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Monday, 29 October 2012 11:06

Ms-3 Dec 2008

MS-3 – Dec-2008


1. Explain the critical elements of economic environment, giving examples. What, according to you, are the landmark developments of economic environment in India ?

2; Critically evaluate impact of' structural changes in Indian industry on the industrial growth experience.

3. Discuss the issues and impediments to growth of India's foreign trade in the post-reform period.

4. Critically examine the tax reforms and rccent developments in the taxation policy and its impact on the fiscal position of the govemment.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Role of the Government

(b) Industrial Sickness

(c) Public Accountability

(d) Administered Prices

(e) Public Debt

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:22

Ms-3 Dec 2009

MS-3 – Dec-2009


1. (a) Explain the critical elements of social environment of business.

   (b) Discuss the business implications of social developments, industrialisation process and management culture.

2. (a) What are the factors responsible for industrial sickness ? Discuss with reference to both SSI and non SSI sectors.

   b) How can the problem of industrial sickness be tackled ? Discuss with reference to both SSI and non SSI sectors.

3. Critically examine the Industrial Licensing policy. Discuss its relevance in the current scenario.

4. Briefly discuss the foreign investment policy in India in the post reform period i.e. 1991 onwards. What impact did liberalisation have on the quantum of FDI inflows into India ?

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

a)   Globalisation

b)   Inflation

(c) Social responsibility of business

d) Public sector

e) Debt servicing burden

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:17

Ms-3 Dec 2010

MS-3 – Dec-2010


1.  Define Economic Development. State a few indications of economic development in the Indian Context. Briefly discuss the major structural changes experienced by the Indian economy.

2.  Discuss the impact of population growth on per capita income and its growth in India.

3.  Explain the major structural changes in the Indian Industry since economic reforms were undertaken.

4.  Discuss the main features of post 1991 policies on development in India. Do you agree with the statement that while the policies succeeded on growth, they failed on equity?

5.  (a) Define market failure and government failure. What kind of consensus seems to be emerging with regard to the role of government in the current scenario ? How and Why ?

(b) Discuss the trends in India’s Foreign Trade over the last two decades.

6.  Comment on each of the following statements :

(a)  Regional disparities to be removed by encouraging balanced regional development.

(b)  India’s current account is fully convertible and capital account is partially convertible.

(c)  Foreign capital and technology will largely be beneficial to India’s industrialization and economic development.

(d)  The concept mixed economy is still relevant in India.

7.  Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a)  Cash Reserve Ration and Statutory Liquidity Ratio.

(b)  Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product.

(c)  Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI)

(d)  Gandhian Model of Development.

(e)  Foreign Institutional Investment

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:15

Ms-3 Dec 2011

MS-3 – Dec-2011


1."Management movement in India has been strong and distinct compared to trade unionism and consumerism". Discuss the statement highlighting the implications of professionalisation of management.

2. Briefly analyse the growth and structure of private   sector. What according to you are the major differences between private and public sector ?

3. Analyse the major trends in the growth of India's   foreign trade. Also discuss why developing country needs to participate in Foreign Trade ?

4. Critically examine the recommendations of the Tax Reforms Committee.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following.

(a) Laissez - faire type of Economy.

(b) Industrial Licensing

(c) OTCEI (Over the Table Counter Exchange of India)

(d) Balance of Payment Account.

(e) Economic Reforms and control of inflation

Monday, 29 October 2012 07:51

MS-2 June 2007

MS-2 – June-2007


l. Explain the scope and importance of HRM in the present day context. Differentiate between traditional personnel function and HRD.

2. What is Human Resource Planning (HRP) ? Discuss the process of HRP and the problems associated with it.

3. Discuss the concept of competency mapping. Briefly explain the methods of competency mapping

4. What is HRD System ? Enlist the principles in designing an HRD system.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Fringe benefits

(b) Trade Union recognition

(c) Grievance handling

(d) Outsourcing

(e) Importance of team

Monday, 29 October 2012 07:48

MS-2 June 2008

MS-2 – June-2008


l. Explain the scope and components of HRM. Cite suitable illustrations.

2. Define and describe Human Resource plannihg, the associated problems and the guidelines for making it more effective.

3 Define and describe the competency mapping and its various methods.

4 Explain the concept of Human Resource Development (HRD). Discuss the principles of designing HRD system for an organization.

5- write short notes on any three of the foilowing :

(a) HR accounting

(b) Pay Equity

(c) Stock options

(d) Induction programmes

(e) Mentoring

Monday, 29 October 2012 05:52

Ms-2 june-2009

MS-2 – June-2009


1. Define HRM and differentiate it from traditional Personnel Management. Outline the objectives and functions of HRM.

2. Evaluate the importance of Performance Appraisal (PA) in an organisation. Compare any two methods of PA and their merits and demerits.

3. What is HRP ? Discuss Human Resource Planning Process.

4. Analyse the need for training in an organisation. How can you make Training a strategic managerial function? Discus

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) ]ob Analysis

(b) Indiscipline

(c) Quality circle

(d) Succession planning

(e) Employee stock option plan

Monday, 29 October 2012 05:34

Ms-2 june-2010

MS-2 – June-2010


1.Highlight the objectives of HRM ? Briefly explain various HR functions with suitable examples.

2.Discuss the concept of mobility and explain the concept with reference to Promotion and Transfer. Explain with example.

3. Briefly describe the essential elements to be considered for structuring an Assessment centre.

4. Define Training and Retraining. Discuss how training can be converted into a strategic function. Explain with suitable examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) selection Tests

b) growth of Trade Union movement in India

c) employer's Association

d) workers participation in management

(e) Indiscipline

Monday, 29 October 2012 05:26

Ms-2 June 2011

MS-2 – June-2011


1. Describe the steps and pre- requisites to be followed in Grievance Handling Procedure. Briefly discuss Grievance Management in Indian Industry.

2. Discuss the challenges faced by an HR Manager and how managing challenges would facilitate the efficient use of Resources.

3. Describe the Process of Performance Appraisal. Discuss any two methods of Appraisal and their advantages and Disadvantages.

4. Briefly discuss the importance of outsourcing in the present day business scenario and discuss how outsourcing can be made successful.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Employee Lay off.

(b) Assessment Centre.

(c) Employee Empowerment.

(d) Mentoring.

(e) Succession Planning.

Monday, 29 October 2012 05:09

Ms-2 Dec 2007

MS-2 - DEC, 2007


l; Explain different objectives and supporting functions of HRM, citing suitable examples.

2. Define recruitment and differentiate it from. selection. Discuss different methods of recruitment.

3. Discuss the concept of potential assessment and its uses-. Explain competency mapping.

4. What are the basic principles of compensation administration ? Analyse the wage strucfure in India, citing suitable examples.

5. Write short notes.

(a) Grievance handling procedure

(b) Roles and obiectives of trade unions

(c) Mentoring

(d) Succession planning

(e) Industrial democracy

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