Course Code : MS - 01
Course Title : Management Functions and Behaviour
Assignment Code : MS-01/TMA/SEM-II/2019
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study
center on or before 31st October, 2019.
1. What is the significance of “Systems Concept” vis-à-vis various types of systems and
processes involved in managing an organization? Explain with special reference to the role
of management information system. Cite examples from the experience you have in an
organization or you are aware of. Briefly describe the organization, you are referring to.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual and group decision making in
organizational set up? Explain with your experience or the ones you are aware of. Briefly
describe the situation and the organization, you are referring to.
3. Why is change inevitable in an organizational set up? How does evolutionary change and
revolutionary change affect the phases of change in an organization? Explain giving
examples from your experience, relating to antecedents of organizational change or the
ones you are aware of. Briefly discuss the organizational set up, you are referring to.
4. Why and how groups get formed in an organizational set up and the major role they play in
the functioning of the organization? What are the implications of formal and informal
groups for management of organization? Explain with your experience or the ones you are
aware of. Briefly explain the situation and the organizational set up, you are referring to