Summary of BLIS 02 Library Management
BLIS-02: Library Management Assignment
Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-02
Course: Library Management Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2014-Jan.2015
Units: 1-17 Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
1.1 State the general principles of management and discuss their application in library and information centres’ management.
1.2 Discuss the characteristics and benefits of an effective MIS and explain its relevance in managing library and information centres.
2.1 Acquisition of reading material involves many routines. Mention the routines involved at each stage of books selection and ordering. OR
2.2 What are the main objectives of circulation system in alibrary? Which charging system
would you prefer for an academic library and why?
3.1 Discuss the purpose and objectives of binding. Explain the binding policy that can be
adopted for different types of materials in a university library.
3.2 “Best books for largest number at least cost”. Discuss the principles of book selection in the of light of the above statement.
4.1 What are the aims of personnel planning in libraries? Statethe methods and techniques of personnel planning.
4.2 Prepare the budget for an automated university library keepingin view the services rendered by a modern library.
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Centralisation vs. decentralisastion.
b) Library equipment
c) Problems in acquisition of periodicals.
d) Principles of library expenditure.