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Monday, 30 November 2015 09:37




Q.1.  “A training plan should contain all the information necessary for management to make decisions for implementing the training programme.”  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concept.

Q.2.  Distinguish between job ranking and job classification (or grade description)  as methods for job evaluation.  Explain the steps involved in the job classification method.

Q.3.  Human Resource Accounting according to Murdick and Ross is a total system that interacts with other major systems of the organisation.  Explain with example.

Q.4.  “There is a definite link between education and economic growth, and that lack of adequate skilled manpower impedes growth.”  This statement ascribes to which one of the approaches  of HRP.  Discuss the steps involved in and  limitations of this approach.

Q.5.  Define Human Resource Audit Discuss the dimensions of training and development, which are likely to come into focus during an HR Audit.

Q.6.  “Utilisation of human resources which results in the demand for the same, depends crucially on functioning and flexibility of the labour market”.  Critically examine the statement

Q.7. What is meant by self- appraisal ? Explain with examples the objectives of  appraisal interview.

Q.8.  “Job description and job specification are the two by – products of job analysis.”  Elaborate this statement.

Q.9.  How do quantitative and qualitative dimensions regulate the supply of human resources ?  Explain with the help of suitable examples.

Q.10.  Define and discuss different approaches of human resource planning with special reference to educational planning.

Q.11.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

i).            Training methods and techniques.

ii).            Induction Programme.

iii).            Human Resource Audit.

iv).            Job Evaluation

v).            Human Resource Information System.


Q.12.  How do you assess the economic value of people in an organisation ? Explain the role of Human Resource Audit in this context.  Discuss with example the information needs for assessment of economic value of people.

Q.13. Describe briefly the techniques of data collection which can be used for job Analysis.  What precaution should be taken while using those techniques ? Discuss.

Q.14. A trading company traditionally engaged in the trading of consumer goods has planned for expansion by value addition of existing activities and by diversification into manufacturing of consumer durables and pharmaceutical goods.  How would you plan to assess the future training needs of the organization ?

Q.15.  “There is a definite link between education and economic growth and the lack of adequate skilled manpower impedes growth.”  To which approach of Human Resource Planning does this statement belong ?  Discuss critically the steps involved in this approach.

Q.16. What arguments will an organisation have for ‘transfer’ policy ?  What are the essential elements that a transfer policy should have and why ?  Explain with suitable example.

Q.17.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

i).            Job evaluation methods

ii).            Labour market behaviour

iii).            Demand forecasting

iv).            Promotion and Reward Policies

v).            Human Resource Costs.

Q.18.  What are the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of Human Resource Planning?  How do they affect the Labour Market Behaviour ? Explain with examples.


Q.19.  Why is there a need for Human Resource Planning in any organized effort ? Discuss theoretical basis and conceptual issues associated wit alternative approaches to Human Resource Planning.

Q.20.  Explain the objectives and basic assumptions of job Evaluation.  Highlighting the advantages of job evaluation, discuss how does it help develop a rational and equitable pay structure in an organisation.

Q.21.   Discuss the concept and objectives of Human Resource Accounting.  What are the important considerations in developing the HR Accounting System ?  Describe various phases in designing and implementation of the HR  Accounting system.

Q.22.  Write short notes on any four of the following:

  1. Macro – level Manpower Demand Forecasting
  2. Job Analysis
  3. Point Rating
  4. Training Evaluation
  5. Reward Policies
  6. H.R. Audit.

Q.23.  Discuss the impact of Globalization on the macro –level scenario of Human Resource Planning and identify the specific changes that have occurred in the labour market conditions.  Cite suitable examples.

Q.24.’Procuring human resource is almost a lifetime decision for the organisation -  Justify the statement in the light of employment security clauses given under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Q.25. Discuss the concept process and pitfalls of performance appraisal. What are the recent trends in performance appraisal ?  Cite suitable examples.


Q.26. Enumerate the steps involved in organizing training  programme. Highlight some of the methods of training how is the training effectiveness evaluated ?

Q.28.  Write short notes on any four of the following:

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