Product Details: NMIS University HRM16201 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS
Format: BOOK
Edition Description: 2018-19
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1 Legal Environment of Business: Business and its Environment, What is Business? What is the Environment of Business? What are the Different Segments Constituting Environment of Business?; Legal Environment of Business; Forms of Business Organisation, Sole Proprietorship, Joint Hindu Family, Partnership Firm.
2 Law of Contract: Indian Contract; Essentials of a Contract; Performance of Contract; Classification of Contract, Characteristics of a Voidable Contract, Illegal and Void Agreements, Distinction between Void Agreement and Voidable Contract, Distinction between Void Agreement and Void Contract; Offer and Acceptance, Modes of Making an Offer, Difference between Offer and Invitation to Offer, Essentials of a Valid Offer, Revocation of Offer, Meaning of a Counter-offer, Special Terms in a Contract, Acceptance of an Offer, Completion of Communication of Offer and Acceptance (Sec. 4); Capacity to Contract [Section 10-12], Persons who are competent to Contract, Capacity of a Minor to Enter into a Contract, Mental Incompetence Prohibits a Valid Contract; Consideration, “No Consideration, No Contract” [ Sec. 10 and 25], Rules Regarding Consideration; Breach of Contract, Anticipatory Breach of Contracts, Actual Breach of Contracts; Remedies for Breach of Contracts, What is the Point of Getting the Breaching Party to Reconsider? Remedies for Breach of Contracts.
3 Law of Partnership: Meaning and Nature of Partnership; Registration of Firms (Ss.58-59); Partnership Deed or Agreement or Articles of Partnership; Relations of Partners to One Another; Relations of Partners to Third Parties; Dissolution.
4 Elements of Company Law – I : Definitions, Meaning and Nature of a Company; Formation of a Company; Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association; Membership; Management of a Company; The Company Secretary; Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement; Compromise and Arrangement; Winding Up of Companies; Distinction with other Forms of Business Organisations.
5 Elements of Company Law – II : Prospectus; Shares and Share Capital; Allotment of shares; Transfer and Transmission of Shares; Borrowings (Including Debentures) and Registration of Charges; Investments to be in Company?s Own Name (s. 49); General Meetings and Proceedings; Accounts, Audit and Dividends; Inspection and Investigation; Inter-Corporate Loans and Investments.
6 Law of Sales of Goods Act: Contract of Sale; Goods and Their Classification; Passing of Property in Goods, Meaning of Property in Goods, Rules Regarding Passing of Property in Goods from the Seller to the Buyer, Mode of Appropriation, Risk Prima Facie Passes with Property; Transfer of Title by Non-owners; Performance of a Contract of Sale of Goods; Sale by Auction.
7 Law of Agency: Meaning of Agent and Agency, Who Can Employ Agent? Who may be Agent?; Different kinds of Agencies; Classification of Agent, Special and General Agents, Mercantile or Commercial Agents, Non-mercantile or Non-commercial Agents, Sub-agent and Substituted Agent (Sections 190-195); Relation of Principal Agency, Duties of a Principal, Liability of Principal to Third Parties, Undisclosed Principal, Concealed Principal; Personal Liability of Agents; Termination of Agency.
8 Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act : The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, Short Title, Extent and Commencement, Definitions, Act not to Apply in Certain Cases, Monopolistic Trade Practice to be Deemed to be Prejudicial to the Public Interest Except in Certain Cases; Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, SEBI Functions and Responsibilities, Guidelines, Types of Exchange; Custom and Central Excise Act, Short Title, Extent and Commencement, Definitions; Central and State Sales Tax Act, Statement of Objects and Reasons, List of Amendment Acts, Short Title, Extent and Commencement, Definitions.
9 The Patents Act: Definitions and Interpretations; Inventions which are not Patentable; Application for Patents; Representation and Opposition Proceedings; Grant of Patents and Rights Conferred Thereby; Patents of Addition; Restoration of Lapsed Patents; Compulsory Licenses; Suits Concerning Infringement of Patents; Intellectual Property Rights, Nature of Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights.
10 The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999: Definitions Under the Act; Provisions Relating to an Authorized Person; Regulation and Management of Foreign Exchange; Contravention and Penalties, Penalties, Enforcement of the Orders of Adjudicating Authority, Power to Compound Contraventions; Adjudication and Appeal, Appointment of Adjudicating Authority, Appeal to Special Director (Appeals), Establishment of Appellate Tribunal; Directorate of Enforcement; Miscellaneous Provisions.
11 The Consumer Protection Act: Important Terms; Rights of Consumers; Nature and Scope of Remedies Available to Consumers
12 Law of Negotiable Instruments: Meaning and Definition of a Negotiable Instrument; Certain important concepts and Explanations of Certain Terms; Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange; Cheques; Holder and Holder in Due Course; Negotiation of a Negotiable Instrument; Presentment; Dishonour; Crossing of Cheques; The Paying Banker; International Law Concerning Negotiable Instruments.