School of Distance Education & Learning
Internal Assignment No. 1
Master of Business Administration / DM
Paper Code: MBA / DHRM-104
Paper Title: Industrial Relations & Labour Law
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
1) Explain any two problems of trade union.
2) What do you understand by Employer’s Association?
3) What do you understand by worker’s participation in management?
4) Name the Objectives of Industrial relations.
5) Give two importance of standing order for employees.
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q.2 Explain the importance of harmonious Industrial relations to Organisation & Employees.
Q.3 What is industrial Dispute? Explain the methods of dispute settlement.
Q.4 Explain main Provisions of Payment of Bonus act, 1965.
School of Distance Education & Learning
Internal Assignment No. 2
Master of Business Administration / DM
Paper Code: MBA / DHRM-104
Paper Title: Industrial Relations & Labour Law
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
1) Name the three parties of Industrial Relations.
2) What is collective bargaining?
3) Explain any one role of government in industrial relations.
4) What will be the composition of “Work Committee” according to industrial Dispute Act
5) Name any two employee welfare related labour law acts.
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2 Explain the process of registration of trade union in India.
Q.3 Explain main provision of Maternity benefit act, 1961.
Q.4 Explain the role of trade union in better Industrial relations.