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Ms-21 Question bank

Ms-21 Question bank (12)

Ms-21 Question bank

MS-21    June, 2008


1. Review  and  describe  Herzberg's  work  motivation  theory and discuss  its relevance  for  organizational  processes.

2.  Describe  the  importance  of  counselling  process  in organisations  and  discuss  the  ethical  issues  involved  in counselling.  Discuss  how  an organization  can handle them.

3. Identify  and  deliberate on  group  processes.  Discuss the measures  ons  could adapt  to  improve  group  productivity.

4. Describe  different types of  organisational  culture and  their significance  in  the  Indian  context.

5. Write short notes on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Interpersonal  Perception

(b)  Importance of  persuasion

(c)  Sociometry

(d)  Leadership  effectiveness

(e)  Barriers to  communication


6. Read the  following  case  carefully  and answer the  questions given at  the  end  :

Hari  Iyer;  the  Vice  President (Marketing) of  Victor Computer  Systems  Ltd.,  was immersed  in  thoughts, about the  happenings,  taking  him  few  years  (1999)  down  the

memory  lane.  This  was  when  George  (the  Marketing Manager)  had  proudly  walked  down  the  aisle  to  shake hands  with  the  founder and chairman  Victor  at the  latter's residence in  England  and  all  the  company's  employees and  special  invitees  standing  and  cheering  him.  There were  another  49  employees along with  George, to  have dinner with  the  founder chairman at his home  in  England. This  dinner  was  a  part  of  the  'Quality  performance  circle programme'  in  which  the  chairman rewards  quality  top performers,  who  are  exceeding their  quarterly  targets  by more  than  15  per  cent  for  the  entire  year.  All  winners were  given  a  cash award, a  certificate  and  also had  their pictures  taken  with  the  chairman  and  printed  and published  in  the  company's inhouse magazine.

Victor  Computer  Systems  Ltd.  is  a  20  year  old  global company,  having  set  up  base in  I99I  and  has  a  sound product  range  of  computer  peripherals.  Right  from  the beginning,  the  company  has  been  able  to  build  up  a goodwill  for  its  quality products. Very  soon,  it  was  selling its  products at  a  higher  price  in  the  market.  George had   joined  the  company  in  1997  and  his  immediate  boss Gaurav  Patei  was  thoroughly  satisfied  with  him  an,C  also liked  him.  Because  of  his  excellent  track  record  and performance,  George was  not  only  liked  by  his  superior but  also enjoyed many  company  benefits.

George had earned  the  reputation  of  a go-getter,  who enjoyed  working  on  challenging  customers  (or  clients) though  he  doesn't believe  in  wasting much time  on  trying to  please very  hard  to  please customers. He  was  very focussed on  the  targets  set  for  the  month  for  all  his teams.  He  tries  to  instill  in  his  teams  (executives  and managers)  the  idea  of  always  being ahead in  the  race  of hard  core  selling and  also put  it  into  practice  by  working hard himself. He  was also  very smart at  closing  sales  with institutional  buyers  thereby bring in  a  lot  of  sales  in  terms of  volume  for  the  firm.  Seeing  George's  potential, Gaurav  always tried  to  provide  enough  scope  to  explore the  potential of  bis  customers  on  his  own. Inspite  of  all  this,  Gaurav was  a  little  worried  about George's  attitude  towards  those  Area  and  Regional Managers  who  made  efforts  to  sell  to  small  customers. Even  though  he  had  heard  rumours  about  George's belittling attitude towards  few  of  such Regional Managers, he  had  ignored  them  because  of  George's performance.

    However, from  2000  onwards,  the  recession  world over  was  having  its  impact  on the  Indian  IT  industry.  This slack  also  affected  Victor Computer  Systems  in  business with a  noticeable  dip in  corporate  customers  demand  for its  products.  The  company  also  had  redesigned  its marketing  strategies  and  reallocated  its  targets  to  its marketing  teams.  But keeping  in mind  George's  obsession for  big  customers  and  a  person  of  strong  likes  and dislikes,  Gaurav  thought  it  right to  bring up  this  matter with the Vice President,  Hari lyer.  After hearing  Gaurav, Hari  was  in  a  dilemma  because  he  knew  people  like George  were  always in  demand  and  chased by  head hunters.

Questions  :

(a)  Which  aspects  of  goal  setting model  have  gone wrong  in  George's  case  ?

(b)  What strategy  should  be  adopted  by Gaurav  and  Hari to  motivate  George  ?

(c)  Suggest  how  you  would  chann  elize  the  social processes  to  avoid  attitude  problems.

MS-21    June, 2009


1. Describe  any two  models of  group  development and  discuss  how  group  effectiveness  could be improved.

2. What  is Perception  ?  Discuss the  implications  of Perception  in organis ational  functioning.  Illustrate with  examples.

3. Describe  the  importance  of  Behaviour Modification  in  organizations  and briefly  discuss the  importance  of  ethics  in  behaviour modification.

4. How  are  organisations  also  political entities  ?  Discuss  how  political  behaviour  is inevitable  in  organisations ?  Illustrate  with examples.

5. Write  short notes  on any three  of the following  :

(a)  Emotional intelligence.

(b)  Work  ethics.

©  Importance  of  counselling.

(d)  Corporate culture.

       e)  Role of  Punishment in  learning.

MS-21    June, 2010


1. Describe power dynamics in an organisation and explain how power can be used ethically ? Cite examples.

2. Discuss the process and management of ethical counselling in organisation set ups. Illustrate with a suitable example.

3. Describe any one approach to conflict process and discuss various conflict Management styles and their relevance citing suitable examples.

4. What is perception and discuss the common errors in perception and how it can be overcome with reference to organisational processes ?

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Porter and Lawler's Model of Motivation

b) Corporate Governance

c) Emotional intelligence

d) Formal communication channels

(e) Groups vs Teams


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Mr. Venkat Raman joined Southern Fertilizers Manufacturing Company in January

1987 as a Junior Operator Trainee. Within the non-executive category, the company had five levels from P1 (the lowest grade) to P5 (the highest grade). Raman joined at P2 level. After training, he was absorbed in the Ammonium Sulphate Shop as a Junior Operator. He rose up to the level of P4 in December 1991 because of his sincere and hard work. All through these years, he kept away from union activities. He never refused or avoided any job. Very often his officers used to ask him to do additional jobs which he did willingly.

Gradually Raman became a handy man for all sundry assignments which others might have refused. Since February 1992, Raman was regularly asked to perform certain duties which were actually to be done by a P5 level operator as the post in the higher grade was vacant. However, as per the company's rules, Raman was not eligible for promotion to the higher grade at that time.

Gradually, Raman started performing all the duties attached to the higher post. About this

time, Raman started taking interest in union activities. On August 8, 1993 Raman was instructed by his superior to stop one agitator pump and start another one. He was also asked to normalise the operation of the sulphate drier. Later his boss alleged that he did not attend to these jobs and neglected his normal inspection duty as a result of which tar got settled in a tank which was to remain free of tar. On August 12, Raman was instructed to attend to the breakdown of discharge feeder chain and conveyor. Later his superior alleged that he did not do this job. On both these days, Raman did not fill the

section's log book which was a part of his normal duty. On August 25, a show-cause notice was served on Raman demanding explanation within 48 hours as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against him. He replied on August 29, denying the allegations and stating that the management had fabricated the charges. As per the company's rules, he was charge-sheeted on October 18, for (a) neglect of duty, and (b) willful insubordination and disobedience of the lawful and reasonable orders of his superiors. Raman replied on October 25, denying all the charges and requesting the management to withdraw the charges immediately. Thereafter, an Enquiry Committee consisting of an officer from the Ammonium Nitrate Department and an officer from the Personnel Department was set up to look into the charges. Raman was given an opportunity to produce evidence on his behalf and defend himself. The committee held 20 sittings and throughout the proceedings, Raman denied the allegations levelled against him and asserted that his boss was prejudiced against him because of his union activities.

In April 1995, the enquiry committee brought out the following points in its findings.

A)    There was a provision in the company for paying acting allowance to those operators who acted in the higher grade temporarily for more than three months. It appeared that Raman had been demanding the acting allowance, but due to some procedural problems, he was not paid.

B)    It could not be proved beyond doubt that the instructions were given to him and that he did not abide by the instructions given to him on August 8, 1993. On August 8, 1993,

C)    Raman deliberately neglected his normal inspection duty resulting in the deposit of tar in the tank. The loss to the company was, however, insignificant.

D)    Raman did not attend to the breakdown on August 12, 1993 as instructed by his boss.

E)  Raman did not fill the section's log book  on August 8 and 12, 1993 as was expected of him.

Questions :

i) Critically explain the change in Raman's behaviour.

ii) What would you have done if you were his immediate boss ?

iii) Do you feel that recurrence of such cases can be avoided by improving the motivational climate of the organisation ?

iv) What steps would you initiate as Chief Executive of the company ?

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