Product Details: NMIS University OBM16101 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS
Format: BOOK
Edition Description: 2018-19
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1 Organisation Behaviour – An introduction: Meaning and Definition of Organisational Behaviour; History of Organisation Behaviour; History of Organisation Behaviour, Industrial Revolution, Scientific Management, The Gilbreths, Henry L Gantt(1861 – 1919), The Human Relations Movement, Illumination Experiments, Relay Room Experiments, Bank Wiring Room Study, Assessing the Hawthorne Studies; Features of OB; Reasons for Studying OB, Psychological Perspective, Sociological Perspective, Organisational Factors; Managers? Roles and Functions; Who are Effective Managers?; Key Forces Affecting OB; Work force diversity – Challenges and Opportunities of Organisational Behaviour, Understanding Global Organisational Behaviour, Creation of Global Village, Media Literacy for the Global Village, Work Force Diversity, TQM, Reengineering, Ethical Behaviour, Moral Principles for Global Managers, How to improve the Organisation?s Ethical Climate, What?s Unethical Behaviour?, Multiculturalism, Cultural Diversity, Employee Empowerment, Working with people from different cultures, Movement of jobs
to countries with low cost labour; The Nature of Organisational Behaviour; Fundamental Concepts of OB ; Fields Contributing to OB, Psychology, Medicine, Sociology, Social Psychology, Engineering, Management, Anthropology, Political Science; Theories and Thinkers Contributing to the Emergence of OB, Emerging perspectives on Organisational Behaviour, The Systems View, The Contingency View, The Interactional View; The
Organisational Behaviour System.
2. Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Individual behaviour – Definition, Biographical Characteristics; The Ability-Job Fit, Ability, Nine Physical Abilities; Meaning of Learning; Components of Learning; Determinants of Learning; Principles of Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcers, Extinction, Punishment, Schedules of Reinforcement; Behaviour Modification; Steps in Designing an OB Mod Programme; Limitations of Behaviour Modification.
3 Attitudes, Values and Job Satisfaction: Meaning of Attitudes; Nature of Attitudes; Functions of Attitude; Components of Attitudes, Cognitive Component, Affective Component, Behavioural Component; Sources of Attitudes; Types of Attitudes; Dimensions of Attitudes; Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Coping with Dissonance; Values; Importance of Values; Formation of Values; Types of Values; Job Satisfaction; Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance.
4. Perception: Factors Influencing Perception (Perceptual Process), Perceptual Processes, Characteristics of the Perceiver, Characteristics of the Target, Characteristics of the Situation; Principles of Perception (Perceptual Mechanism); Managerial Implications of Perception; How to improve perception; Perceptions and its Application in Organization; Individual Decision Making, Decision making Process; The Linkage between Perception
and Individual Decision Making; Ethics in Decision Making, What about Ethics in Decision Making?; The Johari Window; Perception and Consumer Decision-making Process,Selective Attention, Selective Retention, Selective Distortion.
5Personality: Meaning and Definition of Personality; Major Determinants of Personality, Biological Factors, Cultural Factors, Family Factors, Social Factors, Situational Factors; Major Personality Attributes Affecting OB; Measuring Personality; Holland Typology of Personality and Sample Occupation; Trait Theories, Intrapsychic Theory, Psycho-analytical Social Learning, Job Fit Theory; Big Five Personality Traits (Model), Overview, History, Openness to Experience, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Selected ScientificFindings, Criticisms, Further Research.
6. Emotional Intelligence (EI): Origins of the Concept; Defining Emotional Intelligence, The Ability-based Model, Measurement of the Ability-based Model, Mixed Models of EI, Measurement of the Emotional Competencies (Goleman) Model, The Bar-On model of Emotional-Social Intelligence (ESI, Measurement of the ESI Model, The Trait EI Model, Measurement of the Trait EI Model, Alexithymia and EI; Concept of Emotional Intelligence, Meaning of Emotional Intelligence, Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EI), Origin of the Term Emotional Intelligence; Importance of Emotional Intelligence; Domains of EI; Emotional Intelligence and Leadership; Emotional Quotient; Criticism of the Theoretical Foundation of EI, EI is too broadly defined and the definitions are unstable, EI cannot be Recognised as a form of Intelligence, EI has no Substantial Predictive Value; Criticism on Measurement Issues, Ability based measures are measuring conformity, not ability, Ability based measures are measuring knowledge (not actual ability), Self report measures are susceptible to faking good, Claims for the predictive power of EI are too extreme; EI, IQ and Job Performance.
7.Motivation: Definition of Motivation; Nature and Characteristics of Motivation, Motivation is an Internal Feeling, Motivation is Related to Needs, Motivation Produces Goal -Directed Behaviour, Motivation can be either Positive or Negative; Importance and Benefits of Motivation; Types of Motivation, Positive or Incentive Motivation, Negative or Fear Motivation; Theories of Motivation, Early Approach to Motivation, Early Theories of Motivation, Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Theory X and Theory Y, The Motivation-hygiene Theory, Motivation Factors, Hygiene Factors, Criticisms of the Two-factor Theory, Contemporary Theory of Motivation, ERG Theory, McClelland?s Theory of Needs, GoalSetting Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Types of Reinforcement, Equity Theory, Reducing or Eliminating Inequity, New Perspective on Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, Expanding Expectancy Theory; Requirements of a Sound Motivation System; Methods of Motivating People, Factors Determining Response to Motivation; Special Issues in Motivation.
8.Foundation of Group Behaviour: Definition of Groups, Dynamics of Formal Groups, Dynamics of Informal Groups; Reasons for forming groups; Stages of Group Development: Five Stage Model; Characteristics of Groups, Characteristics of Mature Groups, External Conditions Imposed on the Group; Group Structure (Norms and Roles), Characteristics of Roles, Types of Norms, Factors Influencing Conformance to Norms; Group Decision Making.
9 Leadership: Definitions and Meaning of Leadership; Leadership Styles and Patterns, Leadership Styles; Types of Leadership Styles, Directive, Autocratic or Authoritarian Style, Participative or Democratic Style, When to use Participative Style? Is Participative Style Superior?, Autocratic Vs Democratic Style, Laissez-Faire or Free-Rein Leadership Style; Leadership Styles in Indian Organisations; Transactional vs Transformational Leaders; Continuum of Leader Behaviour, Problems with the Continuum Approach; Likert?s System 4 Management, System 1: Exploitative – Autocratic, System 2 : Benevolent Autocratic, System 3: Consultative, System 4: Democratic; Leadership Skill (Determinants of Leadership), Human Skill, Conceptual Skill, Technical Skill, Personal Skill; Importance of Leadership; Theories of Leadership, Evaluation of the Theory; Virtual Team, Characteristics of Virtual Teams, Benefits of Virtual Teams; Challenges to Leadership; Contemporary Issues in Leadership.
10.Organizational Power and Politics: Distinguish between Power and Authority; Bases (Sources) of Power, Sources of Power in Organisations, Interpersonal Sources of Power, Using Power Ethically, Structural Sources of Power, Uncertainty Reduction; Consequence of Using Power, Political Behaviour in Organisations; The Reality of Politics; Ma ccoby's Four Political Types, Managerial Implications; Political Strategies and Influence Tactics, Some Devious Political Tactics, Machiavellianism, Characteristics of People High on Mach Sale; From Concepts to Skills – politicking, Impression Management, Defensive Behaviours.
11Conflict, Group Behaviour and Collaboration: Definition of Conflict; Sources of Organisational Conflict; Levels of Conflict or Forms of Conflict; Causes of Conflict; Stages of Conflict; Negotiation, What is Negotiation? Planning for Negotiations, Sources of Power in Negotiation; Steps in Negotiation; Cultural Differences in Negotiations, Negotiating Approaches to conflict management, Approaches to Negotiation.
12 Foundations of Organization Structure: Organizational Structure, Centralization and Decentralization, Tall Structure Organisation, Flat Structure Organisation, Tall Vs. Flat Organisational Structure; Departmentalization, Types of Departmentalization; Functional Departmentalization; Divisional Structure; Hybrid Structure; Matrix Structure, Project Designs, Matrix Design; Organization Design, Factors Influencing Organization Design, Horizontal Organisations, The Virtual Organisation, Network Design; HR Policies and practices, Human Resource Policies.
13Organisation Culture: Culture Defined; Basic Elements of Culture; Characteristics and Functions of Organizational Culture; Creating and Sustaining Culture, How Organizational Culture Begins?, Sustaining a Culture; Development implication of OC for Performance and Satisfaction, Corporate Culture and Organizational Success.
14 Work Stress: Meaning and Definition of Stress; The Causes of Stress, Internal Stimuli for Stress, Environmental Stressors; Individual Response to Stress (Influence of Personality); Stress, Sources of Stress, Stress – Coping Strategies, What is Job Stress?, Job Stress Statistics, Symptoms and Warning Signs of Job Stress, Causes of Job Stress, Strategies for Managing Job Stress; Managerial Implications of Stress.
15 Organisation Change; Managing Planned Change; Managing planned change in an Organization, Steps in Planned Change; Alternative Intervention in change Management, Human Process Interventions (Group and Individual Human Relations), Group – Based, Technostructural Interventions (Structures, Technologies, Positions, Etc.), Human Resource Management Interventions (Individual and Group Performance Management), EmployeePerformance Management, Employee Development, Employee Wellness Programs, Strategic Interventions (Organization and Its External Environment); Forces for change in organization; Approaches to managing organization Change; Forms of Change; The Role of Change Agents; Resistance to Change; Managing Resistance to Change.
16 Organisation Development: Organization Development: An Introduction; Objectives of OD Programmes; Goals of Organization Development; Purpose of Organizational Development; OD for Teams and Groups; OD for Inter-group Relations; OD for the Total Organization; OD Interventions or Techniques; Evaluating the Effectiveness of OD; Planned Organizational Change; Cross Cultural Awareness Approach, What is Cultural Awareness?, Who needs to know about Cross Cultural Awareness?.