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Ms-25 Question bank

Ms-25 Question bank (12)

Ms-25 Question bank

MS-25   June-2011


1. Describe the Key roles involved in bringing change in an organisation. Discuss Leveraging Systems Strategy in changing organisations, with few examples.

2. Describe the reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions. Explain the strategies which could be used in lieu of Mergers and Acquisitions. Cite examples

3. Explain Evaluation Research and Action Research for evaluation of organisational change. What role does data analysis and feedback play in evaluation ? Give suitable illustration.

4. Describe Intervention. Discuss some of the structural interventions and their applicability in organisational context.

5. Write short notes on ally three of the following :

(a) Process based change

(b) Transactional Analysis

(c) Behaviour Modelling

(d) 7s model

(e) Force Field Analysis

Thursday, 22 November 2012 06:22

Ms-25 dec 2007

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MS-25   Dec-2007



1. What are the prime factors of Organizational Change ? Briefly discuss the "Rational.and Natural-system" models of Organizational Analysis related to change.

2.What is Turn-around Management ? Briefly discuss various kinds of Turn-around Management and steps involved in it, with suitable examples

3. What is Organizational Diagnosis ? Briefly discuss the framework and key features of the Open-System Analysis model.

4. Identify the skills required by a manager in managing change. Discuss how can a manager scan the surrounding business environment and monitor external drivers of change. Explain with examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Business Process Re-engineering

(b) Self-managed teams

(c) Weisbord's Six Box Model

(d) Amoeba shaped organisation

(e) Behaviour modeling

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Tushar had been hearing the rumour doing the rounds since the past ten days. However, as per his nature, he had ignored it and concentrated on doing his job even better. But today, Tushar had seen his name along with other names recommended and officially told to start attending the three month's computer course to gain knowledge on the usage of computers to textile industry.

Tushar, after completing a polytechnic (diploma) in Textile engineering had joined the J.P. Mills as a junior assistant in the design development department, some twenty years ago. At the time of joining, the textile industry was booming. J.P. Mills was also doing well in terms of volume and profitability during the boom period.

However, with the opening of the economy and the entry of many multinational readymade brands, a visible change was seen in the customers' buying behaviour. The past seven to eight years has seen a shift in the customers' mindset towards purchase of ready-to-use wear. This was unlike the earlier trend, when people preferred to purchase a well-known textile company's cloth material (in this market J.P. Mills was doing very well and had almost 27% market share), and get their clothes stitched by any well-known tailor. So as to keep market requirement, the J.P. Mills

Director, Nithin Kapasi, decided with an MNC, Sandy Wear Store, into a joint venture with J.P. Mills base in India. in pace with the new Owner and Managing

to enter into a tie-up which wanted to enter to get a manufacturing It was in this connection that the rumours started circulating about the new management planning to remove the existing employees of J.P. Mills by introducing programmes for them under the guise of upgrading their knowledge in computers. When the rumours started initially, many executives and employees had put in their papers. But many others, like Tushar, continued to put in their hours, but one could always sense their uneasiness. Hence, seeing his name on the notice board, made Tushar uneasy and he was expecting the worst, when he received a call from Nancy, the P.A. to the Personnel Manager, Viresh, asking him to meet the latter after the lunch break.

   Tushar, when he met Viresh, was pleasantly surprised to hear that in the new organisational set-up, he would be required to do a lot of the work on the computer (packages). This would eventually result in a lot of cost saving for the company, because the available new computer packages in the market will help in reducing the time (spent) between receipt of order, selection of the various designs (optimised selection can be done with the help of the new software packages) and execution of the orders in time. Viresh ended the talk by saying that the new management expected all this responsibility to be entrusted to Tushar and hence his name had been put up on the list of those required to attend various computer courses.

Questions :

(a) What factors had caused resistance to change among J.P. Mills employees ?

(b) Do you agree with the strategy adopted by Viresh in communicating about the changes to Tushar ?

(c) Could you suggest any other way of handling the above situation ? Whv ?

Thursday, 22 November 2012 06:20

Ms-25 dec 2008

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MS-25   Dec-2008


1. In the present day environment describe the role and competencies for a leader in managing organisational change.

2. Describe structural interventions and the reasons for using them with suitable examples.

3. What are the objectives of Mergers and Acquisitions ? Briefly describe alternatives to Mergers and Acquisitions .

4. Identifyvarious factors responsible for change and brtefly discuss economic revolutions which have contributed to change.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) 7-SModel

(b) Closing Cultural GaPs

(c) Down sizing

(d) rso 9000

(e) Force field analysis

6.Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Margadarsi Savings Association Margadarsi Savings Association is one of the oldest financial institutions in its region. It is located in a trade area of approximately 25 lakhs population and has total deposits approaching Rs. 50 crores. The association's management has always attempted to develop and maintain a progressive institution. An outstanding feature of the association is that it seldom loses an employee to another financial institution. Checks made periodically with other institutions always indicate that its salary scale is one of the highest in the area. The association also has what the management considers to be a good program of fringe benefits, including hospitalization and life insurance, a retirement plan, paid vacations, sick leave, and lunchroom concessions. The entire cost of these benefits is borne by the association.

   The association runs its operations on a decentralized basis. . The top management has always maintained that decentralization is the best method of developing qualified managers and, in view   of the organization's rapid growth during the last few years, the best way of solving the important problem of executive development.

The book-keeping function has likewise been decentralized; each branch keeps its own books, and the auditor of the association periodically inspects them. One day the auditor and the controller of the association decided that the current book-keeping system needed to be revised. They had been giving attention to this area because the examiners had trouble finding records. It had been suggested that the method of book-keeping between the home office and the four branches could be improved.

With the above facts in mind, the two men held a conference with the officers of the association in an attempt to point out to them the action that needed to be taken.

After hearing the arguments posed by the auditor and the controller, the officers still felt the action was unnecessary. They said that the project would be too time-consuming and costly.

Two weeks later, however, the executive vice president of the association talked to the controller and admitted to him that the idea of revising the system was sound and that he and the rest of ihe officers were authorizing him to take control and to initiate the project

     The controller started on the task of centralizing the book-keeping operations. For the first week he didn't know where to begin. He discovered that operational controls had been allowed to run down so long that now his problem appeared to be almost insurmountable.

     When the executive vice president asked the controller about his progress, he was given a negative answer. The vice president was disturbed with this reaction and was determined to settle the problem once and for all. He called an executive meeting that included the controller and the auditor. At the meeting, the possibility of centralizing some of the operations of the branches in order to afford better administrative control was discussed. Someone suggested the possibility of buying some National Cash Register posting machines to help solve some of the operating difficulties.

   After a lengthy discussion it was decided that these machines were the key to the elimination of many of the association's reporting problems. The controller admitted that they would make it easier to control operations, and the assistant vice president felt that their acquisition would add greatly to the customer service capacities of the association.

   Three new machines were installed the following month. After closing hours each teller was instructed in the proper techniques of operating them. The management felt that they had made a sound investment, and their only worry was over the ability of the tellers to learn how to operate the new equipment. Most of the tellers were older women and seemed to be slow and reticent to learn the new process. One month after the practice machines had been placed in the association, these shortcomings became so acute that immediate action had to be taken. The management realized that the morale of the teller staff was depressed and that the smoothness of operations at the home office had been completely disrupted. The personnel manager suggested that some type of formal training program should be developed and that the management should explain to the members of the workforce their personal roles in the anticipated progress of the association.

The personnel manager has not found a method of eliminating the discontent, nor has he been able to give an adequate reason for it to the rest of the officers. Finally one officer stated in a committee meeting that he felt the workforce had been "over human-relationed". He suggested that in many instances negative leadership was far

superior to positive leadership. He stated in forceful language that he would inform those tellers who were complaining and failingto learn the process either to learn it quickly or be fired.

Another officer felt that since some of them were employees who had been with the association for many years and whose work had always been satisfactory, some alternative must be found.

Questions :

a) Identify core issues requiring change ?

b) Why did the introduction of the new machines create problems ?

c) What triggered the resistance to change ?

d) How might this change have been better managed ?


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