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THE CASE OF A DEFIANT WORKER case study solution (Code: c11)

THE CASE OF A DEFIANT WORKER case study solution
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Examine critically the following case study of "A Defiant Worker" a identify the problems involved, and answer the questions at the end. Mr. X aged 25, who had been working in a large-scale textile unit in Madurai, referred to the social worker by the Labour Relations Department for social investigation of the defiant behaviour exhibited by him in the work place He had absented himself from work many a time due to certain disturbing habits. Mr. X has committed serious sets of misconduct of riotous and disorderly behaviour during working hours on 10th January, 1982 as : 1. He came to the Mill in a drunken state and quarelled with his coworkmen, And 2. abused the Supervisor using foul language. On a cursory perusal of the past records of the defiant worker, the Social Worker came to know that Mr. X has absented himself continually for 176 days during 1981. In addition he had availed himself of 21 days medical leave and 22 days casual leave. As a result of his indisciplined behaviour, the company had taken the following disciplinary action against him: 1. He was suspended three times for 30 days by the Labour Relations Department for absenting himself from work for more than six consecutive days on two occasions, and once for committing a serious act of misconduct, 2. He was suspended as many as five times for being absent from the work spot. 3. Once he was fined 1/2 maximum for carelessly allowing the cotton to wrap on the cylinder roll. 4. He was given a final warning on 27.8.82 regarding his habitual absence.

During the preliminary interview the Social Worker had with Mr. X, he came to know that Mr. X was married and had studied up to 6th standard. He had been drawing a salary of Rs. 800 and had put in six years of service as a "Worker" in the Blow section. As for the family background Mr. X is the youngest son of his parents. He lost his father and mother when he was 7 years old. Since then his elder brother had been looking after him. In order to know more about the socio-cultural background of Mr. X, the factors which had driven him to indulge in alcoholism and the causes of his indiscipline behavior at the work-place. the Social Worker paid visits to his house many a time and conferred with his family members. In the course of an interview he had with the eldest brother of Mr. X. the Social Worker gathered information about Mr. X's life history right from time of schooling. This revealed that Mr. X was never interested in schooling and frequently absented from the class. He was associated with a gang of friends who used to take him to films regularly when Mr. X was in the fifth standard.

During his youth, Mr. X seemed to take active interest in politics and ultimateIy fell under the influence of gangsters, through whom he had developed certain Vices such as consuming alcohol, ganja and gambling. Seeing the deteriorating morale and social life of Mr. X, his brother procured a job for him in the local textile unit so that Mr. X could settle down and assume certain responsibilities in life. As years rolled by Mr. X got married but in course of time he started developing a feeling of hatred towards his wife in as much as he did no. like her physical appearance. His marital life lasted for only three months after which the nuptial bondage had broken, once and for all. Dissatisfied with the kind of life he was leading, Mr. X began to consume alcohol regularly only ft become an addict . He started playing clucks and drakes with all his savings an( the income derived from his land too. His eldest brother began to reject him for he was beyond redemption and finally drove him out of the house. Mr. X's supervisor while interviewed by the Social Worker stated that Mr. X' relationship with him and co-workers had been unsatisfactory. He was not efficient in his work . Often times, he quarrelled with the supervisor and other workers when he came to the workspot under the influence of alcohol. The supervisor was of th view that though Mr. X has been counselled and punished on many occasions, he ha not repented for the acts of misconduct he had committed.

Understandably. the factors contributing to the deviant behaviour of Mr. X might be the lack of parental care during his childhood, his association with gangsters, marital. disagreement due to dissatisfaction in his sexual relations, failure on the part of the management to discover the problem at an early stage and control the same, etc., and this might lead us to assume that Mr. X had developed disturbing habits, such as alcoholic addiction and chronic absenteeism owing to various factors indicated above. When the Social Worker pleaded with the Labour Officer to grant pardon to Mr. X for the repeated deviant acts exhibited by him, the officer explained that though Mr. X was given the absolute final warning. the latter had absented himself for about 45 days even after receiving the same and, therefore, he asserted that he had no other option but to dismiss Mr. X from service.


The following questions arise from the above case :

1. Is it not the moral and ethical responsibility of the employer to concerned about the quality of life of the defiant worker ?

2. Ho could the misbehavior of the worker be constructively corrected with out penalty?

3. Suppose the defiant worker had been counselled by the Supervisor/Manager rather than progressively penalized, would he have been dismissed from service ?

4. Is the procedure adopted by the Organisation for disciplining the errant behaviour of the worker justifiable?

5. Could the termination of the defiant worker's services have been avoided?

6. What rehabilitative measures could be adopted for preventing and correcting the deviant behaviour of workers who had exhibited disturbances in the work place?


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