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Information Systems for Managers (Code: av-07)

Information Systems for Managers
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Information Systems for Managers Information Systems for Managers Information Systems for Managers
Information Systems for Managers SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:         Information Systems for Managers  ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:             Information Systems for Managers
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

Note: Attempt all the questions
Q1. What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such system? How does it helps the decision making process?
Q2. Write a note on e-commerce. What are the advantages of e-commerce over conventional business?
Q3. What are the main functions of operating system?
Q4. Describe TCP/IP protocol suite briefly. You may include any five protocols in your note.
Q5. (a) Define data and information. What is the difference between the two?
(b) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an information system?
Q6. What is the need of information in present day society? Why it is necessary to have a structure in an organization?
Q7. Discuss the importance of information system for business decisions.
Q8. How information system can contribute for total quality management?
Q9. What do you understand by HTML? Present the features of HTML.
Q10. Differentiate between DSS, MIS & EIS with the help of suitable examples

Old price: 500.00 Rs
Price: 500.00 Rs
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