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Annamalai university mba assignments solved

Annamalai university mba assignments solved (21)

Annamalai university assignments solved

1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator and
conduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of business
managers. How do they know how well their department, institution or
organization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria for
assessing effectiveness and efficiency?
2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in your
locality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers of
subordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the
organizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management in
the organization?
3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is not
necessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out the
situations under which each statement is true”.
4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and action
is the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and other
functions with real life examples.
1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age and
sex for the following industry
• Two wheeler
• Brewery
• Insurance
2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales force
for the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progress
through the steps in effective selling.
3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore and
prepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a better
understanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success in
the market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.
4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brand
loyalty with respect to
• Fairness cream
• Mobile
• Sports shoe
• Ready-to-wear garments
1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of a
service industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of an EBITEPS analysis.
2. The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in order
to take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the help of
suitable illustration.
3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning to
present share holders.-Comment
4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to know
the sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to do
credit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentrated
to avoid non-payment.
1. Selecting a facility location usually involves a sequence of decisions. This
sequence can include a national decision, a regional decision, a community
decision and a site decision. Elucidate your views with reference to the above
2. Why is the management of projects a challenge for most of the managers in
production systems? How do these managers meet those challenges? What tasks
must the project team perform before the project begins? What tasks must the
project team perform as the project progresses?
3. Rane is a medium size manufacture of oil field pumps. The firm has developed a
new model of high-pressure, secondary-recovery purge pump which improved
performance. Hemalatha, manager of process engineering, is trying to decide
whether Rane should make or buy the electronically controlled input valve for
the new pump. Her engineers have developed the following estimates:
(Process A)
(Process B) Buy
Annual volume 10000 units 10000 units 10000 units
Fixed cost/year Rs.100,000 Rs.300,000 ---
Variable cost/unit Rs.75 Rs.70 Rs.80
a) Should Rane make the valve using Process A, make the valve using Process
B, or buy the valve?
b) At what annual volume should Rane switch from buying to making the valve
using Process A?
c) At what annual volume should Rane switch from Process A to Process B?
4. A JIT implementation team is evaluating lot sizes and setup times throughout
the factory. The first machine to be evaluated currently requires about 20
minutes for the machine operator to complete a changeover between different
part types. Each part requires 1.2 minutes for processing. Parts are currently
produced in batches of 60 units. The labor rate is Rs.14.50 per hour.
a) What is the current average labor cost per part, including changeovers?
b) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much labor cost
per part would be saved using the current batch size of 60 units?
c) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much could the
batch size be reduced in order to achieve the current average labor cost per
1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoid
business losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programme
would you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?
2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improve
employee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupational
interests that you believe might predict success in various occupations including
Professor, Accountant and System Analyst.
3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:
i. Secretary
ii. Engineer
iii. Web Designer
4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:
i. Chemical Engineer
ii. Plant Manager
iii. Used car sales force
iv. First-line supervisor
Examine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.
1. The personal director of a company wishes to select applicant for advanced
training without regard to sex. Let ‘W’ denote Women and ‘M’ Denotes men and
the pattern of arrival be M WWW MMM WW M WWW MMMM W M W MM WWW
you conclude that the applicants have arrived in a random fashion?
2. The following represent the number of unit of production per day turned out by
four different workers using five different types of machine:
Machine Type
Worker A B C D E Total
1 4 5 3 7 6 25
2 5 7 7 4 5 28
3 7 6 7 8 8 36
4 3 5 4 8 2 22
Total 19 23 21 27 21 111
On the basis of this information , can it be concluded that (1) the Mean
Productivity in the same for different Machine, (II) the worker’s don’t different
with regard to productivity
3. The average monthly sales of 5000 firms are normally distributed, its mean and
standard deviation are 36,000 and 10,000 respectively, Find.
a. The number of firm have sales over 40,000
b. The percentage of firms having sales between Rs. 38,500 and Rs 41,000
c. The number of firm having sales between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000
The relevant extract of the area table (under normal curve ) is given below
Z 0.25 0.40 0.5 0.6
Area 0.0987 0.1554 0.1915 0.2257
4. Mr. Ramana and Miss. Lalita, Researchers of Management department, Adopted
different sampling techniques while investigating the sample of the students to
know the number of students falling in different intelligence level. The results are:
Researcher Below Average Average Above Average Genius
Ramana 129 90 66 15
Lalita 80 66 50 4
On the basis of the above data, can we say that the two researchers have adopted
significantly different sampling techniques? Test the hypothesis at (a) 0.05 and
(b) 0.01 level significance.
1. Compare the barriers to oral and writtern communication. Which is more
challenging? Provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.
2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness of
communication? As a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose new
product ideas. (Assume a FMCG company of your choice)
3. What is Blogs can be used to promote business for a company selling designer
leather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.
4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to be
submitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a company marketing
medical equipments.
1. Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiate
your views.
2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quote
with relevant corporate examples.
3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioral
4. ‘Organisational development involves the development of organization in the
light of its future expansion plan’. Elaborate your views.

1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoid
business losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programme
would you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?
2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improve
employee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupational
interests that you believe might predict success in various occupations including
Professor, Accountant and System Analyst.
3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:
i) Secretary
ii) Engineer
iii) Web Designer.
4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:
i) Chemical Engineer
ii) Plant Manager
iii) Used car sales force
iv) First-line supervisor
Examine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.
1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age and
sex for the following industry
• Two wheeler
• Brewery
• Insurance
2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales force
for the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progress
through the steps in effective selling.
3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore and
prepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a better
understanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success in
the market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.
4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brand
loyalty with respect to
• Fairness cream
• Mobile
• Sports shoe
• Ready-to-wear garments
1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of a
service industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of an
EBIT-EPS analysis.
2. “The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in
order to take a correct financial decision.” Elucidate the statement with the
help of suitable illustration.
3. “The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning to
present share holders” – Comment.
4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to
know the sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have
decided to do credit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to
be concentrated to avoid non-payment.
1. Why are some Industries located near the source of raw materials, whereas some
other Industries are located near the market? Justify your answer with practical
2. Explain the different types of plant layout? Write the advantages and
disadvantages of each types of layouts with exam.
3. Describe the requirements of effective system of production and planning control
in any steel plant.
4. Describe the method of drawing X and R charts. State the formula you would use
in both cases.
1. “A company that fails to go global is in the danger of losing its domestic
business to competitors with lower costs, greater experience, better and
products and is a nutshell, more value for customer. – Discuss.
2. “IMF and World Bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather than
that f the developing countries.” – Discuss.
3. Do you justify that the working pins would really link the present scenario of
International Business with that of the future?
4. Do you think that International Financial institution help in competency
building of World nation and thereby enhance the magnitude the diversity of
global business? Explain.
1. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why?
Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flow
separately from the investment cash flow.
2. Demand estimate is an important part of a project feasibility study. What are
the points we should consider is estimating demand?
3. Write a detailed not EON the purpose of post – completion audits and the
strategy employed. Is there any problem faced with the audit of mutually
exclusive projects? Discuss.
4. How can entrepreneurs develop a position of ethical leadership in business
1. Describe “employee – employer relations” in both organized and unorganized
sectors of this economy?
2. Workers education helps a worker to solve his problems not as an individual
but is a member of his social class discuss?
3. Describe various kinds of statutory welfare programmes available to labourers
in India?
4. Describe the different machinery for the prevention and settlements of
industrial disputes in India?
1. Devise a development program for the managerial personnel of an MNC.
2. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDP
in organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.
3. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills of
Public Sector employees with suitable illustrations.
4. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian industries.
1. “Salesman should be assigned to that particular territory where his relative
contribution to profit is the maximum”. Discuss this statement and describe the
determinants of sales territory.
2. “The job of personal selling is not merely of booking orders” In the light of this
statement, describe the nature of the selling job and the process of selling in this
present competitive world.
3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factors
would you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distribution
channel? Explain.
4. Some people opine that a middleman increases the cost of marketing, while
others praise it as it adds value to the product. How would you reconcile these
two opposite views?
1. How are psychographics distinct from demographics? Why would it be
necessary to study psychographics to better understand marketing and
consumer behaviours?
2. In the early stages of development consumer behaviour was known as buyer
behaviour. What important aspect of the exchange process does this change in
name reflect?
3. What is secondary data? What are the various sources available for secondary
data? How will you evaluate the merits of secondary data?
4. Analyze the consumer decision making process and problems in buying a
luxury car with appropriate examples?
1. As an individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiar
with? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market.
2. If the market price per share is equal to the book value per share, the following
are equal :
 Return on equity, Earnings price ratio, Total yield.
 Elucidate with few examples.
3. Describe the procedure developed by Markowitz for choosing the optimal
portfolio of risky assets with suitable examples.
4. How and when will you adopt (1) Portfolio Reconstruction (2) Portfolio
Rebalancing and Upgrading and (3) Performance attribution when you are an
efficient portfolio manager?
1. As a management accountant you are asked to introduce a system of capital
expenditure control for your organisation. Explain in detail the important
feature you want to incorporate in system you propose to introduce, with a
suitable example of a project involving capital expenditure.
2. “Efficient inventory management is reflected in the liquidity and profitability of
the firm”. Do you agree? Justify your statement.
3. “Lease financing has proved its unique adaptability to various financial
problems”. Explain with suitable examples.
4. If sales forecast is subject to error, then there is no purpose of budgetary. Do you
agree (or) disagree. Give your views by appropriate examples.
1. List out the different phases of production planning and control in a MNC and
briefly discuss each.
2. Discuss the need for demand forecasting in planning. As a manager discuss the
benefits in an organization.
3. Discuss the techniques involved in quality control. Point out the advantages
and limitations.
4. Assume that you are a production manager for TATA Steel, How will you deal break
down maintenance cost? What types of maintenance you will adopt for them.
1. Discuss the characteristics of an effective leader regarding quality of daily usage
products in the present economic circumstances.
2. List out measures to be taken by a manufacturing organization to handle
customer’s complaints in order to retain them.
3. An acceptance control chart has limits that are based on the specification limits
for the product rather than limits which differentiate between random and
assignable causes. Under which circumstance should a quality manager
consider using an acceptance control chart?
4. According to current quality management thinking, what type of approaches to
quality improvement is least likely to produce positive results?
1. Create a document and write brief notes on applying following operations.
a. Put Bullets and Numbers
b. Apply various Font parameters.
c. Apply Left, Right, and Centre alignments.
d. Apply hyperlinks
e. Insert pictures
f. Insert ClipArt
g. Show the use of WordArt
h. Add Borders and Shading
i. Show the use of Find and Replace.
j. Apply header/footers
2. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figures of a company for last three years
through appropriate chart in MS-Excel.
3. Students will prepare for their upcoming test over mail merge by practicing
three different types of mail merge; from a MS-Access database, an MS-Excel
spreadsheet, and using the Mail-Merge function built into MS-Word.
4. Briefly write the advanced features of the software used in making the
1. As an Information Technology employee express your opinion about client server
network along with its advantages and disadvantages in any company.
2. As a manager of how you handle this model and also explain under
which model do comes.
3. As an info entrepreneur, assess your options for growth in software project.
4. How does an ERP system enforce best practices for an Indian organization?

1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator and
conduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of business
managers. How do they know how well their department, institution or
organization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria for
assessing effectiveness and efficiency?
2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in your
locality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers of
subordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the
organizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management in
the organization.
3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is not
necessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out the
situations under which each statement is true”.
4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and action
is the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and other
functions with real life examples.
1. How a financial statement helps the investors and creditors for a service based
company and manufacturing company. Give your views by taking any of the one
company of your choice on both the sector.
2. Identify the financial ratio on which type of retail stores adopted. Further analyse
the various importance of those ratio and give your views. How it will help the
retail store.
3. Discuss various applications of the Break Even Chart. Enumerate the various
criticism usually levelled against Break Even Charts. Differentiate how this
Break Even chart helps the service sector and manufacturing sector.
4.From the following particulars, prepare the Balance Sheet of Sri Mohan Ram.
Current Ratio -- 2
Working Capital -- Rs. 4,00,000
Capital block to Current Assets -- 3:2
Fixed Asset to turnover -- 1:3
Sales Cash / Credit -- 1:2
Stock Velocity -- 2 months
Creditor’s velocity -- 2 months
Debtor’s velocity -- 3 months
Capital block Net Profit -- 10% of turnover
Debentures / Share Capital -- 1:2
Gras Profit Ratio -- 25% (to Sales)
Reserve -- 2.5% of turnover
1. Out of your own experience find out the reasons for failure of business
forecasting even in the experienced companies.
2. Take the IT sector as an example for perfect competition and analyse the
3. Prepare an essay to show the growth of National Income in India after
4. Explicit the empirical production and explain optimum combination of inputs
with diagrams..
1. “A contract which is regular in all respects may still fail if there is no Conesus
ad idem”. Explain
2. “No one can give what he himself has not”. Discuss the exceptions
3. “The property of the company is the property of its members”. Comment
4. “It is compulsory for every company to register articles of association”. Comment
1. “Creative Management, whether in Public Administration or Private Industry,
depends on Methods of Inquiry that Maintain Objectivity, Clarity, Accuracy and
Consistency.” Examine the significance of research and this statement –Discuss.
2. A random sample of size 70- is taken from an infinite normal population, which
has its mean and variance as 200 and 750, respectively. What is the probability
that the sample mean is greater than 205?
3. Consider any research problem of interest to you. Structure it in terms of an
appropriate hypothesis to be tested. Also, mention the possible errors and
recommendation associated with your hypothesis. Illustrate your answer with
the help of suitable examples.
4. An agricultural officer wants to study the effect of four different fertilizers on the
yield (in tons) of a specific crop. The corresponding data are as shown below.
Fertilizer Plot A B C D 1 100 150 120 70 2 80 70 110 100 3 68 90 85 78 4 125 138 60 124
Check whether there is a significant difference between the yields of different
fertilizers using the Krurkal – Wallis test at a significance level of 0.01.
1. “A company that fails to go global is in the danger of losing its domestic business
to competitors with lower costs, greater experience, better products and, is a
nutshell, more value for customer. – Discuss.
2. “IMF and World Bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather than
those of the developing countries.” – Discuss
3. Do you justify that the working pins would really link the present scenario of
International Business with that of the future?
4. Do you think that international financial institution help in competency building
of world nation and thereby enhance the magnitude the diversity of global
business? Explain.
1. Compare the barriers to oral and written communication. Which is more
challenging? provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.
2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness of
communication? as a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose new
product ideas.(Assume a FMCG company of your choice)
3. What are Blogs? How Blogs can be used to promote business for a company selling
designer leather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.
4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to be
submitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a company
marketing medical equipments.
1 Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiate your
2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quote with
relevant corporate examples.
3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioural perspective.
4. ‘Organisational development involves the development of organization in the
light of its future expansion plan’. Elaborate your views.

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You are here: Home Question bank ignou mba assignments 2018 sem-2 Annamalai university mba assignments solved