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Business Ethics (Code: av-03)

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Business Ethics Business Ethics Business Ethics
Business Ethics SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:           Business Ethics ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:             Business Ethics
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

Note: Attempt all the questions
Q.1 What do you mean by corporate culture. Mention the various objectives of business ethics Explain how business ethics is considered as a Management discipline?
Q.2 ‘An action is right if and only it produces the greatest balance of pleasure or pain for every One’ What is the type of utilitarianism involved here? Examine the various points considered here?
Q.3 Explain lobbying. ‘Lobbying is considered legitimate but a necessary activity in India’ Do you agree? Comment.
Q.4 Which are the theories which determines when a product is defective and what is owed to the victims of accidents caused by defective products. Explain them.
Q.5 ‘Nowadays. sexual harassment is predominant in certain type of industries or jobs like cinema and airline industries. Explain.
Q.6 What do you mean by ethical responsibilities and discriminatory responsibilities? How does the corporate social responsibility bring the corporate behaviour to a level?
Q.7 ‘Earth is warming due to human activity in the recent days. ’What are your views?
Q.8 What are the six stages in the development of a person’s ability to deal with moral issues ?Explain and compare them.
Q.9 Explain Vedantic / Psycophilosopical Tradition.
Q.10 What commonsense preparatory steps are to be adopted by corporate managers to limit the number and intensity of ethical dilemmas?

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