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Service Maintenance Mgmt (Code: av-26)

Service Maintenance Mgmt
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Service Maintenance Mgmt Service Maintenance Mgmt Service Maintenance Mgmt
Service Maintenance Mgmt SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:        Service Maintenance Mgmt. Services ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:           Service Maintenance Mgmt
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

Note: Attempt all the questions

1. (a) Define maintenance. Discuss the responsibilities of the maintenance department in a well established organization.
(b) What different strategies/systems are used in maintenance of a plant? Explain concepts in brief.
2. What are the characteristics/elements of a planned preventive maintenance programme? How can the effectiveness of preventive maintenance help the maintenance department?
3. Maintenance evaluation is very essential to sharpen the maintenance function, explain? Describe the benefit, which can be derived from maintenance evaluation.
4. (a) How can the maintenance function be planned for effective working of the maintenance department?
(b) How does the maintenance scheduling help the maintenance department? Explain in brief.
5. (a) How does motivation affect the performance of individuals in an organization? Explain.
(b) Explain the role of computers in discharging maintenance function in today’s industrial environment.
6. (a) Briefly describe the concept of reliability? Discuss how the reliability of the system/equipment can be improved?
(b) Discuss the need and importance of maintainability.
7. (a) What do you understand by life cycle costing of equipment? Explain the factors which play an important role in the preparation of maintenance budget.
(b) Describe the important factors, which should be kept in mind while selecting the equipment for particular environment.
8. Write short notes (any four)
(a) Condition monitoring.
(b) Total Productive maintenance.
(c) Effectiveness of maintenance organization in today’s industrial growth environment.
(d) Terrotechnology.
(e) Energy conservation measures in maintenance.
(f) Tribology.

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