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Strategic Management (Code: av-08)

Strategic Management
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Strategic Management Strategic Management Strategic Management
Strategic Management SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:        Strategic Management  ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:            Strategic Management
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

Note: Attempt all the questions
1. Describe meaning and nature of strategy and strategic management. Explain the strategic management process. Explain the difference between corporate strategy and corporate governance. Also illustrate benefits and limitations of strategic management.
2. Discuss corporate vision, mission and objectives in detail. Illustrate your answers by taking examples of minimum 10 Indian companies.
3. How you will perform competence analysis of organisations internally. What is scanning of environment, explain different tools and techniques for performing external analysis.
4. Explain the following:
a. Directional Policy Matrix
b. BCG Portfolio Model
c. Porter’s Four strategy Options Matrix
d. GE Nine cell Grid
e. Product Market Evaluation Matrix
f. Arthur D Little Model
5. Discuss the following expansion strategies in detail. Give some examples of Indian and foreign companies.
a) Igor Ansoff Product Market Expansion Matrix
b) Strategic Alliance
c) Joint Venture
d) Takeover/Acquisition
e) Merger
6. Explain Industry types and structure? Being a part of strategic management team how you will conduct industry analysis and competition analysis.
7. Explain selection of strategy through SPACE matrix and Benchmarking. Also illustrate activation of strategy and why it is necessary for strategy execution.
8. Explain the roles of functional policies, plans and operational factors in strategy implementation. Describe Corporate strategy implementation through Structural, Functional
and Behavioural implementation.

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