tools for teaching. Discuss any four applications of software used in educational environment with examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the principles of programmed learning.
(ii) Why is documentation of software necessary for the software ?
(iii) Explain the different categories for editing a document.
(iv) Write a note on PERT charts.
(v) Explain student performance record interface.
(vi) Write the various project control strategies and discuss one of them.

6. Answer the following in about 600 words
As a teacher you must have felt the need of student data. How did you prepare student data using computer based administration system ? Explain.

1. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is multimedia ? Discuss other input/output devices attached to a multimedia computer and also give the name of the software used.
2. Explain the history of educational use of computers. Discuss the current uses of computers in education.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words : Discuss the role of MIS in educational planning. 

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer banking ? Discuss any four advantages and four disadvantages of computer banking by using computers.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the characteristics of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) ?
(ii) Write a note on Information Processing Task Analysis (IPTA).
(iii) Describe test items in design and development of Computer Based Instructions (CBI) courseware.
(iv) Describe the drawbacks of a human teacher in comparison with teaching through computers.
(v) Discuss the physical components needed for Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).
(vi) Write the major categories of personnel involved in a typical ITS. Describe any two of them.

6. Answer the following in about 600 words :
While preparing the lesson plan for computer based teaching what all documents have you created ? Explain any four documents which you created for the lesson plan.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are . the different hardware requirements of a multimedia ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

2. Explain the historical background of educational use of computers. Discuss the various issues involved in the use of computers in education. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is the significance of project control ? Discuss various project control strategies used in the management of CBI development project.

4. What are the different categories of student - computer interface ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(i) What are the typical functions of computerised inventory system ?
(ii) Describe the common factors associated with successful implementation of Management Information System (MIS) in educational planning.
(iii) Explain the use of computers in open learning system.
(iv) Differentiate with examples between LAN and WAN in the context of computer application.
(v) Describe the advantages of using computers in school administration.
(vi) Discuss briefly the various components of MIS structure.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You are required to implement software packages in the. development of a CBI courseware in your subject area in the school. What are the different implementation strategies that you would like to use for this purpose ? Discuss them with suitable examples. 
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is a question bank ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of question bank in the context of computerised question banks. What are various issues that are to be considered in planning a computerised question bank in your subject of specialisation ?

2. Explain Management Information System (MIS) and its significance in educational planning. Discuss the advantages of the use of computers in MIS.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the process of development schedule along with various steps required in creating documentation. Illustrate your answer with suitable example.

4. Describe programmed learning, its principles and types in the context of development of courseware, with examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Discuss the precautions and promises one has to consider in implementation of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) practices.
(ii) Discuss the role of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) in teaching.
(iii) Explain the role of media in the selection, design and development of CBI courseware.
(iv) Describe four components useful in the courseware evaluation.
(v) Discuss briefly the need and requirements in writing specific objectives in designing CBI courseware.
(vi) Discuss briefly student performance record interface.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You have to select computer softwares for classroom teaching in any one of your teaching subjects. Discuss the criteria for software selection considering the various steps you would like to consider for this purpose. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Define Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Which computer technology are they based upon ? List out its various components also.

2. What is the purpose of specific objectives in design and development of CBI courseware ? Identify briefly the requirements in writing specific objectives. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is student interface design ? How is student computer interface classified ? Describe also the various features of a good interface as desired by users.

4. A software development project goes through various phases. Explain them with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) How does a CPM differ from a PERT chart ?
(ii) Why are high level languages generally used ?
(iii) How can the issue of computer software piracy be resolved ?
(iv) Why is it necessary to infuse teachers into computer education programs ?
(v) List down the characteristics of computer conferencing.
(vi) What is a browse-mode ? Why is it good for teachers ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Describe the various factors that increase the chances of a successful implementation of management information system. Discuss them with suitable examples.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are the different steps in testing of the computer-based courseware ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

2. Differentiate between Computer Based Instruction (CBI) and Conventional teaching. Discuss the hardware and software requirements for design and implementation of CBI.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are the different primitive structures used in structured task analysis ? Discuss them briefly.

4. When will you use linear project control strategy ? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the various principles of programmed learning.
(ii) How would you differentiate between ICR and OMR ?
(iii) What are the problems of disabled students in having an access to computers ?
(iv) What is the advantage of MIDI over digitized sound ?
(v) What are the hardware requirements for video in multimedia ?
(vi) Differentiate between single user operating system and multiuser operating system. Also, give an example for each.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
How does computerisation of personnel record maintenance in your school help in managing Human Resources more efficiently ? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

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