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Business Statistics top short questions


Management Information System



Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.


What are the most important advantages of databases over conventional file processing systems?  Explain with the help of examples.


Q.2  What is ‘what-if’ analysis in spreadsheet application?  What are the main features/tools coming under what what-if analysis?  Explain with appropriate examples.


Q.3.   Prepare a flow diagram of an inventory system in organisation.  Examine in the context of input/out0put specification and file design system.


Q.4.   Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end:

The managing Director of company is facing lot of problem in current practice of transaction of operations in his marketing division.  He is dissatisfied with the conventional file operation which not only causes delays in transactions but also causes loss in business.  You, being the system manager of the company are required to advise your MD.  In course of discussion, your MD was more interested in the failure aspects of IT application rather than its success.  So he kept on enquiring about IT application, their failure and feasibility considerations.


Keeping in view the above facts answer the questions given below.


Question :


  1. What are the possible reasons of failure in IT implementation an organisation?  During which stage of decision making is failure more likely to occur?
  2. Are only profit making organisations moving towards computerisation? Please clarify.
  3. Will computerisation lead to retrenchment of existing employees of the organisation?  It may cause unrest or tension among the computer illiterate employees.   How do you control this type of situation?


Q.5.      (a) “Marketing involves much more than selling and advertising.”  Explain.

(b)   How would you apply your knowledge of marketing concept to promote

  1. Safe environment
  2. Blood donations


Q.6.    (a)  How does marketing research aid marketing managers?

(b)  How would you reply to the small business person who says, “Marketing          Research is too expensive, so the firm will just have to get by without it”


Q.7.    (a)   Consider the following statement and discuss:  “The only thing that   channel intermediaries really do is to increase price for the consumer.”

(b)  Discuss the factors likely to lead to increased use of telephone, mail order and electronic shopping.  How will these developments after retailers’ present operations?


Q.8.  (a)  Why do many firms use a family brand?  What are the risks associated with this strategy if a news product is sub-standard?

(b)  What is the type of packaging you would adopt in the following cases and why:

  1. Premium Quality Tea
  2. Spices for export


Q.9.   Write short notes on any three of the following:

  1. Pricing methods
  2. Sales promotion
  3. Retailing
  4. Indian consumer market


Q.10.  Read the case given below and attempt the questions given at the end of the case.

‘The Motor Cycle Market’

Japanese manufacturers dominate the world motor cycle market.  They have models in every part of  The market and are continually bringing out new versions: indeed, some critics think that the rate of new model introduction has become counter-productive, since the market will not be able to absorb them all.

Harley-Davidson, the American manufacturer, has survived and is successfully selling its nostalgically, styled models at high prices in manor western markets.  The British industry, whish once led the world, disappeared completely.  All leading Indian motor cycles are being manufactured in joint ventures with Japanese companies.  There are some manufacturers in Europe who tend to specialize e.g.  in high powered sports models or small  mopeds.



  1. How would you go about segmenting the market for motor cycles?
  2. What segments would you recommend an Indian manufacturer to tackle in
    1. India,  (ii)  Europe?

Q.11.  How are financial systems, facilitated by computer software, important for economy of data processing and administrative efficiency?  What type of reports are generally generated in computerisation of financial system?


Q.12.  How can a firm use information systems to create new products and services? Give an example.


Q.13.  Write a simple programme in COBOL for preparing payroll of employees of a hypothetical organisation.


Q.14.  Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

To many, Tractebel SA may look like Belgium’s biggest utility company, but to its chief executive officer, Philippe Bodson it must be much more if its success is to continue.  Tractebel’s 1993 gross sales were 263.2 billion Belgian francs ($8.45 billion), nearly  85 percent of which came from gas and electricity.  Bodson believes that the tightly regulated European energy market offers little opportunity for Tractebel growth.  In addition, he points out that deregulation has hanged the European energy market allowing  non-European rivals to join the competition within Europe.  Bodson is targeting, instead, the emerging markets elsewhere in the world, and with over half a billion in U.S. dollars to invest, he believes he is finding opportunities for growth.

This new look at Tractebel is seen through the power lines and gas pipelines it is building in Argentina and Oman.  Moreover, Bodson has already clinched other power contracts in Canada and Northern Ireland.  His goal is within ten years t sell as much gas and electricity overseas as it currently sells within Belgium.  He believes his company is still far from being truly global.  It must compete against such giants as Duke Power (united States), PowerGen PLC (Great Britain), and Ruhrgas AG (Germany) for contracts in the rapidly expanding economies of Southeast Asia where the demand for power continues to grow.  “This is a gigantic market.  In Southeast Asia alone, we’re talking about tense of billions of dollars.”  says Bodson.  He is also seeking opportunities to participate in the privatization that is occurring in Eastern Europe.

Tractebel has also established a long-range strategy in communications as part of its program to identify other types of markets in which in can successfully compete.  The company now owns the world’s densest cable-TV network in Belgium, making Tractebel the largest private-sector cable-TV company in Europe.  The company is also now active in cable TV in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the United States,. Bodson sees the liberalization of Europe’s telecommunications market in 1998 as a major opportunity, although so far the company is finding it difficult to plan because of the lack of clarity on regulation that will be put in place at that time.  Management  has taken one step by filling an application to be allowed to offer mobile-phone services, thereby bringing Tractebel into competition with Belgacom, Belgium’s state-owned telephone monopoly.  To continue to grow and diversity,  Bodson and his management have much to do to identify and execute new opportunities, and to expand their span of control throughout the globe.

Bodson faces a second challenge closer to home.  He must tend to his existing businesses while continuing to diversify and globalize.  For example, Tractebel is facing a potential challenge to its cable – TV position within Belgium, a multinational country that has recently transformed itself into a loose federation of three national states.  Tractebel is viewed by the government and people of Flanders (the Dutch-speaking Flemish)  to be a stronghold of the French elite within Belgium.  As a result of this nationalist competitive feeling, the Flanders government has announced plans to build its own cable network to compete with Tractebel.



  1. Describe the levels, types and stages of decision making.  Your answer should, how manger find solutions using information system.
  2. Kindly read the following issues in connection with the case and answer the question at the end.

– Mangers ask questions like:

  • How can we enlarge market share ?
  • Where is our industry headed ?
  • Where are we strong and where are we weak?
  • What should be our strategy?

Explain how information systems can assist mangers in answering these issues.


Q.15.  (a)  Describe four functions of word processing software that would increase the productivity of a typists.

(b)  What is integrated software?  Give two examples.  How is it useful to a manager?  Give example.

Q.16.   Describe the features of COBOL as a programming language for business applications.  Compare its suitability in present day context with other programming languages.


Q.17.  A company, dealing in garments has its branches in all metro cities.  It ha been collecting information from all branches and analyses at headquarters.  With increasing com[petition in the market and recent Information Technology developments, the Chief Executive is feeling outdated and feels to change soon the team of managers.  He is planning to develop or buy application soft wares.  He has retained your services for the job.  You are requested to give the solutions in about three months time.

  1. How will you begin your work ?
    1. What are the advantages of computerized Management Information System?
    2. How do you decide whether to purchase or develop application soft wares ?
    3. What is Prototyping ?
    4. What are various activities involved in purchasing application software ?  Give advantages and disadvantages of purchasing an application software.


Q.18.  (a)  Explain the role of computers in modern day management giving    suitable examples.

(b)  Take an example from the store of an organisation and show how you would apply computerisation there .

Q.19.  (a)  Explain Systems view.  What do you mean by M.I.S ?  Elaborate.

(b)  Discuss Data Life Cycle and value of perfect information.


Q.20.  (a)  Discuss the features of COBOL and write a small programme for calculation of wages of an employee.

(b)  What do you mean by System Analysis and Design? Explain.


Q.21. Define PERT and CPM.  Explain their application giving suitable examples.


Q.22. (a)   Discuss different levels  of information handling with examples.

(b)   Explain different hardware components of computer giving their uses.

Q.23.  Discuss in detail the application of computers in the following areas giving suitable examples:

- Inventory Management

- Human Resources Management.

Q.24. What do you mean by Operations Research?  How doe it help in decision making?


Q.25. (a) Discuss management Information System.  Explain cost of information      giving examples.

(b)  What is a spreadsheet ?  Explain ‘what – if’ analysis giving examples.

Q.26.  Discuss how will you initiate computerisation of the financial activities of lyur organisation.  What major reports would you like to generate ?  How would  you link the daily entries for preparation of Balance Sheet ? What softwares would you like to buy ?

Present all this in a well prepared report from.

Q.27.  Discuss three application softwares that are commonly used in a personal computer.  Give suitable examples of their uses.


Q.28.  (a)  What is integrated software ?  How does it help a manager ?  Give   examples.

(b)  Explain the application of computers in Human Resource Management.


Q.29.   Explain role of Management Information System in modern organisations.


Q.30.  What is a data flow diagram? Explain its use in system design.


Q.31.  You are incharge of stores of a large manufacturing company.  The     management of the company wants to computrerise the inventory system.

Prepare a detailed project report giving the need for such a system, identification of suitable software and other related aspects.  Prepare an implementation schedule also.


Q.32.  (a) Explain the role of computers in the decision making process giving suitable examples.

(b)  Explain different parts of computer hardware.  Draw a flow diagram about the functioning of these parts.


Q.33.  Discuss the application of computers in

(a)  Financial systems.

(b)  Inventory systems.

Give suitable examples.


Q.34.  (a)  Explain the structure of COBOL Programs.

(b)  Prepare a data flow diagram for payroll accounting.

(c ) Explain the concept of data like cycle.

Q.35.  You work for a company which has its Headquarters at Mumbai and four Regional officers at Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad.  These regional officers control dealers and retailers in their region.  Of late there have been many complaints regarding non- availability of products in the market which lead to losses.

The board of the company wants a detailed report from you about this and the development of a suitable information system so that updated information can be available.

Prepare a detailed project report about the identification of the problem, approach to solve it, software design and other related issues.


Management of Machines and Materials

Q.1  (a)   Explain different types of production systems giving suitable examples.

(b)   Elaborate various situations which lead to a study of facility location. Give examples.

Q.2.  (a)   Discuss basic Material Handling Systems giving their area of application.  List the objectives of material handling.

(b)   Explain steps in any work study procedure.

Q.3.    (a)   Discuss different environmental factors that affect productivity of a labour.  How do you improve it?

(b)   Explain DARSIRI method and Fast diagram as tools of Value Engineering.

Q.4. (a)  Explain “Codification”  and “ Standardization”  Give few codification systems.

(b)   Discuss different stores accounting systems.  Give their application in actual usage.

Q.5.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a)   Aggregate Planning

(b)   Vendor Evaluation and Rating

(C )  Job Evaluation

(d)    Material Requirement Planning

(e)    A-B-C and F-S-N analysis.

(f)    Control Charts


(a)  Identify three disciplines/sub-disciplines that will contribute in a major way t the development of Production & Operations Management (POM).

(b)  Describe various types of production systems in detail.


Describe the product selection process, with the help of an example, of new small car.


(a)  What is the difference among job enrichment, job enlargement and job rotation?  Give suitable examples.

(b)  Describe the procedure of work sampling.  How can standard time be calculated by using a work-sampling study?


What do you mean by Assembly-Line Balancing? Describe the procedure of Kenbridge and Western with the help of an example.


(a)   Briefly describe the phases of Value Engineering Job Plan given by Mudge.

(b)“Inventory Management for the slow moving expensive items shall focus more on lead-time reduction than anything else” Please comment.


(a) Which factors influence the decision to choose a new location of plant?  What are the objectives of plant layout?

(b)Differentiate between Wastivity and productivity.  Explain whether reducing wastivity and increasing productivity imply one and the same thing.


Describe the ferms “Acceptance Sampling” and “Sampling Plans”.  What is an Operating Characteristics Curve?  Hw is it constructed?


(a)   Explain the objectives of Operations Management.  How does a service organisation fix its performance objectives?

(b)  Discuss, with suitable examples, the process of launching a new product in the market.


(a)  You have been retained as a consultant for establishment f a steel plant.  Discuss at least ten important factor that you consider are relevant for  locating a steel plant.  Give examples.

(b)  Explain various factors that govern the design of any layout of plant?  Give examples.


(a) Explain different steps of Method Study?  How does it help in improving productivity of an organisation?

(b)  What do you mean by Ergonomics ?  Discuss briefly design of equipments as related to it.


(a) Explain the concept of Value Engineering.  What is a Fast diagram? Give example.

(b) Discuss briefly A-B-C  and V-F-D analysis.  Suggest the application of F-S-N analysis in some organisation.

Q.17.  Write notes on any three of the following:

(i)   Standardisation and Codification

(ii)  Operating Characteristic Curve

(iii) Tero Technology

(iv)  Line balancing


Construct a flow Process Chart (Material Type) assuming at least 10 activities.


Q.19.   In the age of information explosion, role of Operation Manager has become very crucial.”  Explain this statement Discuss the objectives of Operation Management.


(a)  Explain different types of facility layout concepts.

(b)  Discuss the importance of material handling giving suitable examples.



(a)  Explain Flow Process Chart and Multiple Activity Chart with example.

(b)  List down the principles of Motion economy as related to design of work-place and design of equipments.


(a)  Explain pure Strategies as referred in context of Aggregate Planning.  What do you mean by Seasonal  Index ?

(b)  Discuss Condition based Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance giving suitable examples.

Q.23.  Write notes on

(i)   Inventory Control Techniques

(ii)  Different Types of Tenders

(iii) Value Analysis

(iv)  O-C (Operating Characteristics)  Curve


(a)  Discuss the importance of Standardisation codification and Variety Reduction.

(b)  Discuss Therbligs and its application.

Q.25.   Discuss the role of Operation Manager in today’s context.  Do you agree that Operations Management is a Multi Disciplinary function?  Discuss.

Q.26.(a)   Explain two techniques of work measurement giving suitable examples.  How do you use work measurement technique of productivity improvement?

(b)  Discuss different types of production systems giving few examples.

(c)  Explain Delhi technique of forecasting.

(d)  Explain different types of maintenance giving suitable examples.

(e)  Suggest an organisation structure for the maintenance department of a medium-sized company.

Q.27.(a)   Explain the following:

Stores location, Stores layout, Stores accounting, Stores safety.

(b)  Discuss briefly the advantages of Standardisation, Codification and Variety reduction.

(c)  Explain Scrap, Surplus and Obsolete management giving examples.


(a)  Discuss various steps involved in method study giving suitable examples.  How does it help in productivity enhancement?


(b ) Explain Value Engineering giving its area of application in some industry which you are aware of .


Q.29.  (a)  Discuss the concept of Systems Life Cycle, give examples.

(b)  Explain different types f production systems giving their application area.

Q.30.  (a)  Explain the space determination and area allocation in context of facilities layout.

(b)  Discuss the impact of product innovation on process innovation giving suitable examples.


Q.31.  Explain Work Study approach, Prepare a two hand process chart giving at least ten activities.  Discuss stop watch time study method and show how do you calculate standard time to complete a job.

Q.32.  (a)   Explain various functions of a stores manager.  Give examples.

(b)   Explain a suitable organisation structure for stores.  What are the                                      advantages of a centralised stores organisation?

Q.33.  Write short notes on:

  1. Line balancing
  2. Quality Management
  3. Maintenance Management
  4. Waste Management


Discuss purchase function of any organisation.  Explain Vendor evaluation and rating. Give examples.


Q.35.  Discuss various Operation Management decisions.  How are long term and short term decisions integrated?  Give examples.


(a)   Discuss Product development and Product design giving suitable examples.

(b)   Explain different situations when we have t decide for a new facility location.  Explain with examples.


(a)  Discuss various environmental  factors that affect productivity of a labour.  How can you improve these ?  Give examples.

(b)  Explain work sampling procedure how do you calculate number of observations to be taken?


(a)  Discuss three control charts that are used in process control.

(b)  Discuss the importance of Value Engineering in modern day organisations.  What are the different phases of Value Engineering study?


(a)  Explain Standardisation, codification and variety reduction giving examples.

(b)  Discuss vendor evaluation and rating.  Give a list of factors to be considered.


(a)  Explain the importance of waste management.  How do you dispose scarp, surplus and obsolete item?  Define wastivity.

(b)   Explain the line balancing concept giving suitable examples.


(a)  Explain the different operational decisions in Operations Management.

(b)  Discuss the role of scientific methods in Operations Management.


(A)  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of continuous and batch processing.

(b)   Discuss with examples, the process for capacity planning.


  1. Explain the steps of Method Study.  What is a two hand process chart? Give an example.
  2. Discuss the use of Work Sampling in Work Study.  How do you calculate the number of observations to be taken/


(a)  Explain the concept of the balancing giving examples.

(b)  Discuss the various types of maintenance.  What do you mean by Signature Analysis?


(a)   “Value Engineering is an important tool to improve productivity,” Explain.

(b)   Explain Quality Assessment, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Circles.


(a)  Discuss the various functions of stores.  Explain the different storage systems.

(b)  Explain ABC, VED and FSN analysis, giving examples.


  1. Discuss various objectives of Operations Management.
  2. What do you mean by an integrated approach to materials management?  Explain.


  1. Explain various key elements that should be considered in product design.
  2. What are the various factors that govern the design of plant layout?


(a)  What are the various techniques of work measurement?  Discuss pre-determined motion time system.

(b)  What do you mean by Human Engineering ? What environmental factors need to be considered while developing a new method.?


(a)  Explain failure analysis and its use in industry.

(b)  “Aggregate planning helps us in smooth control of production” Explain  What are pure strategies?


(a)  What do you mean by ‘Value’? What are the different types of values ?  Discuss FAST diagrams, pointing out their relevance in design improvements.

(b)  What is the cost of quality? Explain acceptance sampling.  Discuss sampling plans.


(a)  What are the different approaches for timing of purchases?  How do you determine price of a product?

(b)  Discuss advantages of codification Standardisation and variety reduction.


Labour Law

"Arbitrators appointed by the parties under Section 10-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 are not Tribunals, therefore no appeal can lie under Article 136 of the Constitution against awards given by them." Comment with the help of decided cases.

Are "Lockout" and "Strike" Constitutional Rights? Elucidates with the help of decided cases.

Define "Strike" as under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Define "Worker" as under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. [Is police constable a workman

Describe the objects and characteristics of industrial disputes act.

Discuss the duties of Conciliation Officer.

Distinguish between layoff and retrenchment.

Distinguish between "Lockout" and "Layoff".

Distinguish between the "Strike" and "Gherao".

Distinguish between the "Strike" and "Lockout".

Every retrenchment is termination of service but every termination of service is not retrenchment. Explaining retrenchment in the light of this observation. When does it become necessary to take prior permission of the government of retrenchment under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?

Under what circumstances would a strike be illegal?

What do you mean by "Retrenchment"? Explain the causes of "Retrenchment".

What is "Board of Conciliation"?

What is "Industry" within the meaning of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947? Elucidate with the help of decided cases on the point. Is the police department of the state an industry? Assign reasons.

What is Labour Court? Described the constitution, power and functions of the Labour Court under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. [Is there any provision under which the appropriate government may refer industrial disputes to Labour Court relating to any matter specified in the Third Schedule?]

What is the jurisdiction of National Tribunal under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Trade Unions Act, 1926

Workman's Compensation Act, 1923

Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Factories Act, 1948

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Maternity Benefits Act, 1961

Employee's State Insurance Act, 1942

Equal Renumeration Act, 1976

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Employee's Provident Funds and Misc. Prov. Act, 1952

Payment of Gratuity Act 1972

The Industrial Employment (Standing Order), 1946

General Question

Labour Legislation is a means to secure economic and social justice to the workman. Discuss.

What is the procedue for "Certification of Standing Order"?

What other provisions of law relating to appeal against the standing order of "The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1936?

Under what circumstances gratuity becomes payable to an employee under payment of gratuity act 1972?

To whom does the Employee's Provident Funds and Misc. Prov. Act, 1952 apply?

Explain the "Available Surplus" under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

When will a person be disqualified to get a bonus?

What are the provisions for payment of equal remuneration for same work to men and women workers?

Discuss the various benefits available to employees under the provisions of Employee's State Insurance Act, 1942. Is it necessary that the employee claiming benefit must be ensured within the meaning of the act?

Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948 is a social security legislation. Explain.

What is maternity benefit? What are the provisions regarding payment of maternity benefit in case of death of woman under the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961?

Describe the powers of Inspectors under Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

Discuss the aims and objectives of Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

What are the provisions for "Deductions" under Payment of Wages Act, 1936?

Discuss the main safety provisions of the Factories Act, 1948. What are hazardous processes?

Discuss the provisions relating to the health and safety of workers in factories as mentioned in the Factories Act, 1948.

Factory under Factories Act, 1948.

What are "Compensatory Holidays"?

What are the general duties of occupier?

What is a crèche? Is there any provision for crèche under the Factories Act?

What is a Welfare Officer?

Describe the composition of "Central Advisory Board" under Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

Discuss the concept of "living wage", "fair wage" and "minimum wage".

Discuss the main provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

Discuss the mode the fixation and revision of minimum rates of wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

What is the minimum wage under Minimum Wages Act, 1948?

Accident alone does not entitle a workman to claim compensation, accident must arise out of and in the course of employment. Discuss liability of employer under the Workman's Compensation Act, 1923 in the light of the above observation.

Discuss the aims and objectives of Workman's Compensation Act, 1923.

Discussed the law relating to the determination of compensation to a workman under the Workman's Compensation Act, 1923.

Distinguish between "Partial Disablement" and "Total Disablement" under Workman's Compensation Act, 1923.

Explain the doctrine of "Notional Extension" of employers premises under Workman's Compensation Act, 1923

Explain the duties and powers of Compensation Commissioner.

What do you mean by dependence under Workman's Compensation Act, 1923? Is widower also dependent?

Define "Registrar" and "Trade Dispute" under the Trade Union Act, 1926.

Definition of "Trade Union".

Discuss the procedure for registration or trade union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926. Under what circumstances certificate of registration or trade union may be withdrawn or cancelled by the registrar? What is the remedy is such a case?

Is registration of trade union compulsory under the Trade Unions Act, 1926? Is it entitled to claim privileges and immunities even if it is not registered? What are the privileges and immunities of the trade union?

What are the disqualification of Office Bearer of Trade Union?

What are the objects on which general funds of trade unions may be spent?

What are the privileges and immunities of the trade union?

What is "Collective Bargaining"?

What is "Political Fund" under the Trade Unions Act, 1926?

When an application submitted to the frustration of trade union become invalid?



Business management important questions


Q. 1. What is `management' ? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations.


Define 'management'. What is the importance of management in today's business world ?


"Management is the ordering and coordinating of functions and of the men fulfilling these functions in order to achieve a given purpose." Discuss.


"Management is the art of setting things done through and with the people in formally organised groups." Explain this statement.

Q. 2. Define `management' and discuss its characteristic features.


Discuss the nature of management.


What are the characteristics of management? Discuss its nature as art and a science.


Discuss the nature and characteristics of management. Is management a science, an art, or a profession?


Is management a profession? Discuss.


"Management is an art of setting things done, and a science of decision making." Discuss.

Q. 3. What are the functions of management ?


"Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organisation in the accomplishment of predetermined objectives." Discuss.


"Management is what management does." Discuss.


"Management has to perform a series of jobs." Discuss.


Describe the essential functions which constitute the process of management. What is the relative importance of such functions?

Q 4 . Write short notes on the following :

(a) Levels of Management; (b) Managerial skills.


"Levels of management refers to a line of separation between different positions held by seniors and juniors drawn with a view to distinguish each-other in respect of their duties, responsibilities, rights and authority." Explain this statement.


"Different skills are needed at different managerial levels." What are these levels and skills ? Discuss fully.


Identify and briefly explain the different kinds of skills needed by managers to perform the task of management in organisation. What is the relative mix of these skills at different levels of organisational levels ?


What are the different levels of management ? Describe the role of the people at each such level.

Q 5 . Critically examine the managerial roles approach to management as t forth by Mintzberg.

Q .6.Briefly describe the evolution of management thought from early days to modern times.


Give a brief account of the growth and development of management till modern era.


Examine the evolution of management thought from the early pioneers to modern thinkers.


Describe briefly various schools of management thought prevalent from time to time.

Q 7. What is scientific management ? Discuss the main elements of scientific management.


Discuss the contribution of Frederick W. Taylor to the theory of management.


Who is recognised as the father of scientific management? What is meant by scientific management ? What weaknesses in scientific management did lead to the emphasis on human relations ?


Assess the contribution of scientific management to the development of management thought.


"Scientific management aims to develop each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity." Discuss.


Present a case for and against of scientific management.


"The principles of scientific management mark the beginning of management movement." Discuss. Bring out clearly the broad principles of  scientific management.


Discuss the techniques of scientific management.


"One of the basic principles of scientific management is mental revolution. " Explain this statement.


"Scientific management involves in its essence a complete mental revolution on the part of the workmen and an equally complete mental revolution on the part of those on managerial side." Examine.


"Scientific management is nothing, but a mental revolution." Discuss this statement.

Q. 8. Describe in brief the administrative theory of management.


Briefly explain the Fayol's general principles of management.


"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control." Discuss.


Discuss the contribution of Fayol to the science of management.


Write a critical note on Fayol's contribution to the theory of management.

Q. 9. Who is the father of management—Taylor or Fayol ? Discuss.


Write a comparative note on the contributions of Taylor and Fayol.

Q. 10. "The terms management and administration are interchangeable and are often used as synonymous." Critically examine this statement.


"Admin4stration is the determinative function. Management, on the other hand, is an executive function that is primarily concerned with carrying out the broad policies laid down by the administration." W.R. Spriegel. Elucidate.


Are `management' and `administration' different ? How will you comment on their terminological conflicts ?

Q 11. What are management principles ? Explain the nature of management principles.                                                               Or

Why management principles are needed? What are their limitations ? What is meant by management principles ? Enlist the imporant principles of management.


Explain the management principles and give their importance.


"Principles of management are helpful in increasing productivity “ Elucidate this statement. In this connection, briefly discuss the management principles.


"principles of management are flexible and not absolute, but must be utilised in the light of changing and special conditions. Fayol Comment and summarise the principles of management as enunciated by Henri Fayol.

Q. 12. Are management principles universal in nature ?


Give arguments for and against the universality of the management concept.


The fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all human activities from our simplest individual acts to the work of our great corporations." (Taylor) Bring out the universality of management principles.


What is the concept of universality of management ? Do you think that there are universal principles of management that effect the success of all organisations and managers ?


Express your views about the universality of management principles.


Do you agree that management principles are of universal application ? Explain and illustrate your answer.


"The principles of management are not the monopoly of economic sector alone." Discuss.

Q 13 . What is human relations approach to management ? Critically evaluate its contribution to management theory.


Discuss the impact of Hawthorne Experiments on management thought.


Describe the main elements of human relations approach to management.

Q.14. . Write a comprehensive note on behavioural approach to management.


Explain the significance of the behavioural approach to management.

What are its main features ? Discuss.


Consider the principal focal points of social science approach to management

Q.15.. What is management science approach to management ? Critically examine it.


Define management science approach and explain the characteristics of the situations in which management science applications are usually made.

Q. 16. Write an explanatory note on `systems approach' to management.


What is systems approach to management ? Explain salient characteristics of the system.


Explain the systems approach to management. Discuss with example how does it provide feedback mechanism to continue the whole cycle.

Q.17. Write an explanatory note on Contingency Approach to Management.


Critically evaluate contingency approach to management.


What is contingency theory of management ? How do you evaluate it ?


Describe the situational theory of management.

Q 18 . Write an essay on `Management Development in India.'


Attempt an essay on `Professionalisation of Management in India.'


"The importance of formal management education is not suffieient!v recognised in this country." Is this true ? What steps would you suggest to bring a wider recognition for a formal management education in India ?


"Industrial management is a profession like any other technical branch and men acquiring specialised knowledge and skill pertaining to this discipline can be utilised in managing business and industry in this country, yet (here is no recognition of a formal management education in this country." Elucidate the statement.


What future do you visualise for management education in India ? Are present facilities adequate to cater to the national requirements ? Discuss.


What are the different institutions that promote management in India ? What role private sector has played ? Discuss.


Q.19.  How can managers deal with their organisation's environment ? Explain.


"For the survival and growth of the organisation, the managment has to cope successfully with the environment of its organisation." In the light of this statement discuss various ways open to managers to cope with organisation's environment.

Q.20 What is internal environment ? How managers can match the internal environment with the external environment of their organisation ?


Explain the meaning of `internal environment'. What are the tools available to managers for matching the internal environment with the external environment.


Explain some important techniques by means of which proper organisational strategy may be systematically developed to match the internal environment with the external environment.

Q 21 . What do you understand by `Management by Objectives'? Describe the process Management by Objectives.


Define Management by Objectives. Discuss its benefits and limitations. What do you suggest to improve the effectiveness of Management by Objectives "


What do you mean by Management by Objectives ? Explain the goal-setting process through Management by Objectives.


Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Management by Objectives. What are the minimum requirements of an Management by Objectives programme ?


"Efficient management is management by objectives." In the light of this statement, discuss the essential characteristics of Management by Objectives.


Define Management by Objectives. Explain the Management by Objectives Cycle.


What is meant by Management by Objectives ? What are the different steps involved in it .

Q 22  What do you understand by the term 'forecasting' ? How is it related to planning ? Explain its significance.


"Looking ahead is the essence of managment." (Henri Fayol) Discuss the statement bringing out clearly the meaning of forecasting.


"'Sound forecasting are the foundations of business management." Discuss the statement.


What do you understand by forecasting ? Explain its nature and significance.


What are elements of forecasting process ? Discuss its advantages and limitations.


"Planning and forecasting arc inextricably, intertwined." Discuss.

Q.23. Briefly explain the various techniques used in business forecasting.


Discuss the forecasting methods as used by managers to forecast the future. What are the limitations of statistical methods of forecast 7 How would you select a suitable forecasting technique

Q 24  What do you understand by decision making ? What are its basic elements ?


"Decision is an art of choice wherein an executive forms a conclusion about what must not be done in a given situation." Comment. In the light of this statement bring out clearly the meaning and characteristics of decision making.


"Decision making is the primary test of management." Discuss this statement and explain the process of decision making.


"Whatever a manager does, he does through decision making." Critically examine this statement.


What is the significance of decision making ? What procedure should be followed in arriving at a correct decision ?


"Decision making is the vehicle for carrying managerial workload and discharging the managerial responsibilities." Evaluate the statement and examine the significance of rational decision making in management.


"Decision making is at the core of planning." Discuss this statement and spell out the nature of decision making.


What is decision making ? What are the important factors that influence decision making ?

Q.25 . Discuss in brief different theories of decision making.


What are the principles of decision making ? How and why the employee participation in decision making process should be introduced ?


Make out a case for employees' participation in decision making.

Q.26 . "Policies are guide-posts for managerial action." Discuss this statement and give at least two examples of policies in any area of business management.


What is `policy' ? What characteristics do policies have ? Also discuss various classifications of an industrial policy.


"Policies establish the framework upon which planning procedures and programmes are constructed." Discuss the statement bringing out the meaning and characteristics of policy.


What is `policy formulation' ? What is the process of policy formulation ?


What is `policy' ? What are the essentials of a sound policy ?

Q. 27. Explain the models of decision making behaviour of managers.


What are the approaches to decision making behaviour of managers ? Discuss.


Discuss and compare the classical and behavioural models of decision making.


What is bounded rationality ? Discuss the limits to rationality.

Q 28 . What is meant by `leadership' ? What are its important characteristics ? Spell out the significance of leadership.


What is leadership ? Why is there a need for leadership ? Discuss various styles of leadership.


Define leadership. Explain the nature of leadership. What is the importance of leadership ?


"Management is executive leadership; it makes things happen and gets things done through others." Discuss.


Briefly discuss various leadership styles and also refer to their advantages, disadvantages and conditions of use. Which is the best style in your opinion ?

Q 29 . Briefly describe various theories of leadership.


Discuss different approaches to leadership.


Explain the main theories of leadership.


Differentiate between tratist and situationalist theories. Which of the

two is near to the modern thinking?


Ely crate the qualities of leadership.

Q. 30 How would you define motivation ? Set out the importance of motivation in an organisation.


What is motivation ' Discuss its nature and process.


Define motivation. Explain important characteristics of motivation and the motivational process.


Explain the meaning and significance of motivation. What would be important elements of a sound motivation system ?


`Magic power of liquid cash is still an important motivator'. Comment and set out the essential requirements of a motivation system.


Explain the term motivation. What does motivate people in an organisation "


"Motivation is getting the members of the team to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to group, to carry out properly the activities allocated and generally to play an efficient part in the purpose or task that the organisation has undertaken." Discuss the importance of motivation with reference to this statement. Explain the methods of motivation that can be adopted by the management.

Q 31  Briefly describe the modern theories of motivation.


How do McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y of human behaviour help motivation of employees ? Do you think an integrated approach, an amalgam of these two theories may be more effective in our country 7 Comment.


"A more complete theory of motivation recognises that an individual works to fulfil a variety of need" Examine critically. (Maslow's Needs Hierarchy).


Discuss Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.


Define and distinguish between Theory X and Theory Y of motivation.


Distinguish between Maslow's need priority model and Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.


Examine Abraham Maslow's theory. How does this theory help managers in motivating employees ?


Identify and briefly explain the various approaches to motivation.

Q.32.. What is morale ? How do you measure it ? Explain the techniques of ``maintaining and improving employee morale.


How morale is related with motivation and productivity ? What measures would you take as a manager-leader to build the morale of your men ?

Q.33 Briefly describe Ouchi's Theory Z.


What is Theory Z management ? Discuss briefly.

Q 34.  Define communication. What is the purpose of communication in an organisation? Discuss the nature of communication process in the direction of men at work.


What is management communication? Explain its importance in business management.


What are the elements of the communication process? Detail out the factors responsible for ever-enlarging scope and importance of communication.


What are various types of communication? Briefly discuss them.


Explain the principal barriers to managerial communications. Suggest maesures for removing them.


What is communication? What steps would you suggest to make the communication network effective in an industrial undertaking?


What is the importance of communication in an industrial organisation? How will you ensure effective communication in a large manufacturing organisation? Explain.


Define communication. Mention the essential elements of communication.

Q. 35. What is coordination ? Explain its importance.


Define `coordination'. What are its important features ? Discuss salient techniques of coordination.


"Coordination is the essence of management." Discuss the importance of coordination in the light of this statement.


"Each of the managerial functions is an exercise contributing to coordination" Discuss. Explain the importance of coordination,


' Explain meaning of coordination. What are the principles of coordination ? Explain the need of coordination.

Q 36 . What is meant by managerial control? Explain the nature of control


Define control. Discuss the importance of control in organisational system. Explain the elements of control.


What are the basic steps of control? Discuss the requirements of an effective control system.


Define control. Explain various types of control used in an organisation.


"Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back." Comment.


"Planning is meaningless without control and control is aimless without planning. " Discuss


"Planning and control are the inseparable twins of management." Comment.


"Control is best aimed at results not at people as such." Discuss the essentials of an effective control in the light of this statement.

Q 37 Discuss briefly the various managerial control techniques.


Discuss the objectives of budgetory control. What are the benefits and limitations of budgetary control?


Explain the term `budgetary control.' What are the prerequisites for effective budgetary system?


"Budgetary control still continues to be an effective technique of managerial control" Discuss this statement and suggest steps to make budgetary control more effective.

Q 38 . Define the term 'social responsibility'. is it necessary that a company should feel responsibility towards social and community development ?


What do you understand by corporate social responsibility ? The objective function of a business is to maximise profits. It has nothing to do with the social responsibilities. Do you agree with this ?


"The responsibility of business do not end with caring for their own factories, their own business and their own men. They owe a debt to society". Comment.


Discuss in brief the major social responsibilities of a business manager.


"Economic goals and social obligation of business are always in conflux with each other and cannot be reconciled" Comment.


Discuss the arguments for and against the social responsibility of business.


"Social responsibility, of business is an exercise of balancing of objectives of society on one hand and the objectives of the business on the other hand" Discuss.

Q.39. What is the concept, nature and process of planned change ? Discuss.


flow a planned change can be introduced in an enterprise ? Explain.


Why do people resist change ? Suggest measures to overcome resistance to change.


What is change ? Discuss how a manager manages change effectively ?

Q.40. Write a note on 'emerging horizons of management in changing environment.'


Discuss the tasks expected to he performed by future management to effectively deal with the various challenges in future.


Write an explanatory note on challenges of management in future.


"Managerial environment in future is going to be more challenging requiring high degree of professionalisation from managers." Comment.


Discuss the important challenges to management in future. How can they be met ?


"The manager of tomorrow will not be a bigger man than his father was before him." In the light of this statement discuss the tasks expected to he performed by future managers to affectively deal with management challenges.

Q 41 Define organisation. What are its basic principles? Explain.          

Q.42. What are organisation charts ? Discuss their advantages and limitations.

Q.43.. What do you understand by span of management? Explain the factors that determine the span of management. What is its impact on organisation?


`The span of management is the corner-stone concept in traditional management theory.' Do you agree?

Q.44. What is an informal organisation? How does it differ from a formal organisation ''


Define a formal and an informal organisation. Explain the difference between the two.

Q.45. What is informal organisation numerate the salient characteristics of informal organisations.   


What do you understand by informal organisation ? Why informal organsiations emerge ? Explain.


Discuss the managerial implications of informal organisations.


What are the benefits of informal organisations ? Explain their dysfunctions too.

Q 46  Discuss the meaning, methods and importance of departmentalisation. What basic factors would you keep in mind while creating departments in an enterprise?


"The organisation structure should divide and group the activities of an enterprise that they contribute most effectively and efficiently to the attainment of enterprise purpose." Discuss the statement and short' the place of `departmentalisation' in an organisation.


What is departmentalisation? What are its bases? Explain its need.

Q47.  What do you understand by the term `authority' in relation to an organisation ? Row Max Weber distinguishes between organisation types on the. basis of authority ?


"Authority does not always exact obedience." Explain.


Explain the reasons as to why subordinates comply with their superior's authority ?


Explain the concept of `responsibility'. Can responsibility be delegated ?


Explain in brief the vertical dimensions of the organisation.


What is `managerial hierarchy' ? Explain this concept with the help of a diagram.

Q.48. What is meant by delegation of authority? What are the elements of the process of delegation? Explain the benefits of delegation.


Define delegation of authority. Briefly discuss the principles of delegation. What are barriers to effective delegation?


"Delegation has been called as the hey to organisation. " Discuss explaining the meaning and basic principles of delegation.


What is delegation of authority? Bring out the difference between delegation and decentralisation.


What are the obstacles in effective delegation? What would you suggest to achieve effective delegation?

Q.49. What are centralisation and decentralisation ? Explain the merits and limitations of decentralisation.


Define delegation and decentralisation. Explain the difference between delegation and decentralisation. What factors determine the degree of decentralisation? How would you measure the degree of decentralisation?

Q 50 . What do You understand by `staffing' ?


Define `staffing' a Describe the need and importance of staffing function in an enterprise.


"Staffing the formal process of ensuring that the organisation has qualified workers at all levels to meet its short-term and long-term objectives". Elucidate. Briefly explain the major principles of staffing.

Q 51 . What is the staffing process ? Explain the steps involved in this process.


Briefly describe the elements of staffing functions.


What is the importance of placement and orientation for effective job performance of a new employees.

Q. 52  Explain the sources of recruitment  of new employees.


What are the different sources of recruitment ? Discuss their advantages and limitations.

Q.53. Explain in detail the process of selection.


Discuss the various steps or elements involved in the`3elect,on process.


Do you agree that combination of written test and interview provides better results in selection.

Q.54. What are the objective of training and development? Discuss their need and importance.


Explain in brief the various methods adopted for training the employees in an organisation.


Why is training so important for manpower development ?


Describe in brief the techniques used under off-the-job training.


What are the steps involved in the training and development process ?

Q 55. Write a note on `Organisation as a socio-technical system'.


"Organisation is a socio-technical system". Explain. Also describe briefly the principles which the socio-technical approach follows.

Q.56. Discuss the Concept of Organisational Climate. What are its important Elements ? Explain the Nature of Organisational Climate


What is Organisation climate ? Discuss its impart on the working of an Organisation and its members

Q.57. What is status ? What are its Determinants ? What are the various categories of status ? Explain.


Discuss the relevance and functional value of status systems.


Explain the dysfunctions of status systems and distinctions.


Write notes on : (r) Status Systems (ii) Status Equity (iii) Status Symbols (iv) Status motive.

Q.58. What is conflict ? What are its sources ?


What do you understand by conflict ? Discuss various consequences of conflict.


What are causes of conflict ? How would you resolve them ?


What are the main strategies to deal with conflict ? Explain them in brief.


How would you manage conflict in your organisation ? Explain.


"Modern approach to conflict in quite different from traditional approach". Explain.

Q.59. Define Organisation Development. What are Organisation Development values Explain.           


What do you understand by Organisation Development (Organisation Development) ? Briefly explain the objectives of Organisation Development.


What is Organisation Development process ? Explain.


What is an Organisation Development intervention ? Explain any two Organisation Development interventions.


Explain the concept of Grid Organisation Development.


Write notes on the following :

              I.      Role analysis

           II.      Team building

         III.      Sensitivity training

        IV.      Transactional analysis

           V.      Survey feedback

        VI.      Third party peace making.

      VII.      Confrontation meeting.

   VIII.       Quality of work life (OWL)




Wages and salary administation important questions



Points to Remember

Q.1 . Why is dearness allowance and integral part of any ay packet ?  Explain with example, how is it administered.


 Q.. “Dearness allowance forming part of a pay packet is not justified.” Do you agree ? Explain with reasons

Q.2.  Define and differentiate between:

  1. Bonus and fringe benefits
  2. Pay commission and wage board
  3. Gain sharing and profit sharing

Q.3.   Can the fine be deducted from wages of an employed person ? If so, subject to what conditions Explain.

Q.4.  Write short notes on’ Stock Option and Profit Sharing


Q.5.  Write short notes on Collective Bargaining


Q.6.  Compare and contrast the three content theories of motivation

Q.7.  How does minimum wage doffer from need – based minimum wage ?  Explain with a suitable example

Q.8.  Discuss the various methods for fixation/ revision of minimum wages under the Minimum, Wages Act, 1948


Q .The Minimum Wages Act 1948 provides for fixation / revision of minimum wages.  Discuss various methods prescribed in the Act for the purpose.

Q.9.Write short notes on’ Wage Incentive Plans

Q.10 Critically discuss the types of wage theories and also discuss their relevance in today’s world

Q.11 What are the methods of job – evaluation ?  Analyze Critically with suitable examples(Faculty notes)


Q Write short notes on” Job analysis and job description

Q. 12  Discuss the concept of social security and fringe benefits.   How are they related ?  Discuss with suitable example(Faculty notes)

Q13 Explain the concept of Job evaluation (JE).  Describe  the procedure of JE and how it is carried out in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to. .

. Q14   Discuss the rationale and approaches to Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS).  Meet some people who took VRS and prepare a list of their experiences with respect to pros and cons of VRS. .


   Q 15Explain the frameworks for compensation policy at Macro and Micro levels.  State the practical difficulties of the framework if any and suggest few improvement strategies. .


.   Q 16 Discuss the International Labour standards on wages.  Explain the norms for fixation of wages.  

    Q 17Review the existing compensation policies, programmes and practices of India.  Discuss the future trend of executive compensation.



 Q 18 List out the various steps involved in designing a performance – linked reward system.  Discuss how it is designed in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.






Total quality management question bank


1. Write a note on “Contract Review”

2. What is the Purpose of Documentation? Mention the features and benefits of Documentation.

3. Suppose say you have started a new Manufacturing Company & you are following the legal rules and considering all the ethical issues. Now that you want to conduct Internal Quality Audit. How do go about it? What are the factors you consider?

4. Define quality.

5. What do you mean by inspection?

6. What do you mean by ‘control’?

7. Mention the control process.

8. Define ‘quality control’. Explain also with any case study example.

9. Mention different types of quality control.

10. What is statistical process control?

11. What is QC?

12. Mention two types of control charts.

13. Mention the characteristics of control charts.

14. What is P-chart?

15. What do you mean by ‘quality circles’?

16. What do you mean by TQM?

17. Mention the five international standards of ISO 9000 series.

18. What is ISO?

19. What is inspection? Explain the purpose of inspection.

20. Explain the different methods of inspection.

21. Explain the steps in quality control process.

22. Explain the objectives of quality control.

23. Explain the cause of variation in quality.

24. What are the benefits of using control charts.

25. Explain the objectives of control charts.

26. Explain the benefits of TQM.

27. What are the benefits of ISO 9000 series?

28. What are the steps in ISO 9000 registration?

29. Write a note on ISO 9000 series of Standards.

30. Describe Design and Development Planning as per ISO 9001.

31. Write a note on process control, inspection and testing covered under ISO 9001 – 2000.

32. Briefly discuss ISO 9000:2000 standards.

33. Write a brief note on COPC 2000.

34. What is the need for Environment Management System? What are the benefits of ISO 14001?

35. Explain AS9100 Family of Standards. What are the benefits of AS9100?

36. Discuss the importance and benefits of TS16949 Standard.

37. Discuss briefly the I.T Service Management. What are its benefits?

38. (a) What is Strategic Quality Management? What are its Objectives?

(b) Describe the stages of Strategic Quality Management process.

39. Assume that you are working in a private run Airlines Company. Perform a TQM analysis for your organisation and prepare a report.

40. Discuss the different types of inspection.

41. Discuss the seven tools for quality control.

42. Discuss the fundamental factors affecting quality.

43. Discuss the ‘9 M’ ’s of quality of product or service.

Visit a restaurant in your city Take any example

Get the information for the following questions:

1. Quality control technique adopted for raw material.

2. Maintenance of quality in the process of manufacture.

3. Method of quality control technique (i.e. inspection or sampling technique).

4. Quality control tools used (i.e. Pareto chart, Scatter diagram etc.)

5. Application of control charts (i.e. control charts for variable i.e. thickness and size of

pizza, and for attributes i.e. number of defects in process of manufacturing)

6. Types of errors in accepting or rejecting samples (i.e. accepting bad one and rejecting

good one or vice versa).


(1) It is said, “Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimes supplementary to each other”. Elaborate!

(2) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.

(3) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched-based applications?

(4) What are the standardized protocols for call control and media mapping in network multimedia communications over packet-based networks? Describe them!

(5) Write a detailed note on emerging trends in convergence of it and consumer electronics.?

(6) Briefly describe the modern practices and emerging trends related to technology, design and security issues involved in e-commerce?.

(7) What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence? What are the factors that highlighted the need of developing AI? What are the goals of AI?

(8) Discuss the application of AI with respect to the developments in the field of computers. Also discuss the major works that typically describes the earlier work done in AI.

(9) If you have to build artificial intelligence in your organization, what factors you would think of and take into consideration. Mention those factors in a stepwise manner ?

(10) Define Artificial Intelligence and mention some of its current applications.

(11) What are expert systems? Mention the working principles of expert systems.Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert systems.

(12) What are artificial neural networks? Discuss their business applications
(13) Discuss the salient features of the genetic algorithms. How do they differ from the artificial neural networks? Explain mutation and mating with the help of examples
(14) What are the factors that differentiate traditional logic and fuzzy logic? Explain the concept of membership characteristic function and also discuss the Business applications of Fuzzy Logic.

(15) Define decision support system in your own words. Exemplify using your organizational context.

(16) What are the characteristics of DSS? What are its components?

(17) Differentiate between DSS, MIS & EIS with the help of suitable examples.

(18) Why is DSS more of a facility than a system?

(19) Explain the major functions of DSS and its applications.

(20) What is group DSS ? What are the components of group DSS?

(21) What are the practical difficulties of using an operational system’s database to service the information needs of strategic decision-making?

(22) Briefly explain the importance of the Extract-Transform-Load operation, and the functions of the Load Manager component of a data warehouse.?

(23) Why is it important to separate fact data from reference data in a data warehouse?

(24) Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse? What is a metadata repository and how is it used by the query manager component of a data warehouse?

(25) What do you mean by ‘business intelligence’? What is an OLAP Engine?

(26) Explain how the progress of data visualization technology in recent years has helped data analysts and business decision makers.?

(27) How can you use the Web as a data source for your data warehouse? What types of information can you get from the Web? Explain briefly the steps needed to ensure that only good quality, reliable data is loaded into the data warehouse from the Web.?

(28) How is data mining different from OLAP? Explain briefly.?

(29) What do you understand by “data” and “information”? Give three examples each to distinguish between data and information?.

(30) Explain the meaning of the terms database, database management system and database administrator in your own words.?

(31) Explain what do you understand by database management systems? Describe its components.?
(32) What are data models? How you would classify the data models? Differentiate between various data models with the help of an example.?

(33) What is normalization and why it is used? Explain with the help of an example how would you derive normal forms.

(34) Discuss different types of data in database system.What are the developments in database technology with respect to data types?

(35) Explain the concept of programming language. Explain identifiers, constants, expressions, and library functions.?

(36) Give points to support that Visual Basic is an excellent development tool. Highlight important features of VB.

(37) Java is not 100% pure object oriented language? Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.

(38) What do you understand by HTML? Present the features of HTML.?

(39) “Excel is a versatile spreadsheet package. It can do wonder for accountants”. Comment.

(40) “With so many ready made and customized software available-The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them.”. Do you agree?

(41) What makes Java an almost perfect web programming language?What are its disadvantages?

(42) What are the different phases of traditional system life cycle?

(43) What are the three phases of traditional system life cycle where users are highly involved?

(44) What are the various steps and deliverables in the development phase?

(45) In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and identifying the information requirements.?

(46) What are the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis?

(47) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to users?

(48) What types of resources are used in an information system?

(49) What are the different types of computer based information system used in different functional areas business by organizations?
(50) Who are the typical users of information system?


Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications

(1) What do you understand by time series analysis? How would you go about conducting such an analysis for forecasting the sales of a product in your firm?

(2) Compare time series analysis with other methods of forecasting, briefly summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of various methods.

(3) What would be the considerations in the choice of a forecasting method?

(4) What are the basic steps in establishing a relationship between variables from a given data?

(5) What do you understand by the term correlation? Explain how the study of correlation helps in forecasting demand of a product.

(6) Why is forecasting so important in business? Identify applications of forecasting for
(a) Long term decisions.
(b) Medium term decisions.
(c) Short term decisions.

(7) What is the practical utility of the central limit theorem in applied statistics?

(8) What is the major difference between probability and non-probability sampling?

(9) Discuss the important of measuring variability for managerial decision making.?

(10) Review the advantages and disadvantages of each of the measures of variation.

(11) What is the concept of relative variation? What problem situations call for the use of relative variation in their solution?

(12) Distinguish between Karl Pearson's and Bowley's coefficient of skewness. Which one of these would you prefer and why?

(13) List the various measures of central tendency studied in this unit and explain the difference between them.?

(14) Discuss the mathematical properties of arithmetic mean and median?

(15) Review for each of the measure of central tendency, their advantages and disadvantages?

(16) Explain how you will decide which average to use in a particular problem?

(17) What are quantiles? Explain and illustrate the concepts of quartiles, deciles and percentiles?

(18) Explain the purpose and methods of classification of data giving suitable examples?

(19) What are the general guidelines of forming a frequency distribution with particular reference to the choice of class intervals and number of classes?

(20) Explain the various diagrams and graphs that can be used for charting a frequency distribution?

(21) What are ogives? Point out the role. Discuss the method of constructing ogives with the help of an example.

(22) Distinguish between primary and secondary data. Discuss the various methods of collecting primary data. Indicate the situation in which each of these methods should be used?

(23) Discuss the validity of the statement: "A secondary source is not as reliable as a primary source."

(24) Discuss the various sources of secondary data. Point out the precautions to be taken while using such data?

(25)State the essentials of a good questionnaire? Describe briefly the questionnaire method of collecting primary data. 

(26) Explain what precautions must be taken while drafting a useful questionnaire?

(27) As the personnel manager in a particular industry, you are asked to determine the effect of increased wages on output. Draft a suitable questionnaire for this purpose?

(28) It you were to conduct a survey regarding smoking habits among students of IGNOU, what method of data collection would you adopt? Give reasons for your choice?

(29) Distinguish between the census and sampling methods of data collection and compare their merits and demerits. Why is the sampling method unavoidable in certain situations?

(30) Explain their `population' and `sample'. Explain why it is sometimes necessary and often desirable to collect information about the population by conducting a sample survey instead of complete enumeration?

(31) Think of any major decision you made recently. Recall the steps taken by you to arrive at the final decision. Prepare a list of those steps?

(32) Comment on the following statements:
(a)"Statistics are numerical statement of facts but all facts numerically stated are not statistics".
(b)"Statistics is the science of averages".

(33) What is the type of the following models?
(a)Frequency curves in statistics,
(b)Motion films,
(c)Flow chart in production control, and
(d)Family of equations describing the structure of an atom.

(34) List at least two applications of statistics in each, functional area of management.

(35)What factors in modern society contribute to the increasing importance of quantitative approach to management?

(36)Describe the major phases of statistics. Formulate a business problem and analyse it by applying these phases?

(37) Explain the distinction between:
(a) Static and dynamic models
(b) Analytical and simulation models
(c) Descriptive and prescriptive models.

(38) Describe the main features of the quantitative approach to management?


Capital Investment and Financing Decisions PART 1 Very important Guess

(1) What is corporate restructuring? What motivates an enterprise to engage in restructuring exercise?

(2) Discuss various forms of mergers. What are the driving forces for mergers & acquisitions?

(3) Discuss various steps involved in a merger.

(4) What are the regulatory provisions in India regarding mergers and acquisitions?

(5) How would you assess merger as a source of value addition?

(6) What is the cost of a merger from the point of the acquiring company?

(7) How would you determine the present value of a merger from the point of view of the acquiring company?

(8) What is financial engineering? Do you feel financial engineers play an economic role in the society?

(9) Briefly discuss the financial engineering process that you will follow while developing new products or solutions.

(10) List down with examples any five variables that contribute new products development.

(11) Explain how fixed income securities are used to manage product price risk?

(12) Discuss innovation that took place in equity products and explain what they achieved?

(13) What is non-voting share? How is it useful to the company and investors?

(14) What is the use of derivatives? Is it an instrument designed for speculators or useful to others too?

(15) Explain any two derivative products and show the value addition in them.

(16) What are the factors which influence management’s dividend of a certain amount?

(17) Discuss the implications of making dividends tax free.

(18) “If it is all very well saying that I can sell shares that may mean selling at the bottom of the market. regular dividend, investors can avoid that risk” discuss?

(19) “Risky companies tend to have lower target pay out gradual adjustment rates” do you agree? Give reasons?

(20) What are the different pay out methods? How do these methods?

(21) Distinguish between bonus shares and share split.earnings per share, dividends, and market price?

(22)Do you agree with Walter’s dividend model ? Discuss its relevance and limitations.

(23)Examine the M.M’s irrelevance hypothesis. Critically evaluate its

(24) What is the informational content of dividends? Discuss its its influence on share value. 

(25) How is lease finance different from that of equity or debt finance?

(26) In evaluating funding options, when do you chose lease finance?

(27) Is lease finance cheaper than other sources of finance? If so, under what conditions will it be cheaper than other sources of finance?

(28) Explain how Securitization is considered as a source of finance? Who are the typical investors for such papers?:

(29) Suppose you are working for a venture capital company. What are the things you will look into a proposal that comes to you for venture capital funding?

(30) Is it possible to get funds from venture capitalist for all kinds of projects? Explain.

(31) How is factoring different from that of traditional bill discounting scheme?

(32) Bring out the significance of term lending organisations in the financing of industries.

(33) What are the recent trends in the financing of industrial units? Are they going in healthy direction?

(34) Briefly highlight the procedures and norms followed by the FIs in extending credit. Can you suggest any modifications to the existing procedure?

(35) What is post sanction monitoring? How is monitoring exercised by FIs in India?

(36) Bring out the role of nominee-directors in the industrial units. Should we continue this practice?

(37)“Convertibility clause is a drag on the Financing facility provided by Indian Financial Institutions”. Comment.?

(38) Highlight the important recommendations of Narasimham Committee relating to DFI sector. Are you satisfied with the way government is implementing them?

(39) In the present day scenario, should there be restrictions on the form and type of assistance sanctioned by FIs in the country?

(40) Briefly discuss the soft loan scheme of IDBI.

(41) What do you mean by globalisation? Comment on the level of globalisation of Indian capital market?

(42) What are euro issues? Discuss some important instruments of euro currency.

(43) Discuss some of the major types of institutions that constitute the international financial system?

(44) What are the major global sources of financing? How far have Indian Corporates tapped these global sources?

(45) What are the characteristics of capital market? How is it different from money market?

(46) Explain the relationship between primary market and secondary market?

(47) Assess utility of equity shares as source of corporate financing.

(48) “Preference shares are known as ‘hybrid’ securities”. Comment.

(49) What is creditorship security? How is it different from ownership security?

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