School of Distance Education & Learning
Internal Assignment No. 1
Master of Business Administration / PGDM
Paper Code: MBA– 208
Paper Title: Strategic Management
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
- (i)Define the term business policy.
- (ii)State the primary activities of a value chain.
- (iii)What do you mean by strategic control?
- (iv)Name any two external environment appraisal tools
- (v)Mention any two factors affecting organizational design.
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Discuss various steps involved in the process of strategic management.
Q. 3. Explain various types of mergers along with examples.
Q. 4. Describe the procedure of preparing vision and mission statement of an organization.
School of Distance Education & Learning
Internal Assignment No. 2
Master of Business Administration / PGDM
Paper Code: MBA – 208
Paper Title: Strategic Management
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
- (i)What were the two dimensions used under BCG matrix?
- (ii)What do you mean by turnaround strategy?
- (iii)Define core competence
- (iv)Distinguish between joint venture and strategic alliance.
- (v)What is SWOT Analysis?
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Discuss the types of generic strategies given by Michael Porter.
Q. 3. Explain the importance of strategic management in managing today’s organizations.
Q. 4. Critically explain the GE Nine Cell matrix.