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MS-3 Question Bank

MS-3 Question Bank (11)

Term-End Examination
December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : There are two sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from section A, which carry 20 marks each. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
1. What do you understand by Economic Environment in which a business firm operates ?Discuss.
2. Briefly analyse the growth and structure of Private Sector in India. Explain how does it contribute to economic development ?
3. Critically analyse the impact of regulatory framework on industrial structure and performance.
4. Differentiate between Current Account and Capital Account convertibility with reference to its role in rupee convertibility.
5. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Economic Development
(b) Administered prices
(c) India's Foreign Trade
(d) Privatisation
(e) Development Banks.
6. (a) What are the factors of widespread sickness among the Small Scale Industry (SSI)units ?
    (b) How can sickness be identified ? Suggest measures to enhance economic viability of SSI.
7. How has the public sector in India been able to achieve the objectives of economic equity with growth ? Discuss with examples.

MS-3 – June-2007


1 (a) What is Environmental Movement ?

(b) Discuss in detail the policy measures taken by the Government and the efforts made by business firms for promotion and protection of the nafural

environment. Give examples.

2. What is the rationale for private sector development ? Critically examine the problems and prospects of privatisation.

3. What are the long term objectives of planning ? How far have the strategies adopted helped to achieve growth, employement, and equity ?

4(a) Discuss the merits and demerits of currency convertibility for a developing economy.

(b) Discuss the incentives given by the Government to Exporters as a part of EXIM Policy.

5. (a) briefly discuss the significance and need for financial reforms

(b) What reforms have taken place in the Small Scale Sector ? Discuss with example

MS-3 – June-2008


1. Discuss the salient features of the New Economic Policy and the initiatives taken by the government for economic restnrcturing.

2. Describe the institutional framework for Small Scale Industry (SSI) which emerged over the period.

3. (a) Discuss the salient features of the Gandhian Model of Development and its relevance in the current context.

(b) "The overall performance of public sector enterprises (PSEs) has been poor."

Do you agree with the above statement ? why ? Why not ? Give reasons.

4. Describe the various kinds of external debt. Critically evaluate the growing debt servicing burden of India and the challenges associated with increasing debt burden

5. Critically examine the recommendations of the Narasimhan Committee"

6. Give your comments on the following statements :

(a) Effective opposition is as important as a dedicated govemment to protect, promote, regulate business in the best interest of society.

(b) Industrial sickness is essentially a managerial failure.

(c) The distinction between Capitalism and Communism has become thin.

(d) The remarkable upsurge in foreign investments and collaborations in the 90s is largely due to policy liberalisation.

(e) Economic reforms have failed to provide social security.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) The Environmental Movement

(b) Mixed Economic Framework

(c) Economic Reforms and Inflation

(d) Privatisation

(e) Social Responsibility of business

(f) Horizontal versus Vertical equity

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