1.2: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Unit-IOrganisational Behaviour: History - Evolution, Challenges & Opportunities, Contributing Disciplines, Management Functions and Relevance to Organisation Behaviour.Personality - Determinents, Structure, Behaviour, Assessment, Psycho-Analytical Social Learning, Job-Fit, Trait Theories. Unit-IIEmotions and Emotional Intelligence as a Managerial Tool. Implications of EI on Managers and their Performance. Attitudes - Relationship with Behaviour, Sources, Types, Consistancy, Work Attitudes, Values - Importance, Sources, Types, Ethics and Types of Management Ethics.Perception - Process, Selection, Organisation Errors, Managerial implications of perception. Learning - Classical, Operant and Social Cognitive Approaches. Implications of Learning on Managerial Performance. Unit-IIIStress – Nature, Sources, Effects, Influence of Personality, Managing Stress. Conflict - Management, Levels, Sources, Bases, Conflict Resolution Strategies, Negotiation.Foundations of Group Behaviour: Linking Teams and Groups, Stages of Development Influences on Team Effectiveness, Team Decision Making. Issues in Managing Teams. Unit-IVOrganisational Change - Managing Planned Change. Resistance to Change - Approaches to Managing Organisational Change - Organisational Development - Values - Interventions, Change Management.Organisational Politics - Political Behaviour in Organisation, Impression Management, Self Monitoring. Organisational Culture - Dynamics, Role and Types of Culture and Corporate Culture, Ethical Issues in Organisational Culture, Creating and Sustaining Culture. Unit-VOrganisational Behaviour Responses to Global and Cultural Diversity, Challenges at International Level, Homogenity and Hetrogenity of National Cultures, Differences between Countries, The Challenges of Work Force Diversity and Managing Diversity Cases.