Product Details: NMIS University MGT16103 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS
Format: BOOK
Edition Description: 2018-19
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1 An Introduction to Human Resource Management: Meaning and Nature of HRM; Scope of HRM; Objectives of HRM; Importance of HRM; Systems Approach to HRM; HRM and Competitive Advantage; Strategic Human Resource Management; Traditional HR versus Strategic HR; Evolution of the Concept of HRM.
2 Roles and Policies of HRM: Roles of Human Resource Manager, Administrative Roles, Operational Roles, Strategic Roles; Human Resource Policies, Types of HR Policies, Advantages of HR Policies, Obstacles in Administering HR Policies, Characteristics of a Sound HR Policy, Coverage of HR Policies, Formulation of HR Policies, Evaluating the Impact of HR Policies; Computer Application in Human Resource Management.
3 Human Resource Planning: Objectives of Human Resource Planning; Importance of HRP; The Process of Human Resource Planning, Forecasting the Demand for Human Resources, Preparing Manpower Inventory (Supply Forecasting), Forecasting the Human Resource Requirement, Formulating HR Plans
4 Selection Process: Selection; Selection Testing, Intelligence Tests, Aptitude Tests, Personality Tests, Achievement Tests, Simulation Tests, Assessment Centre, Graphology Tests, Polygraph (Lie-detector) Tests, Integrity Tests; Validation, Selection Interview; Types of Interviews; Medical Examination.
5 Recruitment: Sources of Recruitment, Internal Sources, External Sources; Methods of Recruitment, Promotions and Transfers, Job Posting, Employee Referrals, Campus Recruitment,
Advertisements, Private Employment Search Firms, Employment Exchange, Gate Hiring and Contractors, Unsolicited Applicants/Walk-ins, e-hiring; Importance of Recruitment; Socialisation Benefits; Recruitment Practices
6 Training and Development Programs: Need Analysis for Training; Types of Training; Methods of Training, Job Instruction Training (JIT), Coaching, Mentoring, Job Rotation, Apprenticeship Training, Committee Assignments; Common Practice; Purpose of Training
7 Executive Development and Knowledge Management: Executive Development, Definition, Importance; Steps in the Organisation of an Executive Development Programme; Self Development and Knowledge Management, Decision-making Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Job Knowledge, Organisational Knowledge, General Knowledge, Specific Individual Needs, Other Off-the-Job Methods; CD-ROMs, Key Factor for Success.
8 Compensation: Basic of Compensation, Nature of Compensation, Objectives of Compensation Planning; Factors Determining Pay Rate; Current Trends in Compensation, Wages, Basic Wage, Dearness Allowance (DA); Job Evaluation, Job Evaluation vs. Performance Appraisal, Features, Process of Job Evaluation, Essentials for the Success of a Job Evaluation Programme; Job Evaluation Methods, Ranking Method, Classification Method, Factor Comparison Method, Point Method, Merits and Demerits; Pricing Managerial and Professional Job; Computerised Job Evaluation.
9 Theories of Motivation: Motivation, Multiple Causes, Multiple Behaviour; Determinants of Motivation; Theories of Motivation, Maslow?s Need Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg?s Two Factor Theory, Achievement Motivation Theory, Theory Z
Process Theories of Motivation.
10 Career Management: Career Management, Career Planning vs. Human Resource Planning, Need for Career Planning, Objectives, Process; Career Development, Individual Career Development, Organisational Career Development; Development Mentor and Protégé Relationships.
11 Performance Evaluation: Definition and Meaning of Performance Evaluation; Features of Performance; Objectives of Performance Evaluation; Performance Evaluation Process; Methods of Performance Evaluation, Individual Evaluation Methods, Multiple-person Evaluation Techniques, Other Methods; 360-Degree Feedback System; Evaluation Interview and Feedback, Feedback Defined; Problems with Performance Evaluation; Essential Characteristics of an Effective Evaluation System; Performance Evaluation Practices in India; The Challenges in Performance Management.
12 Implication of Job Change: Promotions, Purposes and Advantages of Promotion, Bases of Promotion, Promotion Policy; Demotion; Separation; Transfers, Purposes of Transfer, Types of Transfers, Benefits and Problems, Transfer Policy.
13 Industry Practices: Trade Unions; Objectives of Trade Unions; Functions of Trade Unions; Union Structure, Craft Unions, Industrial Union, General Union, Federations; Growth of Trade Union Movement and Membership, Early Period, A Modest Beginning; All India Trade Union Congress, Period of Splits and Mergers, Indian National Trade Union Congress, Other Central Unions.
14 Control Process: Meaning and Purpose of Control; Methods of Control Process; Types of Control; Importance and Requirement of Effective Control Process.
15 Employee Grievances: Features of Grievances; Forms of Grievances; Causes of Grievances; Effects of Grievances; Need for a Grievance Procedure; The Discovery of Grievances; Essential Pre-requisites of a Grievance Redressal Procedure; Redressal Method; Implication of Grievance; Guidelines for Handling Grievances.