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THE NATIONAL GLOBE COMPANY case study solution (Code: c14)

THE NATIONAL GLOBE COMPANY case study solution
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The National Globe Company of Calcutta put in an advertisemnt in the ‘Situation Vacant' column of the Statesman in April, 1970 for a typist in their Typing Secion in the grade of Rs. 160-10-350 (exclusive of dearness allowance) The office of the company was flooded with applications from all over the country. After screening of applications strictly on the basis of

qualifications only twelve applicants were called for interview. Ten days after the interview Rain Dhin, 25 years old and a graduate of the Bihar University, received an appointment letter from the company. Ram Dhin joined the company on June 1, 1970. He was asked to report to the Section Officer-incharge of the Typing Section. Ram Dhin was on probation for a period of six months. During the first month, it was observed that Ram Dhin did his work on time and intelligently. According to one filling clerk he grasped his work so quickly and easily that it made some of his colleagues green with envy. Usually, after having finished his own assignments, he helped other people in the Section. After about six months when the probation period was over, the Section Officer noticed that Ram Dhin started leaving his room too often. Having observed

Ram Dhin for about a week in his new habit, the Section Officer, Mr. Saksena, called him in his room. Saksena: Ram Dhin, I see you leaving your seat too often these days.

Rani Dhin: When I finish my work, I go to the canteen to take my tea.

Saksena: It is against office discipline to go to the canteen during the working hours. You can go to the canteen during the lunch interval.

Ram Dhin: You should be satisfied as long as I do my work. If my visits to the canteen interfere with my work, then I will stop going out.

Saksena followed up his conversation keeping Ram Dhin under close observation. He found that Ram Dhin not only went out as frequently as he did before, he also took a few colleagues along. The Section Officer started giving Ram Dhin more work than was due to him. One morning there was an unpleasantness between Ram Dhin and Saksena. Saksena had asked him to carry out an additional assignment.

Ran Dhin: Ever since I started going to canteen for tea, you have been wanting my blood. If I default in my assignments, you have every right to pull me up. When I do my work regularly, why should I be persecuted for relaxing after every two hours. You are now giving me an assignment which is in addition to my normal work. Is it fair ?

Saksena: You are exceeding your limits, Dhin. In this office, you have to accept what I say. You have to carry out my instructions. You will have to do this assignment or else be prepared to suffer the consequences. Ram Dhin: You are now threatening. I know your motive. The motive is not to get work done. It is to teach me a lesson.

Saksena: I warn you that your behaviour is undesirable.

Ram Dhin: I know what you are driving at. I might as well tell you it is not easy to dismiss me. Even if you succeed in dismissing me, there is no dearth of jobs for a good typist.

Having said this, Ram Dhin walked out. Saksena reported him to the Manager in-charge of the Section. The Manager called him and administered a strict warning.

Manager: Saksena has told me everything. You have to observe office discipline regardless of your efficiency. And also avoid using strong language when talking to superiors.

Ram Dhin: Yes, Sir.

May I state my side of the story ?

Manager: No ! Saksena has already told me everything...Try to mend your ways. That is all I want to tell you.

Questions :

Analyse the case `The National Globe Company' and answer the following

questions :

(a) How do you explain the behaviour of Ram Dhin ?

(b) If you are were Mr. Saksena, how would you have handled Ram Dhin ?

(c) Do you expect Ram Dhin would change after his meeting with the Manager ? Give reasons for your views.

Old price: 450.00 Rs
Price: 300.00 Rs
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